Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Monkey Kitty
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

"You will need to use a wayshrine," Lias said. "But I would recommend waiting until tomorrow morning. The isles can be difficult to navigate in the dark, and it would be wise to send word warning the queen of your arrival. You'll waste more time with the Queen's Eyes trying to figure out if they need to stop you than you will just announcing your intentions."

"Will the queen help us?" Anakita asked... admittedly thinking more about Salma than about the monarch currently on the Krytan throne when she imagined the hypothetical scenario.

"To a point," Lias replied. "Ayrenn is not entirely unreasonable. She has no reason to hinder an expedition that at the very least won't harm her people and at best may aid them. I would be careful what information you share with her, though. Ayrenn will be friendly, but do not mistake her for a friend. She will do whatever benefits her and best secures her grasp on the throne. I would strongly recommend against telling her that you are from another world, or the stakes of your mission. If she hears those things, her mind will go to spinning them to her advantage - that is her nature, or perhaps more accurately the nature of her position. If you merely tell her that you are pursuing a daedric cult, that will be sufficient explanation to allow you to pass unhindered without gaining too much of her notice. Not being noticed would be better."

Ulga had a slight grimace that suggested she might have learned all this the hard way. "If you want, I'll write a letter of introduction and send it ahead," she suggested. "Then no one will have to bother with a game of royal diplomacy on arrival."

"I think that would be a good idea," Tempest replied. Though her own diplomatic skills were far better than the Ranger's, it made sense to use all the resources available to them. "Thank you very much for your help."

The Orc nodded, accepting her thanks.

"Is there an inn we can stay at for tonight?" Cullen asked. "We don't have the currency of your world, but perhaps we could barter some odd jobs for one night's lodging."

Ulga shook her head. "No need," she said. "There's plenty of room here. We have extra sleeping mats, blankets, and pillows. You may as well stay."

"Thanks!" Anakita said with a grin. This did seem like the ideal solution.

Tempest looked a little hesitant, which Ulga noticed.

"I promise you'll be safe here," the Orc reassured her.

Tempest shook her head. "It's not that," she said. "I... I have nightmares. I don't want to disturb anyone or bother your family..."

Ulga dismissed that worry with a hand wave. "Nightmares are normal around here. Don't worry about it. Just get some rest tonight. You are welcome here. Please make yourselves at home."

"Okay!" Anakita said. Her pack was starting to writhe a little, so she took out Buttons and transferred the squirming pocket raptor into her arms. They had been asked - after all - to make themselves at home!
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

While the whole discussion of queens and diplomacy was frightfully tedious, which made Nairn more thankful that someone else would be taking care of it. If it had been herself, she'd have just cloaked herself and ferried people past these guards, but this method did sound less tiring. Arrangements for the night were also being taken care of by their hosts, which she accepted with a nod of her head and the words, "I slept yesterday." Truthfully, Nairn didn't plan on losing much time to sleep while she was here.

She was on her way out the door when Anakita pulled Buttons out of her pack. The Norn paused to tug lightly on the raptor's tail in way of greeting before adding, for possibly the umpteenth time, "They really should be called 'satchel raptors'". A second later she was outside and stretching in the autumn-coloured rays, feeling lighter for the free space.

The lizardine children were gathered around the guar corral, feigning disinterest in the house, while a man worked with the animals themselves. Two of three of those were of interest to her, so she sidled closer, keeping her attentions on the guar but one eye on the man. One of the creatures lumbered closer and she tentatively reached out a hand to touch its scaly hide, impressing the textures into her memory.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Soren Bright-Hearth

Anakita nodded her agreement with Nairn - though the total number of people who had ever carried a live raptor in a satchel was probably one, and sitting in this room. Buttons regarded Nairn with an open-mouthed grin that could have been friendly, or hungry, or some combination of the two. Anakita petted Buttons and cooed to her about what an excellent raptor she was.

Outside, Soren looked up from forking dried grasses long enough to give Nairn a nod of acknowledgement. "Hello," he said. "I'm Soren Bright-Hearth. Lias and Ulga's husband. And Mikael's old friend. Nice to meet you."

He didn't offered to shake hands - he didn't figure the tall woman would appreciate that too much after he'd gotten his hands dirty tending the livestock. Soren smiled approvingly that she was interacting pleasantly with the guar, of whom he was quite proud.

By the time he'd finished feeding and watering the animals, Ulga and Lias had dinner going - a stew made with crocodile meat and root vegetables from the swamplands, seasoned to be nice and spicy. Soren washed his hands and then set the table; since it wasn't raining, they would be eating outdoors. They were joined by another elf, a young Bosmer named Nehprit who was introduced by Ulga as her sister - obviously by adoption.

Ordinarily their vampire guest joined them for meals even if he couldn't partake, but he was absent this time. Soren suspected that the sheer number of people, many of them strangers, was causing apprehension, so he didn't push the issue. Instead he served up the stew to those present, and raised a glass to toast their guests.

"Glad to have you with us!" he said.

They spoke of pleasant things - differences and similarities between their worlds, and stories of their adventures - until night fell and the swamp creatures began to sing, and the company began to split up and drift toward bed.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

She had merely nodded in Soren's direction, neglecting to introduce herself. In all honesty, she was sort of...peopled out. While it was true that she was gaining confidence in interacting with people, it was still a relatively new thing to do so for extensive periods of time or with people she didn't know. Nairn was rather done with forming words. So, despite her having many stories that she could tell - and should have wanted to practice telling - she stayed rather quiet during the meal. She went so far as to pull out her paper, quill and ink and start taking notes during the pleasant after-dinner chatter.

As the light waned and people started shifting into the house, Nairn brought a stool close to the window and began writing in earnest by lantern light, now almost completely oblivious to the presence of the other individuals. When the indoor lantern was snuffed out, she let out a light huff of air in reply, but nothing more. Standing, she looked about for a place where she might catch more ambient light. Some faint golden dots shone at regular intervals nearby - the rest of the town was dark - so Nairn left the village to find these light sources. They were simply torches on long stakes, but they cast enough light to write by, so Nairn was simply thankful for them. She could see now that they marked the road leading into the village, which was the only reason she didn't just simply take one back to Ulga's house.

A little less buried in her writing now that she was out in the open, Nairn nevertheless continued to describe the day's events, ending with a list of questions she wanted answered before they left this world. Many of them were centred around the various races they'd met, though some had to do with the animal calls she heard in the swamp. Perhaps most auspiciously, none of them were about daedra. Satisfied that she'd done a reasonable job, Nairn stood to stretch and put away her items.

Strange. There were other lights in the swamp - not like the torches that all sat in a row. These ones simply were. They seemed to sparkle and dance most unusually. Nairn was intrigued. Perhaps this world had wisps too...though these lights weren't entirely reminiscent of wisps. There was no question of her just waiting to ask someone about them in the morning - she stepped off the pathway and disappeared into the night, not just because of the darkness, but because of her cloak of stealth. She kept to the fallen logs and odd stones to keep her approach as silent as possible. Most creatures didn't much care to be observed.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

The Elves

Two elves sat silently, as if in contemplation of their campfire. They were far out in the swamp - farther out than most travelers would venture at night - so there was no need to keep a terribly low profile, but even so, they kept their fire very small and carefully banked. Most of the illumination came from twinkling fairylights that cast a faint but adequate glow.

The taller elf seemed to carry the wisdom of age upon him, though his face was unlined. His hair was dark, and his bearing casually noble.

His companion seemed worse for the passing years. Though he was the younger of the two, his hair was grey and his face was marked with the ravages of toil and the scars of dragon fire. His shoulders were stooped, and he had lost a hand in some time long ago, severed at the wrist. The injured arm was tucked against his body, likely the result of both habit and residual ache.

The pair looked up as two more elves entered the campsite, the firelight and twinkling lamps playing light and shadow across their features. They were greeted with a nod, welcomed and expected.

One of the arrivals was female, also dark-haired, and resembled the oldest. It would be reasonable to guess that she was his daughter. Her companion was male, light-haired, with a build that suggested a warrior as well as a scout.

"Did you find anything?" the elder asked.

She nodded. "We scouted the farm as well as we could from outside, Adar. A dead end, I think. Just a farm family living ordinary lives. Whatever his involvement with the cult in the past, it seems finished now."

Her father nodded. "Very well," he replied. "Then we proceed south."

All accepted this with unspoken agreement as the returning scouts joined the other two around the fire.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

She had gotten close enough to catch the brief conversation between the arrivals and the fire tenders and stood partially obscured by a twisted tree more out of habit than necessity. Their words gave her some reason for concern. Knowing how Ulga and Lias felt about cults, she highly doubted that there were other former cult members in the area - and if there had been, they likely would have asked them for more information. No, these people had gone to scout out the farm she'd just come from. They did not seem to suggest that there had been violence and likewise their weapons were not bloodied, so Nairn felt safe assuming her people were still safe. But what was this group's interest in the cult? Were they following their trail to snuff out the cult - or join ranks? If the former, Nairn couldn't very well just let them go and risk them killing off the cult members before their group got their answers. No, she couldn't just leave and let things happen as they would. There was too much at risk.

Four to one. They had the advantage. Fortunately two of them might be fire-blind, but she didn't want to chance that. Those grey-cloaked elves had been able to sense her presence even while cloaked...so perhaps a trick then, to help even the odds. At least until she discovered their intentions. Picking up a fist sized stone, she contemplated it for a moment before throwing it high overhead to land in the water behind the scouts. She turned her back to the tree, put her hands on her daggers, and closed her eyes. Taking a deep breath, she kept her voice at a low rumble.

"What is your business with the cult of Mephala? Speak now, and live."
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

The Elves

As soon as Nairn made her presence known, all the lights extinguished instantly, including the campfire, plunging the scene into total darkness.

After a few seconds, a single larger globe of the twinkling light flickered to life and drifted into the center of the circle, casting a faint gleam on their faces. The two scouts had bows drawn, with Nairn in their sights. Their one-handed companion held a sword. The eldest merely stood holding his staff, his face serene. No one moved to attack, but nor did they stand down.

"We might ask you the same, since you know the name," the female elf said calmly. "And since you have intruded on our campsite, it would not be unreasonable for us to demand that you state your intentions first. Since you are quite outnumbered, though, we will grant you the boon of providing the information you ask. This cult is creating mayhem, and we intend to foil their scheme. Now then - are you friend or foe?"
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

The elves would see a tall, pale woman peer around the trunk of the tree, a wild grin on her face. She couldn't quite explain her glee to beat being in this precarious situation, though she and the woman had a difference of opinion on which side the advantage fell and perhaps that was what got her Norn blood racing. Nairn recognized the feeling as...unwise, but did little to temper her outward enthusiasm. Her own hands rested lightly on her daggers, but she hadn't drawn them. It would be all too obvious that she was studying them closely and seemed to be in no hurry to defend herself.

"Friend, I suppose." The woman hadn't given her much room for choices - Nairn's smile grew a bit crooked at the thought. "We too are chasing this cult - but we need answers from them first. To avoid getting in each other's way, why don't you travel with us tomorrow? We intend to pay them a visit at their last known fortress. I assume you've observed our party...at the farm you mentioned?"

Despite her smile, the thief's eyes were piercingly clear. She wasn't going to let them ruin their chance at gaining the information they needed...but she also could see how storming a fortress could go better with a few extra able bodies. It wasn't like her to invite strangers to do anything, terribly unlike her to have said anything at all, but she was finding that intervention had its place. And it certainly had its timing.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

The Elves

By common unspoken agreement, the elves lowered their weapons. They could be prepared to fight again at a moment's notice if they had to be - the weapons were still in hand - but there seemed to be no immediate danger that called for an armed standoff.

Nairn's proposition seemed to intrigue them. When she mentioned that she was staying at the farm, though, the female elf arched an eyebrow.

"Interesting," she said. "We had been given to understand that there is a dark elf there who was of the cult - at least formerly. If you oppose the cult as you say, what brings you there?"

Her tone was curious, not accusing. It was a question that would need to be answered before any consideration could be made regarding joining forces, though.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

'Dark elf' - she filed that information away. While they'd gotten the full disclosure on the Orsimer, a subsequent discussion of the races of the rest of the family hadn't occurred - at least not in the same easy-to-disseminate fashion Anakita's direct questions produced. These these people were also elves of some sort hadn't escaped her notice either, but she also felt that now wasn't really the time to be asking for definitions. She felt the pressure of the weight of knowledge she hadn't even begun to taste and she had to physically shrug it from her shoulders. Nairn gave her neck a bit of stretch for good measure and moved to be in front of the tree so she could lean back against it while she talked. Her arms were folded in her natural state except for when her hand would lift to punctuate various phrases.

"To say he was 'of' the cult would be incorrect. He was unwilling participant and as such, has no love for the cult. We are acquainted with one of the man's friends who knew that he would help us find his former enslavers. We intend to make sure no one else can be put in the same position."

It was mostly due to the fact that the device unsettled her that she refrained from bringing it up now, not so much that Lias had seemed so uncomfortable. Nairn didn't know these people. Perhaps they would find the device intriguing and simply employ it for their own cause. She couldn't let that happen.