Character Bios (OOC Thread)

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Monkey Kitty
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Character Bios (OOC Thread)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

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Re: Character Bios (OOC Thread)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Well, I said I was bringing the family, so here we go:

Name: Caitriona McIvor

Age: Late twenties/early thirties

Gender: female

Physical Description: Fire-red hair cropped short with curls falling over a well-freckled brow. Her fine bone structure is typical of her Celtic heritage and one would have no trouble placing her as being from the Emerald Isle, despite her lack of a discernable accent. Just because her build is slight doesn’t mean that she isn’t strong. She not only carries herself with confidence, but appears that she could back up that confidence with force if need be. Tending toward jeans, tank tops and button-down shirts with more pockets than Wall Street, she is never without a pair of leather gloves and a ball cap.

Family ties: Rhiannon is her twin sister, Charis and Ewan are her niece and nephew

Skills: She will tell you that she can do anything. If you spend enough time around her, you’ll start to suspect that she might be right. Cait is an anthropologist who spent a large part of her degree and post-doctorate in the field – more specifically, the jungles of Peru. She is fluent in several languages, many of them South American dialects, and some of them dead. Cait also has a black belt in karate and can make a mean banana split.

Mutant Ability: Shapeshifter (animals only)

Personality: Cait is a brazen, loud-mouthed and opinionated. She will try anything twice, laughs at her own terrible dad jokes and will absolutely die for her family (possibly also for kittens). On the job, though, she is known for her focus and the strange ability she has to put the right people in the right place at the right time to get them all out of a dangerous situation.
Name: Rhiannon McIvor

Age: late twenties/early thirties

Gender: female

Physical Description: Her fire-red hair falls well below her shoulders, but is often tucked into a perfect braid rather than flowing free. Her fine bone structure is typical of her Celtic heritage and one would have no trouble placing her as being from the Emerald Isle, especially once she opens her mouth. Carrying herself with quiet grace, she tends to blend in as much as she stands out in a crowd. Her attire changes several times a day, but a golden torc and a pair of gloves are fashion constants.

Family ties: Caitriona is her twin sister, Charis and Ewan are her children

Skills: She will tell you that as a mom, she can do anything. This is very nearly true. While an expert gardener and house painter, her true love is music. The house generally has many instruments of all kinds scattered about, with sheet music on stands tucked into various corners of their dwelling. She favours the strings and is a locally renowned harpist.

Mutant Ability: Controls her bio-resonance field

Personality: Mild-mannered and soft spoken, Rhiannon is the perfect lady, the best neighbour and most envied/hated PTA mom. She’s a good listener, asks great questions and reads 900 page biographies for fun. Few people know she has a wicked competitive streak.
Name: Charis Thomas
Age: 12

Gender: female

Physical Description: Typical twelve-year old girl who loves sports. In other words, her red hair constantly in a pony tail and a duffel bag full of smelly sports equipment slung over her shoulder pretty much any time she’s not in class. Otherwise, she happens to like the current trends and blends in well with her classmates except for the gloves.

Family ties: Rhiannon is her mother, Ewan is her twin brother, Caitriona is her aunt. Dad Henry isn’t currently in the picture.

Skills: Still growing into them, but Charis is athletic, with interests in gymnastics and softball. She wishes she liked history so she could be more like her aunt, but her scholastic talents lie with science and mathematics. She frequently uses these talents to prank bullies at school.

Mutant Ability: So far, telepathy that only works with her twin brother.

Personality: A bit of a wild child, she does everything with abandon - her persistence in her pursuit of many of those things is what allows her to excel. She would be more popular with the cool kids if she took the title of ‘athlete’ a bit more seriously – but she can’t help but enter science fairs and math competitions (of course, the last kid who called her a nerd for being in chess club got the nastiest wedgie of all time). Charis is a genuine person, upbeat, and kind – she just doesn’t take kindly to anyone who tries to push her or her brother around.
Name: Ewan Thomas

Age: 12

Gender: male

Physical Description: Typical tweenage boy complete with red hair and freckles. The dark glasses and the white walking stick tend to set him apart, though. Blind from birth, Ewan uses his sense of touch to keep himself oriented in his dark world. He likes jeans because they feel substantial and chooses his own tee shirts based on Charis’ description. He’d wear a hat if he was allowed to because he’s convinced he would look dapper (read: badass). Bright green Chucks and a pair of gloves complete his every day outfit.

Family ties: Rhiannon is his mother, Charis is his twin sister, Caitriona is his aunt. Dad Henry isn’t currently in the picture.

Skills: Still growing into them, but the kid is a wiz with electronics and code. While he may rely on his hearing to play video games with his sister, Ewan has learned to rely on his sense of touch more than anything else.

Mutant Ability: So far, telepathy that only works with his twin sister.

Personality: The eye to the do-everything hurricane that is his sister. Ewan listens to books on tape and loves the stories about ancient civilizations his aunt tells when she visits. He’s quiet at school more because he is never sure if he has an audience, which is why he tends to be more talkative with his online friends. He’s caring and patient - and would do anything for his sister.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Character Bios (OOC Thread)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

George Collins

Age: Early thirties

Gender: Male

Physical description: George is a little taller than average, with a thin and somewhat gangly build. He has brown eyes, curly auburn hair cut short, and is generally winter pale unless he spent too much time outside and got sunburned - he never manages a tan. He's reasonably good-looking but an average guy, not likely to draw attention in a crowd.

Family ties: Single father to two children, Annie who is three years old, and Mia who is an infant. George is a widower after the death of his wife in a car accident. They moved to the neighborhood to get a fresh start.

Hobbies: Reading, camping, hiking, canoeing, crosswords.

Occupation: Information technology at an insurance office.


So who is this guy really...?

With the support of his new friends, he has dropped his 'George Collins' persona and revealed his true identity - he is a Skrull, and his name is Imiel.

Imiel was forced to flee his homeworld in the aftermath of a battle where the Skrulls were decimated and a number of Kree were killed. As he made his escape, Imiel found and took pity on two orphaned Kree children, Ani and Mea. Not wanting to leave the girls to be raised to be raised as another genocidal generation, he took them with him in the escape pod.

Because of the girls (now living under human guise and the names Annie and Mia and adopted as his daughters,) Imiel is of particular interest to the Kree, and is being sheltered in by S.H.I.E.L.D. in their purpose-built suburb for oddballs.

Like all Skrulls, Imiel has shapeshifting ability, but he has no other noteworthy powers.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Character Bios (OOC Thread)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Marshal Knox

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Physical description: Marshal is about six feet tall, with dark brown hair and eyes and a light skin tone. His hair is roughly short but often unkempt, and only gets cut when he gets around to it. He often has a few days of stubble. Despite his apparent lack of exercise or good diet, Marshal has an extremely fit and athletic build. He would have a handsome face other than an unfortunate scar at the corner of his mouth that makes him look like he's sneering even if he doesn't intend to.

Family ties: His only known family member is his mother, from whom he has been estranged for many years.

Hobbies: "Is drinking a hobby?" "No, Marshal." "Then put down 'none.'"

Occupation: Unemployed.

Background: Marshal was a HYDRA experiment, an attempt to create another generation of super soldiers. Although he never reached the same physical pinnacle as a Winter Soldier, his strength, stamina, agility, and healing factor are much higher than an unenhanced human. Unfortunately, Marshal also ended up with the requisite emotional instability, which according to his therapist often results in bouts of uncontrollable depression and rage. He numbs his feelings with alcohol and pills. After being retrieved by SHIELD, Marshal has gone through extensive deprogramming to remove his conditioning and help him cope with his altered brain chemistry, but these have been only semi-successful, and SHIELD has not yet been willing to trust him to fully integrate into society. Marshal attends therapy but has reportedly struggled to maintain his composure and behavior. As a last ditch attempt to keep him out of permanent lockup, SHIELD has placed him in a secluded, controlled neighborhood to see if a more "normal" environment will finally help him gain some stability.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Character Bios (OOC Thread)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Jameson Bryant
a.k.a. "Mr. Stalwart"

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Physical description: Jameson is 6'3" with a strong, athletic, muscular build. He has crew cut sandy blond hair, blue eyes, and a perfect smile with straight white teeth. He has natural movie star good looks, and he is always well-groomed, polished, and clean-shaven.

Family ties: Jameson has a very elderly grandmother, whom he visits occasionally when he is able to. If he has any other living relatives, the public has never been made aware of them.

Hobbies: None. Too busy saving the world, fighting crime, rescuing kittens from trees, and helping little old ladies cross the road.

Occupation: Superhero. He goes by the alias "Mr. Stalwart" and is identified by a blue uniform with black trim and the stylized shape of a tower in gold on his chest.

Background: Jameson was raised on a farm in Nebraska. He grew up as an all-American boy, excelling in both academics and sports in school. He did a stint in the US army, but as he grew further into adulthood, it became clear that he was gifted beyond what was natural, and he was eagerly recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. to serve as a squeaky clean poster boy to counter any tarnish to the reputation of superheroes as a whole. Jameson is generally well loved by the public and is treated as a celebrity when he is recognized.

Mutant ability: Jameson is exceptionally strong, nimble, fast, and highly resistant to any type of physical damage. He has trained intensively in hand-to-hand combat, taking advantage of his innate physical abilities.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Character Bios (OOC Thread)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Aidan Millican

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Physical description: Slightly above average height with long black hair usually worn in a ponytail, dark brown eyes, medium skin tone, and Asian features.

Family ties: None of note. His parents are no longer living. His extended family lives in Thailand and he doesn't know them.

Hobbies: Camping, hiking, and the outdoors in general.

Occupation: Until recently Aidan held a handful of part-time day jobs - working in a warehouse, delivering food on his bike, picking up shifts as a security guard - but his true passion and calling is painting, and he was starting to gain some monetary success selling his work before his life was sharply interrupted.

Background: Aidan's parents both died while he was still in elementary school, and with no other family in the country, he spent the rest of his childhood in foster care. He attended art school in Portland, Oregon, and chose to stay on after graduation, supporting himself with odd jobs as he worked on establishing his painting career.

…At least, that was the case until a sorcerer named Thompson spotted him and marked him as a potential test subject. He lured Aidan to an apartment with the promise of buying some paintings, then knocked him out and began the process of transforming him into a magically controlled super soldier. Thompson carved runes into Aidan's arms and back (which the mage has to renew periodically as they start to heal) and tortured and magically brainwashed him until he lost his memories and sense of self. Thompson has maintained Aidan's subservience with the runes and by routinely depriving him of food, water, and rest.

Aidan is powerless to disobey Thompson's orders. He is aware but without free will. He no longer even remembers his own name.

When not under Thompson's control, Aidan was a pretty calm and chill guy, easy to get along with and utterly devoted to his painting career.

Mutant ability: Magical super soldier
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Character Bios (OOC Thread)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Kyle Richmond
a.k.a. "The Hammer of Justice"

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Physical description: Kyle (or Justice, as he prefers to be called) is just over six feet tall, with a chiseled muscular physique he is visibly proud of. He tends to give the subtle appearance he's posing when he's not in motion. He has crew cut light blond hair and pale blue eyes. Kyle can flash a perfect practiced smile ready for the cameras, but that fades quickly when people annoy him.

Family ties: Kyle has fairly ordinary parents and a younger sister. He doesn't have much room in his life for them these days, so they don't interact much. He tends to have a revolving door of beautiful girlfriends he tires of quickly.

Hobbies: Golf, lifting weights, racing cars.

Occupation: Superhero. He goes by the alias "The Hammer of Justice" and is identified by an orange uniform with an insignia of two crossed silver hammers, representing his weapons of choice. The Hammer of Justice is known for being a stickler for order and the rule of law, and gives criminals no quarter. His morality is utterly black and white, with zero shades of grey. He is highly effective when completing a mission, but tends to have a high body count and often leaves various forms of collateral damage. His deepest wish is to become an Avenger, but he has never been asked. It is rumored that Coulson doesn't trust him.

Background: Because of his absolutely merciless attitude toward wrongdoers, people tend to assume Kyle has some sort of horrific trauma in his background, but that is not the case. He had a relatively normal upper middle class upbringing, with a good education and opportunities to excel in sports. That wasn't enough for Kyle, though - he dreamed of being a superhero. At one point he disappeared into the mountains of Tibet for several months, and returned with a pair of silver hammers, a new combat style, and incredible boons to his strength and stamina; exactly what happened in Tibet to cause this major change is murky.

Mutant ability: Kyle is strong and highly resistant to damage. He fights with two silver hammers. The main weakness in his fighting style is that his agility does not match his other skills, and he hits hard but slowly. He is generally considered charismatic, although this is probably more a function of practice and personality than any superhuman powerset.
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