He woke up to the sight of Maria admiring her ring and he smiled along with her. In fact, Riff wasn't sure he'd be able to stop smiling at all today. From Sofie's excitement to just having those words out there and reciprocated...it was the best feeling ever.
"We'll have to move fast if we want to tell anyone ourselves, that's for sure!" he joked as he put Sofie's lunch box into her tiny backpack. Of course he wanted to be the one to tell Asif, but that would only happen if he found his friend before his daughter got home from school. This wasn't the sort of news you shared by text, after all.
After dropping Maria and Sofie off at Sofie's school - Maria would walk from there to the library for work - Riff decided to run some errands while in town. First stop was the grocery store. He'd used up the last two slices of bread for Sofie's lunch that day. As luck would have it, Asif was standing by the store.
Riff barely let the the truck come to a stop before he put it in park and jumped out to go tell his friend the news. He was so happy today that he almost missed the signs that Asif was busy noticing something. Instead of leaping into conversation, Riff stood next to the other man and inhaled deeply, picking up on the scent. It seemed familiar....
"Oh! Barista dude! I totally forgot about him!" Riff looked down at Asif and remembered that he hadn't told anyone about the young Lycan at the cafe because...he really had forgotten about him.
"He was working at the cafe right before the uh...thing...with Nick. Pepper noticed him and he noticed me...I haven't seen him since to introduce myself and the Pack."
Camping Is Always An Option
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Re: Camping Is Always An Option
Asif Zaidi
Asif smiled slightly at Riff's description of 'Barista Dude.' A coffee shop employee seemed to match what Asif had gotten from the scent - a young male Lycan, traveling alone.
"He must have fled after seeing you," Asif mused. "If he had stayed in town, surely one of us would have crossed paths with him by now. But why would he run? Perhaps he feared his presence would violate some territorial claim our Pack has staked. It wouldn't be the first time I had heard such a tale. I am confident Isaac wouldn't give him a hard time about being here, as long as he is no threat. Still, I think we should locate him - both to determine that for sure, and to offer him help if he needs it. Being a Lycan alone is a difficult life... as well you know."
Asif had lived that life, before Boris and his Pack, before finding Lina again. He knew Riff had lived it too. Neither of them were eager to repeat it - and surely this young man was ready to come in from the cold. Assuming, of course, that he did not pose a threat to the Pack's safety if they allowed him into the fold.
"I'm glad you're here, Riff. Would you be willing to help me track him? Two noses are better than one." He smiled at Pepper, and added. "Or rather, three."
Fortunately, the trail was fresh. It appeared the young werewolf had done his dumpster diving just the night before, in the wee hours while the island slept. There had been fog and dew, but no rain. Following the trail led them deep into the woods, to a tiny campsite with a single forlorn tent.
Asif smiled slightly at Riff's description of 'Barista Dude.' A coffee shop employee seemed to match what Asif had gotten from the scent - a young male Lycan, traveling alone.
"He must have fled after seeing you," Asif mused. "If he had stayed in town, surely one of us would have crossed paths with him by now. But why would he run? Perhaps he feared his presence would violate some territorial claim our Pack has staked. It wouldn't be the first time I had heard such a tale. I am confident Isaac wouldn't give him a hard time about being here, as long as he is no threat. Still, I think we should locate him - both to determine that for sure, and to offer him help if he needs it. Being a Lycan alone is a difficult life... as well you know."
Asif had lived that life, before Boris and his Pack, before finding Lina again. He knew Riff had lived it too. Neither of them were eager to repeat it - and surely this young man was ready to come in from the cold. Assuming, of course, that he did not pose a threat to the Pack's safety if they allowed him into the fold.
"I'm glad you're here, Riff. Would you be willing to help me track him? Two noses are better than one." He smiled at Pepper, and added. "Or rather, three."
Fortunately, the trail was fresh. It appeared the young werewolf had done his dumpster diving just the night before, in the wee hours while the island slept. There had been fog and dew, but no rain. Following the trail led them deep into the woods, to a tiny campsite with a single forlorn tent.
Re: Camping Is Always An Option
"Yeah, we definitely should. I feel like maybe I made a bad impression."
Pepper let out a quiet 'wuf' and wagged her tail. Riff took this as a good sign. At least Pepper wasn't alarmed by the scent of the young man. He supposed that she hadn't been upset by him the first time, either - she'd simply alerted him of the other lycan's presence.
"Hold on just one minute - I'll be right with you."
Riff dashed into the store and reappeared moments later with a bag of freshly made submarine sandwiches and some bottled water. He was hoping his second impression would be better with a little encouragement. If nothing else, it would be less weird to wander off into the woods without lunch...wouldn't it?
The scent grew stronger further into the woods and Riff and Asif moved to stand upwind of the small camp. By presenting themselves, hopefully the young man wouldn't take their presence as an ambush - though of course, he could still take it as a threat.
"Hey, we're just here to meet you. We don't mean you harm. Also, we brought lunch."
"Yeah, we definitely should. I feel like maybe I made a bad impression."
Pepper let out a quiet 'wuf' and wagged her tail. Riff took this as a good sign. At least Pepper wasn't alarmed by the scent of the young man. He supposed that she hadn't been upset by him the first time, either - she'd simply alerted him of the other lycan's presence.
"Hold on just one minute - I'll be right with you."
Riff dashed into the store and reappeared moments later with a bag of freshly made submarine sandwiches and some bottled water. He was hoping his second impression would be better with a little encouragement. If nothing else, it would be less weird to wander off into the woods without lunch...wouldn't it?
The scent grew stronger further into the woods and Riff and Asif moved to stand upwind of the small camp. By presenting themselves, hopefully the young man wouldn't take their presence as an ambush - though of course, he could still take it as a threat.
"Hey, we're just here to meet you. We don't mean you harm. Also, we brought lunch."
- Posts: 839
- Joined: Thu Oct 29, 2020 7:31 pm
Re: Camping Is Always An Option
Hamza Karim
Cautiously, hesitantly, Hamza emerged from the tent.
Although he was indeed 'Barista Dude,' he looked rougher than when Riff had last seen him. He had lost weight, there were dark circles under his eyes, his clothes were dingy from stream washing, and he was growing a patchy beard. He looked tired and nervous. But he was also hungry, and although he was keeping most of his attention on the other two werewolves, it was plain that the food had not escaped his notice.
Hamza put his hands up.
"I know," he said. "That this is your territory. Everywhere is someone's territory."
He'd been run off by other Lycans before, plenty of times. A few times, he'd been invited to join their Packs instead - but had discovered they were far from the kind of people he was interested in joining.
"I don't want a fight. Please. Just let me leave here. I promise I'll be gone by tomorrow morning."
Hamza had no idea where he was going to go. That was a problem for the future. The current concern was just not getting taken out by these people who, despite their pleasant guises, he was sure were just another set of Pack enforcers sent to chase away the stranger.
Cautiously, hesitantly, Hamza emerged from the tent.
Although he was indeed 'Barista Dude,' he looked rougher than when Riff had last seen him. He had lost weight, there were dark circles under his eyes, his clothes were dingy from stream washing, and he was growing a patchy beard. He looked tired and nervous. But he was also hungry, and although he was keeping most of his attention on the other two werewolves, it was plain that the food had not escaped his notice.
Hamza put his hands up.
"I know," he said. "That this is your territory. Everywhere is someone's territory."
He'd been run off by other Lycans before, plenty of times. A few times, he'd been invited to join their Packs instead - but had discovered they were far from the kind of people he was interested in joining.
"I don't want a fight. Please. Just let me leave here. I promise I'll be gone by tomorrow morning."
Hamza had no idea where he was going to go. That was a problem for the future. The current concern was just not getting taken out by these people who, despite their pleasant guises, he was sure were just another set of Pack enforcers sent to chase away the stranger.
Re: Camping Is Always An Option
The lad had every right to be cautious. He would have been, if he were in his shoes. Of course, they had every right to be cautious too.
Riff took a seat on the ground, setting the food out between he and Hamza. He settled into a comfortable cross-legged stance, his gangling limbs sticking out at odd angles. While he kept his face and stance relaxed, he was internally prepared for this meeting to go in a multitude of directions. He'd had plenty of experience with lone wolves and packs of all sorts in his years with the Underground, after all.
"Well, how about lunch first and we'll talk for a bit. I'm Riff, this is my friend Asif. I'm sorry, but I don't remember what your nametag said back at the cafe."
He'd wait for young man to introduce himself or not, then carried on to the perhaps more concerning portion of the conversation.
"We joined this Pack not too long ago, ourselves. What brings you out this way without a Pack of your own? Are you looking for something in particular?"
The lad had every right to be cautious. He would have been, if he were in his shoes. Of course, they had every right to be cautious too.
Riff took a seat on the ground, setting the food out between he and Hamza. He settled into a comfortable cross-legged stance, his gangling limbs sticking out at odd angles. While he kept his face and stance relaxed, he was internally prepared for this meeting to go in a multitude of directions. He'd had plenty of experience with lone wolves and packs of all sorts in his years with the Underground, after all.
"Well, how about lunch first and we'll talk for a bit. I'm Riff, this is my friend Asif. I'm sorry, but I don't remember what your nametag said back at the cafe."
He'd wait for young man to introduce himself or not, then carried on to the perhaps more concerning portion of the conversation.
"We joined this Pack not too long ago, ourselves. What brings you out this way without a Pack of your own? Are you looking for something in particular?"
- Posts: 839
- Joined: Thu Oct 29, 2020 7:31 pm
Re: Camping Is Always An Option
Hamza Karim
Hamza picked up a sandwich, sniffed it tentatively. He was checking for poison, not quality; a man who had been eating out of the garbage cared little about the latter. He hunched over as he ate, still staring at the ground, forcing himself to eat slowly.
Don't show them how hungry you are...
"My name is Hamza," the young man finally said softly. "I am looking for... peace."
'Peace' wasn't quite what he ached for, though. Not quite the longing that made it hard for him to sleep at night. What he wanted was for things to go back to normal. To wake up one day and find this was all a bad dream, and he could resume his human life. That was a fool's fantasy, though. There was no going back. Peace would suffice.
"This bite." He gestured to his shoulder, currently covered by his jacket, but a Lycan would know what he meant. "It ruined my life. I had a plan. I was in school. I was going to be a radiologist. Have a good life. But then I got this... this curse. And it's all gone."
He was speaking fast now. Breathing fast. His heartbeat rapid.
"You wonder why I have no Pack? I've seen Packs. But I didn't want to stay. I am not... an animal. I did not want to be a predator. I did not want to live that way. I moved on. But everywhere belongs to someone. There aren't many places to go. Thank you for the sandwich. Will you just let me leave this place? I won't bother you anymore. I didn't know it belonged to anyone when I came here. I left as fast as I could once I knew."
And yet even here, at what felt like the ends of the earth, it seemed he could never flee far enough.
Hamza picked up a sandwich, sniffed it tentatively. He was checking for poison, not quality; a man who had been eating out of the garbage cared little about the latter. He hunched over as he ate, still staring at the ground, forcing himself to eat slowly.
Don't show them how hungry you are...
"My name is Hamza," the young man finally said softly. "I am looking for... peace."
'Peace' wasn't quite what he ached for, though. Not quite the longing that made it hard for him to sleep at night. What he wanted was for things to go back to normal. To wake up one day and find this was all a bad dream, and he could resume his human life. That was a fool's fantasy, though. There was no going back. Peace would suffice.
"This bite." He gestured to his shoulder, currently covered by his jacket, but a Lycan would know what he meant. "It ruined my life. I had a plan. I was in school. I was going to be a radiologist. Have a good life. But then I got this... this curse. And it's all gone."
He was speaking fast now. Breathing fast. His heartbeat rapid.
"You wonder why I have no Pack? I've seen Packs. But I didn't want to stay. I am not... an animal. I did not want to be a predator. I did not want to live that way. I moved on. But everywhere belongs to someone. There aren't many places to go. Thank you for the sandwich. Will you just let me leave this place? I won't bother you anymore. I didn't know it belonged to anyone when I came here. I left as fast as I could once I knew."
And yet even here, at what felt like the ends of the earth, it seemed he could never flee far enough.
Re: Camping Is Always An Option
Riff's heart went out to the young man. He'd been there before. Himself a pacifist, he had found the more-often-than-not aggressive lifestyle of werewolves to be very much in opposition to his beliefs. Certainly, he'd defended himself and his pack from people who were trying to kill them, but he'd never stayed long with groups that sought bloodshed. Riff had been a lone wolf too and he knew how lonely that was.
"Well, for starters, I didn't mean to suggest that you should leave. Sure, there's a pack here, but it's not your average pack. I mean, our alpha is a librarian, if that helps give you an idea of who we are. Yes, we've done some fighting - there was a Nazi pack here not long ago and they were doing...well, what Nazis did and still do...so we took them out. We defended a new colony of people from mages. We've fought alongside Fae. This pack is about building bridges, not burning them. It's a place where you can still have your dreams."
Riff chuckled to himself and rubbed the back of his head.
"I know that sounds corny and too good to be true. But believe me I have seen packs like the ones you described - but I never stayed long. I'm a musician, not a blood-thirsty fighter. And if you are the kind of man I think you are - I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with our pack. Please stay. Check us out. The pack owns a motel in town if you want to see for yourself and get out of the bush for a bit."
Riff hoped he hadn't gone too far overboard in his description. But...it really was a good pack. He couldn't make this stuff up.
Riff's heart went out to the young man. He'd been there before. Himself a pacifist, he had found the more-often-than-not aggressive lifestyle of werewolves to be very much in opposition to his beliefs. Certainly, he'd defended himself and his pack from people who were trying to kill them, but he'd never stayed long with groups that sought bloodshed. Riff had been a lone wolf too and he knew how lonely that was.
"Well, for starters, I didn't mean to suggest that you should leave. Sure, there's a pack here, but it's not your average pack. I mean, our alpha is a librarian, if that helps give you an idea of who we are. Yes, we've done some fighting - there was a Nazi pack here not long ago and they were doing...well, what Nazis did and still do...so we took them out. We defended a new colony of people from mages. We've fought alongside Fae. This pack is about building bridges, not burning them. It's a place where you can still have your dreams."
Riff chuckled to himself and rubbed the back of his head.
"I know that sounds corny and too good to be true. But believe me I have seen packs like the ones you described - but I never stayed long. I'm a musician, not a blood-thirsty fighter. And if you are the kind of man I think you are - I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with our pack. Please stay. Check us out. The pack owns a motel in town if you want to see for yourself and get out of the bush for a bit."
Riff hoped he hadn't gone too far overboard in his description. But...it really was a good pack. He couldn't make this stuff up.
- Posts: 839
- Joined: Thu Oct 29, 2020 7:31 pm
Re: Camping Is Always An Option
Hamza Karim
Hamza couldn't quite believe what he was hearing. A place where Lycans just... lived normal lives? Where they could be things like librarians or musicians, without the virus in their blood cursing them to a lifetime as outcasts and monsters? It sounded impossible. His demeanor remained skeptical.
But inside, he was considering it.
He didn't think they were luring him away to kill him. That wouldn't make sense. There were two of them and only one of him, and they were both clearly older and much more powerful Lycans. If they wanted to eliminate him, it would be easy to just do it here and now - no need for a ruse.
So perhaps he should see what was at this motel. He was sure Riff was overpromising. Hamza probably wouldn't stay. But if he could just have a night with a roof over his head, maybe have a shower... these were the things he longed for now, and there might be a chance of that.
"Can I keep my tent?" he asked nervously.
Asif nodded. "Of course. No one will take your belongings."
Hamza debated a moment more internally, then said, "Okay. I'll give it a try."
He was quiet on the trip back to the motel. Silent upon arrival. He stood quietly behind Riff and Asif, waiting to be instructed on what he was supposed to do... when suddenly a young Lycan woman crossed their path. She was about his own age, with glossy black hair and beautiful dark skin and eyes. Hamza was suddenly speechless for a totally different reason.
He hadn't seen many female Lycans - they seemed few and far between, significantly outnumbered by their male counterparts. And in his experience, those who were around tended to 'belong' to a local dominant male. Hamza hastily dropped his eyes, lest he be caught looking at her and run afoul of someone who could surely rip him apart as soon as look at him.
Asif hadn't noticed, and instead started making an introduction. "Shazia, this is Hamza. He has come to stay with us. Hamza, my niece, Shazia."
"Nice to meet you," Hamza said shyly, still not looking at her.
"Shazia is studying to be a doctor," Asif added with obvious familial pride.
"Nice to meet you, Hamza." Staring at the ground as he was, he didn't see her blush. "See you around."
"See you around," he repeated, his voice barely a whisper. Then, when it was just him and Riff and Asif again, he asked, "So... what do I do now?"
Hamza couldn't quite believe what he was hearing. A place where Lycans just... lived normal lives? Where they could be things like librarians or musicians, without the virus in their blood cursing them to a lifetime as outcasts and monsters? It sounded impossible. His demeanor remained skeptical.
But inside, he was considering it.
He didn't think they were luring him away to kill him. That wouldn't make sense. There were two of them and only one of him, and they were both clearly older and much more powerful Lycans. If they wanted to eliminate him, it would be easy to just do it here and now - no need for a ruse.
So perhaps he should see what was at this motel. He was sure Riff was overpromising. Hamza probably wouldn't stay. But if he could just have a night with a roof over his head, maybe have a shower... these were the things he longed for now, and there might be a chance of that.
"Can I keep my tent?" he asked nervously.
Asif nodded. "Of course. No one will take your belongings."
Hamza debated a moment more internally, then said, "Okay. I'll give it a try."
He was quiet on the trip back to the motel. Silent upon arrival. He stood quietly behind Riff and Asif, waiting to be instructed on what he was supposed to do... when suddenly a young Lycan woman crossed their path. She was about his own age, with glossy black hair and beautiful dark skin and eyes. Hamza was suddenly speechless for a totally different reason.
He hadn't seen many female Lycans - they seemed few and far between, significantly outnumbered by their male counterparts. And in his experience, those who were around tended to 'belong' to a local dominant male. Hamza hastily dropped his eyes, lest he be caught looking at her and run afoul of someone who could surely rip him apart as soon as look at him.
Asif hadn't noticed, and instead started making an introduction. "Shazia, this is Hamza. He has come to stay with us. Hamza, my niece, Shazia."
"Nice to meet you," Hamza said shyly, still not looking at her.
"Shazia is studying to be a doctor," Asif added with obvious familial pride.
"Nice to meet you, Hamza." Staring at the ground as he was, he didn't see her blush. "See you around."
"See you around," he repeated, his voice barely a whisper. Then, when it was just him and Riff and Asif again, he asked, "So... what do I do now?"
Re: Camping Is Always An Option
When the young man agreed to come to the motel, he breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't that he didn't think Hamza couldn't take care of himself - it was that he could see how miserable he was out here alone. Things were better with a Pack. With a Pack like theirs, anyway. He'd given Hamza some space to pack up, then the three of them retraced their steps back to the grocery store and piled into Riff's truck.
It was nice that they ran into Shazia. Hopefully the presence of other young Lycans would help set Hamza's mind at ease. Though...'at ease' might not have been the right term. Asif may have missed it, but Riff had seen the widened eyes, dropped gaze and flushed cheeks. He might not be the swiftest guy, but even he could recognize the signs of attraction. Well, hopefully he was right about Hamza being a good kid - though he was sure of that - as maybe he'd have more reason to stay and open up a bit with Shazia around. Only time would tell.
Riff lifted his shoulders in a light shrug as best he could with his hands in his pockets.
"Well, I think you could just start by settling in. We'll find you a room. You can get sorted. We'll let Isaac know that you're here - he's our Pack's leader - I'm sure he'd like to meet you! But like I said, he's the librarian in town, so you'll have to wait until his shift is over. I can hang out and introduce you to some of the other members around. I just need to get groceries before... oh yeah! Asif! I have some big news!"
Riff swung around on his friend, excitement rolling off him and ending in his long fingers waving up and down. For a moment. he forgot that Hamza didn't know him. The young man's demeanour and values aligned so well with the Pack's that he sort of assumed he was already a part of it.
"I asked Maria to marry me! And she said yes! Can you believe it?"
When the young man agreed to come to the motel, he breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't that he didn't think Hamza couldn't take care of himself - it was that he could see how miserable he was out here alone. Things were better with a Pack. With a Pack like theirs, anyway. He'd given Hamza some space to pack up, then the three of them retraced their steps back to the grocery store and piled into Riff's truck.
It was nice that they ran into Shazia. Hopefully the presence of other young Lycans would help set Hamza's mind at ease. Though...'at ease' might not have been the right term. Asif may have missed it, but Riff had seen the widened eyes, dropped gaze and flushed cheeks. He might not be the swiftest guy, but even he could recognize the signs of attraction. Well, hopefully he was right about Hamza being a good kid - though he was sure of that - as maybe he'd have more reason to stay and open up a bit with Shazia around. Only time would tell.
Riff lifted his shoulders in a light shrug as best he could with his hands in his pockets.
"Well, I think you could just start by settling in. We'll find you a room. You can get sorted. We'll let Isaac know that you're here - he's our Pack's leader - I'm sure he'd like to meet you! But like I said, he's the librarian in town, so you'll have to wait until his shift is over. I can hang out and introduce you to some of the other members around. I just need to get groceries before... oh yeah! Asif! I have some big news!"
Riff swung around on his friend, excitement rolling off him and ending in his long fingers waving up and down. For a moment. he forgot that Hamza didn't know him. The young man's demeanour and values aligned so well with the Pack's that he sort of assumed he was already a part of it.
"I asked Maria to marry me! And she said yes! Can you believe it?"
- Posts: 839
- Joined: Thu Oct 29, 2020 7:31 pm
Re: Camping Is Always An Option
Asif Zaidi and Hamza Karim
Hamza nodded enthusiastically about the prospect of a room. He was a bit intimidated by the thought of meeting their leader... and wasn't quite sure how to fit the librarian information into the puzzle?... but he would surely have more confidence about the interaction if he could manage a shower and some clean clothes (well, as clean as he'd been able to get them washing them in the stream) first. He'd been living rough for months, and was embarrassed about the state he was in.
Before he had a chance to voice any of this, the subject had shifted.
Asif smiled and gave Riff a warm hug. "Congratulations, my friend! Yes, of course I can believe it. It was clearly only a matter of time. I am happy for you both, and I know Lina and the girls will be as well. My only surprise is that you managed to get the news to me faster than Taara could."
To Asif, this was expected news - happy, needless to say, but expected. However, Hamza's mind was reeling.
A Lycan was getting married? That was something he had never heard of. Before he had been bitten, he had imagined that would be his future someday. He hadn't had anyone particular in mind, of course, and he was young yet, but he had hoped that in due time he would meet the right girl, and they would marry and have a family together. Being turned seemed to have changed all that. Didn't it? None of the other Lycans he had met had seemed interested in the stability of family life. It had been so long since he had even considered the option.
But was the proposal Riff had made the sort of marriage Hamza had in mind? Or was it just a way of claiming a female? Had the woman in question had any real say in the matter? Or had the 'asking' been an offer she couldn't refuse?
Was there any way to tease out more information without revealing his own secret? In the past, other Lycans had immediately perceived his lack of experience, and mocked him incessantly for his virginity. He didn't want to start that again here, especially not on the very first day...
Hamza realized he'd been lost in thought for too long, and he was surely expected to say something.
"Congratulations!" he parroted with a tentative smile.
Hamza nodded enthusiastically about the prospect of a room. He was a bit intimidated by the thought of meeting their leader... and wasn't quite sure how to fit the librarian information into the puzzle?... but he would surely have more confidence about the interaction if he could manage a shower and some clean clothes (well, as clean as he'd been able to get them washing them in the stream) first. He'd been living rough for months, and was embarrassed about the state he was in.
Before he had a chance to voice any of this, the subject had shifted.
Asif smiled and gave Riff a warm hug. "Congratulations, my friend! Yes, of course I can believe it. It was clearly only a matter of time. I am happy for you both, and I know Lina and the girls will be as well. My only surprise is that you managed to get the news to me faster than Taara could."
To Asif, this was expected news - happy, needless to say, but expected. However, Hamza's mind was reeling.
A Lycan was getting married? That was something he had never heard of. Before he had been bitten, he had imagined that would be his future someday. He hadn't had anyone particular in mind, of course, and he was young yet, but he had hoped that in due time he would meet the right girl, and they would marry and have a family together. Being turned seemed to have changed all that. Didn't it? None of the other Lycans he had met had seemed interested in the stability of family life. It had been so long since he had even considered the option.
But was the proposal Riff had made the sort of marriage Hamza had in mind? Or was it just a way of claiming a female? Had the woman in question had any real say in the matter? Or had the 'asking' been an offer she couldn't refuse?
Was there any way to tease out more information without revealing his own secret? In the past, other Lycans had immediately perceived his lack of experience, and mocked him incessantly for his virginity. He didn't want to start that again here, especially not on the very first day...
Hamza realized he'd been lost in thought for too long, and he was surely expected to say something.
"Congratulations!" he parroted with a tentative smile.