Start of Term (Hogwarts) (cont'd)

Monkey Kitty
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Eve Travers and Cambria Morehouse

"You... would ask that for me? For them to free me?" Eve asked softly. She looked down, and her hair fell like a curtain across her face, making her expression difficult to read.

"Of course we will," Cambria assured her, subtly emphasizing the 'we' - subtly volunteering to assist Rosemary.

"I'm afraid," Eve admitted. "I'm afraid if it works, it means I wasn't really sorry. That I didn't really have regrets..."

"We know you regret what happened," Cambria said. "But you can't just live in that regret forever. You have a right to live your life."

When Rosemary said she would move down to the dungeons, Eve shook her head. She wanted that - she so desperately wanted not to be alone - but it was too much to ask of her friends. She couldn't deprive them of freedom, of the air and the sky.

"No, you can't..." Eve said weakly, trying to work up the conviction to deny the generous offer. "Thank you. Thank you so much. But..."

"Of course we can," Cambria replied briskly. "And we will. We want to. We want to be here with you. You're our Eve, after all."

Suddenly, without warning, Eve lost her ability to hold it together. Her arms clutched around herself and she started to sob, rocking back and forth.

"Eve, what's wrong?" Cambria asked.

"Not... wrong..." Eve gasped. "Your Eve. That's... all I wanted. Ever. To be someone's. That's why. Why I was a Death Eater. Why I did everything. I never hated Muggles. Or Muggleborns. Not really. I just wanted. To belong. To belong to someone. To be someone's."

Cambria wrapped an arm around Eve's shoulder. "Well," she said. "Now you are."

"Thank you," Eve whispered. "Rosemary. Cambria. Thank you."
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Rosemary Bain

While she had been unwilling to volunteer Cambria, it hadn't been a surprise that her friend would throw her support behind both suggestions. Rosemary didn't have much experience with legal proceedings, but she had a feeling that between the two of them, some hours in the library and a few well-written messages might go a long way. As for moving to the dungeon, well, that was sort of a given. It seemed that Eve didn't see it that way, though. How easy it was for Rosemary to forget that life had been so different for Eve. That she'd spent so much time in solitary confinement, locked away from even the smallest hints of companionship. The idea was foreign and chilling all at once.

But now, this breakthrough of understanding. What had led to incarceration to begin with - was the very thing that she had robbed of in the end. This need to be a part of something - to have connection to others - this was something Rosemary understood. Stepping forward, she draped her arms around the shoulders of her friends, bringing them into a circle.

She wished there were a spell she could cast that would safeguard Eve from ever being alone again. To keep her from experiencing these depths of despair. Just in case something happened...but no. That was too impersonal. Lazy, even. A solemn vow to keep building into their friendship - much better. Rosemary rested her cheek on Cambria's head for a moment, lost in thought, her thumb gently stroking Eve's shoulder. As desperate a thing had brought them to this moment, she could feel it was a time of anchoring. Barclay had intended to cut Eve off and leave her stranded and instead she could feel these bonds between them growing stronger yet.

He'd made a grave error.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Eve Travers and Cambria Morehouse

For a long time, Eve just sat, soaking it in. It was the first time she had felt truly wanted. Ever. The first time she had felt truly... loved.

When she did finally move again, a thought came to her. "Am I allowed to see Liam?" she wondered. "Barclay didn't say anything about that."

"We're not going to ask," Cambria said firmly. "That just gives him an excuse to say no. For right now - until we can fix this - we can help you communicate with Liam in ways that don't break Barclay's 'rule.' We'll make sure you have some floo powder, so you can use your fireplace to talk to him, and if you want to send him a letter we can take it to the owlery for you. It might be better to hold off on in-person visits for now, to avoid giving Barclay a chance to pounce. But soon. I promise."

"Thank you," Eve said.

Cambria looked over at Rosemary and said, "We need to strategize. I don't know how to get a pardon, but I know someone who might. Draco Malfoy. He and his parents got off very easily after the war, and he might have some tools of the trade to offer."

Draco's son was currently their student at Hogwarts - best friends with the youngest Potter boy. It wouldn't make Barclay too suspicious if Draco was called to the school for a parent/teacher conference.
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Rosemary Bain

She was inclined to agree with Cambria. In so many ways it was better to ask for forgiveness than for permission...though perhaps in Eve's case, it wasn't the most secure approach. The sooner that they could get her out from under his thumb the better. Which was going to be easier in word than in practice, she suspected.

Cambria's idea to involve Draco Malfoy, however, may just be what they needed to expedite the process. A half-smile curled her lip.

"Oh, I was just going to go bury myself in the library, but this sounds like a much better idea. If we can get an inside glimpse of how to craft a defence...yes, that's going to be helpful. Let's contact them as soon as possible...perhaps through school channels to avoid tipping our hand."

She turned and took hold of Eve's hand, her energy renewed, nothing in the face but confidence. "We're going to get you through this. You'll see. And until we do, we're going to be in the thick of it with you. Starting with moving in."

Rosemary went to the door, fully intending to start snooping through the rooms nearby for suitable quarters, when she remembered herself. The missing student. They couldn't shirk their duties as professors to care for their charges. She turned back toward Cambria and Eve.

"Though, Mister Bale is still missing. Perhaps the two of you could do a more thorough search of the dungeon? I'll head topside and take part of the search. When we find him, I'll let you know and then we can start getting our new arrangements underway." A frustrated sigh through the nose accented her next sentence with appropriate annoyance. "If only we had an idea of what he was on about."
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Anthony Bale

Cambria and Eve agreed to search the dungeon for the Bale lad, but they would have no luck.

Bale was, in fact, in the Room of Requirement. The Room was now full of soft chairs and pillows - quiet and peaceful. The boy had gotten overwhelmed with all the noise and chatter of the dormitories, and desperately sought some time to himself. Sensing that, the Room of Requirement had provided what he needed. He had escaped the school's hustle and bustle, without ever leaving its walls.
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Rosemary Bain

Master Bale had been found early enough to allow her and Cambria time to shuttle what they needed down to the dungeon. There wasn't time to move everything, mind, which Rosemary would have liked to do simply to make a statement about how serious they were about sharing in Eve's continued trials outside of Azkaban. In her heart, though, she believed that they wouldn't be in the dungeon for long - Eve included. No, she even if she had to move out to her picnic-shelter classroom to make space, Eve was not going to live in this dark place any longer than Barclay had the power to make her do so.

The next morning she and Cambria had crafted a rather tidy letter to Draco Malfoy asking him to come to Hogwarts for a discussion. There was no mention of his son or any trouble - they didn't want to be untruthful - but subversion was a bit necessary with an Auror keeping an eye on their movements. All through the day Rosemary couldn't help but wonder who had ratted them out to Barclay...or perhaps Barclay had some sort of a watch on Eve. That thought made her shudder, though she realized the cold wisdom of making sure the law knows the whereabouts of a convicted criminal.

They'd requested the meeting at her classroom for prudence and hopefully some privacy. Now all that remained was to see if Draco Malfoy would be willing to lend his aid to Eve's cause.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Draco Malfoy

The man who arrived at Hogwarts was much the same, superficially, as the boy who had left it. The same pale blond hair, alabaster skin, and sharp features marked him as a Malfoy. But he was much older - not just in years. The death of his wife had changed him. Aged him. The years seemed to have fallen heavy upon him since that loss, stealing any youth that had remained. He was more solemn now, more serious - but more mature, and with a wider perspective on life. A perspective much different than his father's.

"Professors," he said, acknowledging Cambria and Rosemary. "Is everything alright? I hope Scorpius isn't having trouble in class or being disruptive."
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Rosemary Bain

She felt a little sorry not having relayed the reason for the summons, though still felt that it had been the safest decision. Auror Barclay was exactly the sort of person to read mail not intended for him and Rosemary was all too well aware that the three of them were under his watchful eye. As a result - short-term concern on the part of one Draco Malfoy. Of course, now that they were meeting in person, they could dispense with all pretense and hope for the best.

"Not at all, Sir, the young master is an excellent student. We all agree that he is a joy to teach. We are sorry if we worried you - that was not our intent, but I think you will understand why we needed to keep the reason for our asking you to attend this meeting a bit obscure." Here, she paused, less for dramatic effect than to ensure that her friends were ready for the next step. Also, she hoped that Draco wouldn't be offended by their request.

"We wanted to ask you for some assistance regarding our friend Eve Travers. I think you may know her by name, if nothing else, so know that we are asking simply on your own merit. We want to seek a pardon from the Ministry for Eve's former crimes - and we rather hoped that you would help us launch a successful campaign."
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Draco Malfoy

Draco merely nodded when Rosemary told him that Scorpius wasn't having any difficulty in class - but he was relieved. He wasn't worried about the academics. Scorpius struggled socially, though. He found it hard to make friends. Other than his friendship with the Potter lad, he was often alone and was frequently bullied and teased. Draco was glad that this seemed not to be the subject of current concern, at least not in the classrooms of these two teachers.

He was curious about what this meeting was about, though... at least until Rosemary mentioned Eve Travers.

"Ah yes," he said. "Eve. I do remember her. She's a few years older than I am, but not by much. She married that horrible Forness fellow."

Draco's brow creased as he thought back to the events of all those years ago. "I never thought it was fair, what happened to her. She wasn't innocent of everything, but she wasn't one of the more guilty ones. Not by a longshot. But unfortunately for her, she was an easier one to make an example of than my parents. Or me."

Shaking off the reverie, he added. "Of course you may count on my help. What can I do?"
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Rosemary Bain

"She understands, more than anyone, that she is not free from guilt. In fact, I don't think she would have sought a pardon on her own. It is we two - and her son - who can see that she really has paid her dues and we want her to be free from the tyranny of Auror Barclay. He seems a bit unstable about Eve being outside of Azkaban - you might say he's her Inspector Javert."

Rosemary felt the comparison was justified. Certainly ValJean had not been totally innocent either, but he, like Eve had paid his dues and had been prevented from experiencing life afresh by one very persistent judge of character.

"If you could grease the wheels a bit at the Ministry on her behalf, we would greatly appreciate it. We're working on getting the suitable paperwork together, but we anticipate the Auror stepping in to slow things down. We hoped that you might be able to balance his efforts so we can move as expediently as possible."

Hopefully this ask wasn't too much. She didn't feel as though it was, really. But, it wasn't really up to her - it was Draco Malfoy's perception that would drive his answer.