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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 6:01 pm
by Monkey Kitty
Draco Malfoy

"Oh, I didn't mean to imply anything derogatory about Eve," Draco said hastily. "She was better than the rest of us, and she's more than paid her dues. Money and connections were what talked when punishments were handed out, and unfortunately for her, Eve had neither. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that Auror Barclay doesn't see that - it calls some of the foundations of an Auror's beliefs into question, after all."

He nodded when Rosemary made her request, and gave her a small bow. "Of course," he said. "I will do what I do best - use my leverage. I think you will find it useful. I'll speak to Granger and Potter, and anyone in the Ministry whose ear I can bend. Fear not, Professor Bain. We'll be able to help Professor Travers. I'm sure of it."

Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 5:56 pm
by Quaxo9
Rosemary Bain

They'd said their farewells, with an additional confirmation that Scorpius really was doing well in his classes, and Draco had left to attend to his business. Really, Rosemary was surprised he'd given them so much time as it was - but incredibly pleased that he was clearly interested in the welfare of his boy as well as willing to stick his neck out for Eve. That little talk had gone better than she'd hoped, and she felt light again for the first time since she'd met Barclay in the hallway. The familiar swishing of her robes as she walked wasn't the only outward sign of her change of mood.

"Well, I'm glad we can give Eve some good news. Hopefully we'll have better news soon enough." She paused, then gave Cambria a discerning look. "How are you holding up? I know Eve means a lot to you - so in a way, you're, well I guess we're - sharing her stress. Is there anything you need?"

Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 7:05 pm
by Monkey Kitty
Cambria Morehouse

Cambria blushed a little at the scrutiny, and looked down. Yes, Rosemary was reading the situation right - in fact, Cambria wondered exactly how much her fellow professor had grasped.

"Yes," she said carefully. "Eve... does mean a great deal to me. I know she does to you as well. It will be a relief to all of us when she can finally rest easy."

The question of whether she needed anything was a difficult one. Did she? Cambria herself wasn't sure. Digging too deeply into that would involve admitting feelings - and she wasn't sure how that would be received.

"Eve is... a special person. Very special. I..."

Cambria blushed again, and her hair fell across her face. She stopped speaking abruptly, just short of giving voice to her true thoughts.

Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 9:00 am
by Quaxo9
Rosemary Bain

Ah. 'Special' special. Rosemary glanced down at her friend before lightly taking her by the shoulder to steer her toward someplace a little more private. It wouldn't do to have some young students overhearing their conversation and making things awkward before Cambria got herself sorted out. Once a little further down the garden path, Rosemary changed her arm's position to give a one-armed supportive hug.

"I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner. Have, I think you're just to the point where you might admit it to yourself, right? If I might offer some completely unsolicited advice - you shouldn't just sit on this. Speaking up about how you feel sooner rather than later is always for the best. I mean, I suppose I'm just assuming..."

It had been a guess, though she felt a rather good one, but it didn't seem fair to be the first one to say it out loud.

Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 2:26 pm
by Monkey Kitty
Cambria Morehouse

Cambria leaned into the hug. She was both more relieved and more scared at the same time. Rosemary wasn't wrong. But talking about it - putting it out into the world - made it seem more real. Like something actual, not a passing fancy.

"I can't," she said. "Tell Eve. I don't want to make things awkward. I don't want to ruin our friendship. She probably wouldn't be interested, anyway. She had a husband. They had a baby. I don't think I'm her type."

Of course, how much of a type Eve had wasn't clear. She'd been married once, when she was seventeen, and then spent most of her adult life in Azkaban. The evidence was inconclusive.

"Besides, you know about my... problem. If anyone can find a cure for me, Eve can, but if it's not possible, I'll end up as a beast for eternity. We know that. Eve knows that. It just... this can't happen, can it?"

Cambria truly wasn't sure if she wanted Rosemary to agree or contradict her.

Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 5:37 pm
by Quaxo9
Rosemary Bain

It was easy enough to consider that maybe she was in over her head with this conversation. After all, she'd had no meaningful relationships of her own (or at least no successful ones) and as she'd all but sworn off any future relationships, who was she to give advice? It would have been easy enough to say what Cambria wanted to hear.

But some things just didn't fall within the boundaries she tried to set up.

"I don't know about admitting feelings for someone ruining a friendship, but I do know that not being truthful will. I think if you try to keep your feelings to yourself that they'll come out on their own eventually. Personally, I'd rather be in charge of when that truth comes out."

She sighed and smiled in spite of Cambria's protests. "It sounds like the first person who needs to hear the truth is you, though. And honestly? If anyone deserves to be happy - it's someone who currently has a time limit."

Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 7:21 pm
by Monkey Kitty
Eve Travers and Cambria Morehouse

"I... think you're right," Cambria said with a sigh. "Thanks, Rosemary."

She wasn't sure how to begin, though. How to start the conversation.

As it turned out, Eve gave her an opening without meaning to. "Did you find a room you want to sleep in?" Eve asked with a casualness that was a little too... carefully casual.

Cambria caught her meaning. Ever since Eve's arrival when Cambria had found her wandering the halls, Eve had been sleeping in Cambria's room. Now it appeared Eve was not eager to sleep alone.

"Well, I thought I could keep bunking with you," Cambria suggested. "If you don't mind."

Eve nodded enthusiastically, looking a little relieved.

It didn't take long to move in enough of Cambria's possessions to last her a few days. She could always run back to her room upstairs if something was urgently needed.

"Thanks," Eve said. "For staying with me."

"You're welcome," Cambria replied. "I like staying with you, Eve. Actually. I think I need to be honest about something. I have feelings for you, Eve."

Eve stared at her, wide-eyed. "Why? Bad idea."

"Because you're a good person. You're kind, and smart, and brave. And lovely."

Eve blinked a few times. It had never occurred to her that Cambria might feel this way about her. Nor had it occurred to her to interrogate her own feelings about Cambria. What was Cambria like? Eve did a mental review of the sensations. A warm quilt around her. Gentle fingers through her hair. A kind voice. Ocean smells. A cat. Words that made her feel lighter. A fire on the hearth. Being happy. Cambria felt like being happy.

Now, Eve wasn't quite sure what to say. She couldn't remember how to accept this. So Eve just wrapped her arms around Cambria's waist, and leaned her head on her shoulder.

Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 4:51 pm
by Quaxo9
Rosemary Bain

If there was ever a time to be thankful that one was a magic user, it was when one had to move. Clearly, wizards of long ago agreed because there really were some lovely spells for cleaning up spaces and spontaneously moving things from one place to another. Perhaps a dislike of heavy lifting was pervasive among all peoples - muggles and wizards alike. She'd chosen a room that had been little more than a storage closet, but was next to the stairs. Not only did it make it quicker for Lucie to fly up and down, she could keep an ear out for any 'visitors' - that is to say, a certain Auror.

All her things fit into the space just fine and there was even a nice corner for Keeva, but Rosemary still tripped over everything when she got up in the morning. Her early morning habit hadn't taken a break, even with all the goings on, and though coffee may have been a tad rushed, she was still out sculling by her usual time. Part of her loved having a habit - the other part of her worried that it made her too predictable. Not that she was given to paranoia, but rather that people who formed a density of habits tended to be unable to leave them when need arose. Rosemary dreaded the idea of being in a rut. Of course, two habits did not a prison make - and the sculling did keep her fit. It seemed a worthy exchange.

She was walking back to the castle, towel in hand, when she was met by another professor who scuttled off shortly after giving her the message that young Master Bale had skipped off again. Inwardly, she groaned, wondering if there was a point when they could employ some sort of tracing device on the lad. Really. Third time in a week? Rosemary skipped down the steps to the dungeon and dressed in a bit of a rush, stopping to rap on Eve and Cambria's door.

"Hey ladies - Master Bale is missing again - I'm heading up to grab a smack of something and then join the search."

Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 6:11 pm
by Monkey Kitty
Eve Travers and Cambria Morehouse

A look of deep concern clouded Eve's face. "Again?" she said. "I'm worried. About Bale."

Cambria put a sympathetic hand on her shoulder, but wasn't quite sure what the source of her distress was. "I'm sure he'll be okay. He was fine the other times."

"That's why," Eve said. "Because there were other times. Happy children don't do this. Children who feel safe don't do this. Disappear all the time. Like they're obsessed with being gone. I... I was an unhappy child too. So I know."

"I understand," Cambria said. "I'm sure you're right. Once we find Bale, we'll try to make sure he's alright. Not just undamaged from his escapade, but that there's nothing going on that we need to help with."

They searched the castle for awhile, to no avail. Finally, a slightly flustered-looking McGonagall turned up - she seemed to become flustered by Bale rather often. "I've received words from Hogsmeade. Bale has been spotted at Honeydukes. That figures, I suppose. Could the three of you go collect him? Try to see that he doesn't... slip away again, won't you? That may take more than one set of eyes."

"Of course," Cambria replied.

Eve nodded absently. "But how did he get out of the castle by himself in the middle of the week...?" she mused under her breath to no one in particular.

Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts)

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 7:48 am
by Quaxo9
Rosemary Bain

While the breath she let out was in a most decidedly irritated fashion, Rosemary couldn't help but feel both relief and concern. The child wasn't inside the gates yet, after all. And how had he ended up in Hogsmeade?

"How indeed." she echoed Eve's sentiment. She turned and bent down to speak quietly to Keeva. The acromantula bobbed, then scurried off in the direction of the outdoor classroom. Rosemary could only hide a giant spider from the townsfolk for so long and she wasn't sure where they'd catch up with Bale for certain. Outside had proven to be safer than inside, so far.

Which reminded her - speaking of lost creatures and safety - she had forgotten to ask around about the rat. She'd burned the body as instructed prior to leaving for the seaside, but things had gotten at little out of hand when they returned and she'd neglected to follow through. Well, if the matter had waited this long, it could wait a little longer yet. Finding and securing young master Bale was the priority. Rosemary returned her attention to the other two professors.

"Hopefully he is still at Honeyduke's. I know I spent many an hour there as a youngster. Time seems to fly by in a candy store."