Islands on Another World (GW2)

Monkey Kitty
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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Buttons Snakecharm-Baruch

Buttons had initially been interest in the ritual. But the shiny parts seemed dangerous, and there was nothing to eat there, so she had wandered off in search of better entertainment. As she explored, there were a few screams or yells of 'get that lizard out of here!', but such trivialities didn't faze her. Eventually, she found her way to the kitchen, and found some excellent desserts, which occupied her for awhile. There were even some convenient nut butter balls that were the perfect size for carrying; Buttons carefully picked up a few with her mouth, holding them gently between her teeth for safekeeping.

As she made her way back to the Ranger - she always returned to the Ranger after foraging, they had an understanding - she saw the tall one sneaking into an alcove. Odd. So Buttons continued observing her.

The tall one seemed to have found a sleeping cave. That was atypical for beings who lived in houses. Buttons herself usually curled up on the Ranger's pillow... at least when she wasn't busy prowling. Still, it seemed harmless enough...

Buttons watched for a moment, uncertain. Then she decided the tall one would be hungry when she woke up. Buttons lithely hopped up beside her on top of the bookshelf, and started slipping nut butter balls (now slightly damp from her mouth and with a few discreet teeth marks) under the tall one's hand so she would have a snack available when she roused.
Last edited by Monkey Kitty on Sun Dec 18, 2022 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »


The whole business was concluded, then. Well, at least the business concerning the child. The rest could wait until tomorrow. Fira fell into her rack and slept like the dead. There was something about the silence in Artaeum that was absolute, yet not eerie in the slightest that gave her leave to leaden her senses.

Awaking rejuvenated, Fira dressed and went in search of some breakfast. The kitchens were lively enough and soon produced some quantity of a kind of fish soup - very much to the argonian's tastes. As she made work of a few rolls, she struck up some conversation with the locals. While they may have finished one world-saving quest, there was still more to do.

She'd asked specifically if they'd heard anything about anti-elf movements and was surprised when an answer in the affirmative came back so quickly. A whole section of Glenumbra had recently reported persecution of elves. Clearly, this was their next port of call, but she had to wonder...

"What started the unrest? Was it an event? Or has someone taken a sudden dislike?" she inquired, as she gave her breakfast a thoughtful chew.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Angus and Drina

It was their first night together since Angus and Drina had admitted their feelings to each other... and Angus wasn't quite sure what to expect. He had slept beside her every night since they had met. But would more than sleeping be expected now?

"Um... Drina," Angus said awkwardly. "About tonight. I'm not sure what your plans are for tonight. But I'm... I'm just not ready to..."

He didn't manage to get the words out, but his deep crimson blush got his point across.

Drina nodded and squeezed his hand. "It's alright," she said. "I didn't think you would be. Would you like some privacy tonight, or would you rather have me there?"

"Stay with me. Please. I'm sorry. I won't be afraid forever, I promise you..."

"It's alright. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I'll keep you safe."

By morning, one of the Psijics had come up with a solution to Drina's dilemma - well, a solution of a sort.

"I can prevent you from being summoned back to Coldharbour," he said. "There will be trade-offs, if you choose to do this. But I can bind you to a mortal, permanently, to keep you anchored on this plane. Assuming the mortal is willing, of course."

Drina glanced tentatively at Angus; what was being asked of him was a major metaphysical commitment. But the priest was already nodding.

"Of course you can bind her to me," Angus said without hesitation. "I have a concern, though. Drina will live much longer than I do - many lifetimes longer. How will this work after I die?"

"Well... that's the trade-off I mentioned," the Psijic replied. "If Drina binds herself to the mortal plane, she binds herself to a mortal life. With a mortal lifespan. If she is killed, she won't return to Coldharbour, but I can't promise she'll be restored to life at all. When you die, she dies."

Angus shook his head, troubled. "That isn't going to work..."

"Yes it is," Drina interjected. "I accept these terms. I want to do it."

Angus met her eyes, shocked. "Drina - you could live centuries. Millenia. Why would you be willing to accept death after only a few decades...?"

"Because I'll get to live in the meantime," Drina said firmly. "Angus, would you rather live a week in happiness, or a century in torment?"

"The week," he admitted.

"Me too," Drina replied. "That's why I want to do this. I will accept a mortal life, for all that comes with it. If you're still willing to help, Angus."

"Of course," the priest replied. "If that's your choice."

"It is," Drina said, sounding utterly at peace with her decision.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

There wasn't any one person who could answer Fira's questions, but bits and pieces would be chimed in here and there.

It was because of the Aldmeri Dominion. Because of attacks. Because of spies. Because of elves in Glenumbra collaborating with the Dominion against the Daggerfall Covenant. There had been murders committed by elves. Spies continued to come up, again and again.

None of these explanations seemed to make a great deal of sense. Attacks had been committed by all three sides against their opponents, but the Three Banners War was not at a particularly high ebb at present - if anything, it was at its lowest level in recent memory, primarily limited to very minor back-and-forth skirmishes in Cyrodiil while people in the other provinces had returned to their normal lives. Tentative peace accords were in motion, and there was talk of permanent peace on the horizon. The timing seemed strange.

So did the motivations. Not all of those in the Aldmeri Dominion were elves... and those elves living in Glenumbra had little contact with their southern counterparts. They had little means to collaborate - and even less motivation, as they would have had little to gain from betraying their homeland. They were a tiny, powerless minority in High Rock.

But however fanciful these rumors seemed, they seemed to have gained traction. Elves were being rounded up, imprisoned, harassed, even killed - apparently with the apathy or even approval of the local nobility.

"I guess we're going to Glemnubra!" Anakita said. Such a wrong - surely it was their duty to set right. She noticed Tempest and Cullen looked slightly hesitant. "Aren't you coming?" she asked.

"Yes, of course," Tempest replied, but she still sounded tentative, and she exchanged a glance with Cullen. "Of course, we know our help is needed..."

Abruptly, the issue dawned on Anakita. "You have other children at home," she said, belatedly comprehending.

"Yes," Tempest said. "I know it's selfish, but it's even more time away. I know there are children in Glenumbra too, children who are actually in danger, and ours are not. But not being able to see them or check on them..."

"I get it," Anakita said. "Let me see what I can do."

Sure enough, the Psijics were able to perform another helpful feat. After some metaphysical and aetheric testing that Anakita couldn't even begin to understand, they determined that it would be safe to establish permanent, secure portals connecting their worlds - so travel back and forth would become possible, and the Rutherfords would no longer feel quite so far from home.
Last edited by Monkey Kitty on Sat Mar 12, 2022 8:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »


Elabeth hadn't expected to wake up. She had always known what she was - but she couldn't tell anyone, because she couldn't speak and the magic wouldn't let her communicate about it anyway. She had just had to wait, terrified, until the people she loved killed her or she destroyed the world.

But she had woken up. And when she did, she felt... different. The thing inside her was quiet. Dead. Bound. It couldn't escape now. It couldn't hurt her anymore. She was... free of it, finally. Could that really be true?

The two elves were still in the room, too. The people who had said they would be her parents. Her Adar and Emel. Would they still want to, after what had happened? Would they still hold her, like they had when she was sick?

Tentatively, she climbed onto Galenwen's lap. Galenwen wrapped her arms around Elabeth and held her. Haldir smiled at the little girl, and kissed the top of her head.

Elabeth wasn't exactly sure what having parents meant, but she liked it so far.
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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »


The more people talked, the more convoluted the answer became. There was really no other way to find out what was truly going on than to go the source of all the stories as the Ranger suggested. She piled more food into her bowl and made her way back to her room to finish getting ready. Her armour was polished, but her leather needed some more work she went into the next potential battle. She munched on boiled eggs and fried bread as she worked the oil into the strapping.

Finally finished to her satisfaction, she tossed her bag over her shoulder and grabbed her empty bowl. As she moved through the building, she counted up their party. Everyone was accounted for - except the weirdo. Fira heaved a sigh. She supposed she should be more forgiving. Just because she was obscenely tall and obsessed with reading even if it meant stealing marker torches ... no, Fira affirmed. The woman really was a weirdo.

It was time to get moving. Nairn's absence was beginning to annoy her. The argonian decided to check the library one last time. Maybe she was planning on staying behind to read? That would suit her just fine, but she had a feeling that the oddball would be along for the whole quest start to finish. Ah, well. She searched each aisle several times, finding nothing. Finally, Fira announced to a random passerby,

"I don't know what the big deal is with books anyway. Bunch of dusty old paper. Reading is such a waste of time if you ask me."

Fira shrugged and turned - to come nose to breastplate with Nairn. Where had she come from? The norn...looked rough, but maybe it was just the angle. Getting over her initial surprise, she stood as tall as she possibly could.

"Hey. We're getting ready to leave to chase down the elf-haters."

Much to her annoyance, Nairn simply sniffed, popped a nut ball in her mouth and walked away.

Monkey Kitty
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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

The Rutherfords

They would need to depart for Glenumbra soon, and there was little time to spare - but little was not none. Tempest and Cullen used the opportunity for a brief respite to take advantage of the new portal and bring the rest of their children to meet their new friends.

The couple had nine children in total, of which the group had already met the oldest two.

There were two others who were grown or nearly so. A bubbly, red-haired and freckled mage girl named Annice, who was missing both her forearms and hands from the elbow down, but seemed oblivious to it as she gestured and spoke with great animation. The other was a quieter young woman named Trina, also human like Annice, with black hair and blue eyes - bearing a noticeable resemblance to Tempest and Cara, though not to the same degree they mirrored each other.

The next in age were two elf teenagers. One was a gawky, awkward boy named Gavin who didn't quite seem to know what to do with the expanse of his limbs or how to avoid a resting scowl, and the other was a chipper girl named Masha who seemed to have a constant smile and happily showed off her magic prosthetic feet to any interested comers.

Next, a girl of less recognizable race to those not from their world, a girl with greyish skin and striking golden hair - and an impressive pair of sharp, goat-like horns. She couldn't speak, but signed fluently to her parents and siblings. Her family introduced her by the rather incongruous name of Sunshine.

The younger two were also elves. Quillan, who was fair-haired and jovial, and Edras, about five years old old with straw-colored hair and brown eyes who immediately ran to his parents for hugs.

"So, this is the family!" Cullen said with unmistakable pride.
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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

Nairn sat up on a table, one leg tucked under her and the other resting on the floor, sticking bits of fish and potato dumpling into her mouth. The bowl had no spoon. She held it in her hand and tilted it up to her lips to sip at the broth. Watching over the edge of the bowl as the Rutherfords piled in. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity, though the small smile was hidden behind the dish.

It didn't occur to her to get up from the table and go to meet the children. As fond as she was of Tempest and, by proxy, Cullen, fondness did nothing to instruct her in social graces. She was comfortable where she was. Besides, being at a distance gave her the opportunity to observe. She could inspect each child at her leisure. The ears were still fascinating to her - Nairn wasn't sure why - but they were. The little horns on the girl making hand motions didn't interest her half as much as the method of communication.

She was focused on the hands now. Everyone's hands. The motions meant words - sentences - all without uttering a sound. There were other paths after all. It just required people who cared enough to learn the language.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Anakita Snakecharm and Tempest Rutherford

Anakita walked up behind Tempest and slung her arm around the mage's shoulder with friendly affection. "Nice family!" she said affably.

Tempest's whole body suddenly tensed, and she drew in her breath sharply. She hadn't seen Anakita coming, outside her peripheral vision as the Ranger had been, and hadn't expected the touch. Tempest tried to force herself to calm, to steady herself, to prevent her body from entering flight mode - a reflexive response, rather than a reasoned one.

Cullen never did that. Never touched her without alerting her to his presence first. Nor did she to him.

But their new friends couldn't know that, she reminded herself. If she said anything, she would look weak. Broken. Everything they didn't want in a healer.

Tempest forced a smile. "Thank you," she said. "We're very proud of them."

Anakita might not be the most socially aware of humans, but even she couldn't mistake how badly she'd startled Tempest. The Ranger wasn't one for huge apologies, but she withdrew the offending arm and bumped Tempest with her shoulder instead. "You must be happy to see them."

"Yes!" Tempest agreed, her faux smile turning into a genuine one. "We missed them. This will make it easier to carry on with what needs to be done."

What needed to be done, of course, meaning the trip to Glenumbra to try to halt the senseless violence against the local elves.

When everyone was ready, the group made their way by wayshrine to Daggerfall City. Anakita assumed they would set up at the local inn again, and started making for the Rosy Lion, but Ulga's face turned a slightly purpler shade of grey as she told them that might be a bad idea for 'personal reasons.' Anakita raised an eyebrow curiously, but said nothing.

"Perhaps we should scout around town for rumors first," Tempest suggested. "This seems like a good-sized city. Perhaps someone will have something to tell that will help us make sense of the mayhem we heard about from afar."
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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore and Fira-Nar

The Norn was already observing the Rutherfords closely, so she caught the exchange between Tempest and Anakita. It occurred to her then that Tempest had known these techniques she'd taught her because they had been learned by the woman for her own use. Certainly she'd noticed how Cullen always made his presence known before touching his wife, but she'd assumed it had been simply because he was male. Nairn chastised herself for applying her own bias to her interpretation of their relationship.

Loathe as she was to leave the trove of books behind, saving a race from destruction seemed to be a higher priority. After all, the books weren't going anywhere. Presumably. Still, she took a few tomes with her to Glenumbra in case the city was lacking. Nairn managed to tug her mind away from them as they stepped out into the crowded city centre. She was as yet…unwilling to go inside any buildings, strangely enough, but she agreed with Tempest's suggestion.

But how to pick up on local gossip when one didn't really wish to interact with any locals and one's size rather drew attention? Side-stepping into a nearby alley, Nairn cloaked herself in invisibility and stalked off into the maze of alleys to see what she could hear.

Fira, on the other hand, was inexplicably drawn to the Rosy Lion. Well, perhaps the reason was not quite so mysterious – she wanted a drink. The past days had been so strange … plus, what better way to find out the local gossip than at the tavern? The argonian wasted no time in plunking herself down at the bar and ordering a tall mug of frothy ale.