Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Julius Costalandrius

Julius looked a little pale when she identified herself as a murderer. "Remember, you are not to kill my children!" he said emphatically. "They must be returned alive and unharmed, or there's no deal. If you have the opportunity to put my wife out of her misery, it would be a mercy, but she is not the priority. I'm hiring a rescuer, not a murder. Do you understand?"

He hoped the woman would get it through her skull, despite her barbarous and surely uneducated nature. "Do what you like with Mikael Stormcrow. My suggestion would be to steer clear of him entirely. No good will come of crossing paths. But kill him if you must."

He dropped a fairly hefty sack of gold on the table in front of Nairn. "For travel expenses," he said. "You'll get the rest of your payment when you complete your tasks."
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

The hand waved dismissively once more, "Of course, I can refrain for the sake of the children."

She realized she was picking up on the man's theatrics - she didn't plan on murdering anyone at all, never mind two five-year olds. However, she was rather enjoying making the man squirm. Nairn hefted the gold, testing its weight, before scooping it off the table and onto her belt.

"If you have any additional directions - please share them - the faster I get there, the faster we can conclude our business."

Truthfully, she hoped that he had an idea where they were by his scrying - gathering information from people directly wasn't her forte.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Julius Costalandrius

"I can give you directions," Julius said, pulling out a map and marking a location with a circle. "He's somewhere in this area. Staying near a little village called Kraavarst. I don't know more specifically than that, but maybe you can ask around. I'll warn you - it's deep in the Shiverpeaks. Cold. Remote. Isolated. But I suppose your kind are used to such things." He genuinely seemed to have no idea how offensive 'your kind' would sound.

"Take this." He passed her a stone with a rune in the center. "Trace this symbol if you need to contact me. But you must be discreet, and move quickly. I'll be waiting for you and the children here."

He'd brought plenty of reading material. When evening fell, he would shift from tea to wine. Despite the lowly and unsophisticated nature of this wretched hive of a pirate city, Tyria might not be so bad after all.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

The vague insult went by completely unnoticed as she was already planning the quickest route to her destination. She barely glanced at the rune stone before putting it in a hidden pocket, still obsessed with the map. The map and Julius' book came with her when she left the table and the strange, ostentatious man behind.

The book suited her fine, but only lasted her until the second Asura portal which dumped her off in Hoelbrak. She picked up a few supplies from the vendors there as their wares were better suited to where she was going than anything from the south. Apparently she had her own prejudices - and that suited her fine. The long walk without reading material gave her plenty of time to think about everything she knew about this particular job. There were prodigious holes in the story and she didn't believe all the words that came out of Julius' mouth. Anyone who wanted someone to go find his children who were unborn at the time of their 'kidnapping' did not entirely have their wits about them.

Nairn's current working theory was that Julius' wife had run off with Stormcrow and the kids were simply brought along for the ride. She could certainly understand why someone might have had enough of the pompous windbag she'd met in Lion's Arch. Of course, it was only a theory - and then there was the matter of what to do when she got the rest of the story. Nairn had no intention of slaughtering the mother of the children - and she was loathe to try to separate them. Julius wouldn't take her back, which meant that it was either death or eternal separation for the woman. It was an interesting conundrum. Hopefully the other half of the tale would help clear things up, not just in terms of the story, but for its final chapter.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

They'd been doing their best to lie low since Julius managed to follow them through the portal - but they couldn't live indefinitely without funds. The family typically earned a living through selling produce from their farm and the furniture and woodcarvings Mikael made. A farm couldn't be produced on such short notice, and Mikael wasn't equipped to build furniture without the benefit of his shop. With his hand tools, though, he could make small carvings almost anywhere. It wouldn't make them rich, but it was enough to pay for their food and the rental of a small hut outside of town. They had obtained a stall in the corner of the market in Kraavarst, and soon got to work. Mikael carved his pieces - to order, if the customer wished - and Iliana handled the money transactions. Two children, a boy and a girl, played with their wooden toys under the watchful eye of the two adults.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

While it was true that she was well suited to the task of manoeuvring through the Shiverpeaks, there was an additional concern that Nairn needed to take into account. Her own notoriety. It wasn't so bad in Hoelbrak - there were so many Norn that no one really looked too closely at every cloaked figure that stepped past them - but in the more remote areas, things were a different story. She refused to wear a mask as it felt too much like a muzzle, so she was stuck with a hooded cloak. Her old wolfskin had all but fallen apart and she replaced it with no small amount of regret. At least the new leathers blended in with the general population a bit better than her own handmade garments had. Still, she had to be careful.

Kraavarst was not a large settlement by any meaning of the word, but it truly was a settlement, not just a lodge with some animal pens. There was even a market, which hadn't seemed to have changed much since the last time she'd been though the village. Though, the human woman running a stall was a bit odd. Nairn studied the wares at a nearby booth while taking account of the one stall a bit out of place. Wooden figures graced the tables - and two children around five years old played around the feet of the woodworker in the back. No doubt, she'd found her quarry without needing to ask a single local for directions. Good. Now she could take her leisure to study them and figure out the best way to approach them about her...task.

Settling on a piece of overpriced wurm meat, Nairn stopped by the woodcarver's stall somewhat against her better judgment. From what she could see of him without directly looking at him, he didn't appear to be the savage brute of a man Julius had made him out to be. Nor did the woman who stepped up to assist her with her shopping appear to be terribly in need of rescuing. She looked right at home in the local attire and in the company of the others in the stall. Interesting.

Nairn fingered one of the pieces with a soft hand, the series of round scars running across the back of it still oddly visible despite the age of the injury. The carving was of an animal she didn't recognize, which was a surprise and caught her momentarily off-guard. She'd travelled all of known Tyria, she thought, and yet... She sensed the woman on the other side of the table was getting a bit antsy with her fingering the wares. Blinking down at the object, she looked the woman in the face, her eyes bright with curiosity. "What is this? I don't recognize this creature."
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Iliana Requa

"It's called a guar," Iliana replied with a smile. "They live... far from here. They're wonderful animals, really. Docile and pleasant. Some live wild, and some are raised on farms. They make excellent riding mounts, and are hearty enough to live almost anywhere."

With a little self-deprecating grimace, she added, "Sorry for the natural history lesson. That's probably more than you wished to know. Is there anything in particular you're looking for? My husband can do carvings to order, if you have a specific likeness in mind."

The little boy ran up to his mother, and peeked out at Nairn half-hidden behind Iliana. "Hi!" he said with a little wave.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

"No, not at all. Fascinating." she found herself replying as she studied the figurine with new appreciation. "I should very much like to meet one."

Nairn smiled down at the little face and offered him a small wave in reply before returning her attention to Iliana. How should she approach this? It wasn't like she could just back away and wait for a better opportunity. A better opportunity for what?

"As a matter of fact, there is something I'm looking for. The other half of a story." Setting the bag of gold she'd received from Julius on the bench, well aware that the bag itself might be an indication of where the payment had originally come from. Still, she did her best to seem non-threatening.

"I offer you this if you and your husband would impart it. Perhaps over dinner."
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Iliana Requa

Iliana went pale, and her hands reflexively clenched and unclenched on the edge of the counter. She took a deep breath and exhaled it.

"I see," she said. "So that's how it is. Very well. Meet us at the tavern at sunset. Keep your gold." Taking the money would have implied an obligation that Iliana was unprepared to navigate. But telling the story? Wouldn't hurt. None of the other assassins Julius had sent had even bothered asking.


Iliana reserved a small private dining room at the Basking Moose tavern - the only establishment of note in Kraavarst. She wasn't trusting enough to point the stranger to the hut where they were staying - if the Norn didn't know already. But nor did she want everyone in town to know about their sordid business. Leaving their son and daughter alone wasn't an option, but the two kids seemed much more interested in the meal and their toys than the adult conversation.

"I don't know much Julius has already told you," Iliana said when dinner was served. "I don't know how much you've already guessed. So tell me... what exactly did he pay you to do - bring the children back? bring me back? - and what would you like to know?"
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

The woman seemed...upset, which the Norn supposed she should have expected. After all, Julius had mentioned that he'd sent others to procure the children and she'd be hired for the same task so it was only natural that her statement would be taken as negative. Somehow her question and the job seemed like two different things in Nairn's head - perhaps it was because she still hadn't decided on whether or not she was going to do the job. It didn't occur to her that the fact that she'd taken the man's money should factor into her decision in any way.


When she'd made the offer of dinner, she had realized the slight risk to herself that she'd be taking in exposing her face to the locals. She was more than pleased and not a little bit relieved to find that a private room had been set aside for their meeting. Clever woman, this Iliana - or perhaps, just wanting their affairs to stay between the interested parties.

Nairn had seated herself easily at the table, having resisted the urge to bring a scribing tablet and pen, with naught but a buttered roll. She was too excited to eat anything substantial. She paused in the midst of tearing the bun in half when Iliana asked her questions, unsure of whether answering would bring an end to the meeting or somehow colour their version of the tale. Still, it didn't seem fair to withhold information when she'd asked for so much herself, so Nairn answered conversationally, resuming her meagre meal as well.

"He paid me to take the children to him. He offered me extra to...well, put you out of your apparent misery. While he told me a number of things about the situation, I found that Julius also has a ... flair for the dramatic. His side of the story was incomplete and I wish to hear the fullness of it from you so I might fill in the gaps."

Why Nairn would care about gaps in a tale that had nothing to do with her, well, that wasn't something even she herself knew the answer to. She chewed thoughtfully on a small morsel of bread, looking between Iliana and Mikael with bright-eyed interest.