Corporate Affairs

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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Quaxo9 »

Neva Xolte

On her way back to the spaceport, Neva belatedly wondered if she'd done the right thing by sending Akaavi off with Also-Gina to the Mahr's temporary residence. It wasn't that the Mandalorian would get lost - more that she only just recalled that one one at the domocile had met Akaavi. Oh well. It would go fine. Because Akaavi was so...outgoing. No, this was going to be terrible. Too late now.

As Neva broke through the jungle into a clearing, she could see Volent ships dropping out of the sky and hovering around the spaceport like they expected to all be able to land at once. Crap. How was she supposed to get her ship out without attracting attention? She slowed her pace as she neared, ignoring the white-jacketed mob filling the station. Mostly they were just milling about while a handful were either clearly coordinating with some unseen leader or interrogating passers by. She overheard one man yelling something about 'needing more landing zones' and ' important business' and couldn't help but look in that direction. Unfortunately, she ended up making eye contact with the Port Master, who was the victim of the Volent employee's ire.

"Captain! Captain Xolte!" Neva had turned away, but not quickly enough to avoid being recognized. She winced, stopped, and plastered a neutral look on her face as she turned to face the two men. The Port Master appeared harried and only slightly relieved that he'd managed to stop her.

"Captain, I do hate to ask, but is there any way you, temporarily move your vessel?" the man nervously glanced at the Volent employee who seemed to read that look as a plea for assistance.

"We're on very important business here and your hunk of junk is taking up valuable space."

As much as she'd been relieved by the Port Master's request as it eliminated her problem of getting out of the spaceport without getting questioned, she couldn't quite ignore the Volent guy's comment. Neva's eyes narrowed as she made a show of looking around at the chaos with complete disinterest.

"Hey buddy, I'll be honest with you - I've paid my slippage fee. It would be inconvenient to move before my business is concluded. I'll consider moving my ship if I'm given some compensation. Say...a thousand?"

"A thousand! Hey, look, we weren't exactly asking here..."

"Oh, and you're going to move me? I was offering to take off in the middle of my day out of the goodness of my heart, but I'm starting to feel the cantina calling..." Neva took a step back toward the trade hub and stopped before the man's hand could touch her.

"Hey now, a thousand you said? Yeah, that seems fair." Clearly whoever was in the man's earpiece was really pushing him to make some room. He didn't seem too happy about that - if the way his fingers were jamming into his comm were any indication. "There."

Neva made a show of checking her accounts before smiling up at him. "Pleasure doing bus..."

"Yeah yeah. Just move. Please."

He'd amended his statement as she'd raised her eyebrow and returned her smile, somewhat tautly. Neva nodded graciously and took up a normal, easy pace back to her ship. An excuse to leave and a little pocket change. Not bad for an impossible situation.
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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Quaxo9 »

The Agent

I sensed the change the air. Felt the brush of the former Jedi's gaze. I wasn't supposed to be here. We were not welcome.

But we were here. So I drew back, pulling my presence toward myself. Vector appeared behind me, silently observing the conversation.

I checked in with Kaliyo via data pad. She confirmed Theron's report. I told her to keep her distance. I didn't need Volent having a bead on my ship when we were going to be paying their headquarters a visit later.

"My vessel is reporting difficulties communicating with Port Authorities. They will be unable to land to pick up passengers."

I ignored the fact that my vessel could land anywhere and hoped I was sufficiently brusque to avoid one of them informing me thus. Of course I would have liked to have assisted with the pick up of the second Gina, but I had reasons to keep my ship away from Rishi that had nothing to do with Volent. My crew members, well, they would be far too interesting to certain members of this crew.

Besides, I did need to stay in proximity to persons of interest.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Siralai Mahr

"That's alright," Siralai told the Agent. "We should have enough ships. It may be a bit of a squeeze, but we'll get everyone to Odessen."

The arrival of Akaavi and the second Gina had caused a minor stir back at the villa - though the impact had been softened somewhat by the presence of other Mandalorians, with Kismet and Torian still there with their new brood - and plans had changed soon anyway with the new urgency of departing Rishi. Trystan had taken over planetside people-moving logistics, and was capably directing traffic to the various vessels at their disposal.

Siralai took advantage of the lull that provided to make a call. She couldn't be there in person, but there was a message she needed to communicate nonetheless...

"Reyth? I wanted to speak with you. I'm sure you've heard by now that we need to leave Rishi. We're going to Odessen. You aren’t our prisoner, Reyth. If you want to stay here, or leave on your own, no one will stop you. I sincerely hope that you'll choose to come with us, though. Your presence means a great deal to me. I like having you here. I've come to care a lot about you. Our whole family has. I think you would like Odessen. The Force is in balance there. I think you could find balance there, too. Please - consider coming with us?"

"Please," Rossi - who was hovering nearby - added softly. "Please come with us."
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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Quaxo9 »


And just like that, the moment came. The leaving. She realized she wasn't attached to the place. It had always been transitional in nature. A stopping over. A point of no return. For her, it meant no return to the life she'd had - to either of the lives she'd had. The fact that she didn't know exactly what was going to happen next...didn't concern her as much as she thought it might have.

Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that she had some trust in the people she was with to help her obtain a better future.

When Siralai's call came, she didn't really have to think about her decision. Her mind was made up. The former Jedi's pronouncements...Reyth didn't have to judge them to know that they were true. Siralai had stuck by her even when she'd done horrible things. Had crossed lines purposefully. When it would have been convenient - and safer - to turn away. Rossi too had been consistent in her support. It was strange, how sure she felt.

She spared a quick smile for Rossi before returning her attention to Siralai.

"I'm ready. Let's go."
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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Quaxo9 »

Teizi Lin and Padawan Dallyn

The Jedi had excused herself when Theron reported on the situation on Rishi. This did not bode well for them in Volent was so aggressive about getting Gina back. Eventually the finger would point to members of this vessel and then they would more than likely have a fight on their hands. At least she hoped it would be something as simple as a fight. She wasn't sure if she was ready for another game of subterfuge just yet.

"Dallyn. I want you to go with Siralai - get our ship ready to leave. It is more than likely that we'll need the extra space to carry so many people. Please make sure to aid in packing up and getting everyone to safety. I want you to set a course for Tython - but expect a comm from me with your destination. If Volent is watching, I would rather them think that the vessel is just on routine Jedi business - nothing more."

He'd ducked his head to indicate that he understood and moved toward the ship's exit in preparation for a quick departure. Once he was out of her line of sight, however, he cast a surprised look at her broad back as she re-entered the med bay. When did she learn to get so suspicious? It was unlike his Master to think of trying to fool anybody. He'd thought it wasn't in her nature to be anything but completely honest. Not that he didn't think covering their tracks was wise...he just thought that someone else would have thought of it before Jedi Lin.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Siralai Mahr and Gina Valli

Siralai watched the blur of Reyth's hands as the young Sith signaled her willingness to go to with them, and let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding.

It had been a sincere offer, a real choice. She could have said no, and stayed on Rishi - or gone anywhere else she wished. Siralai had been prepared for that, and would have kept her word. But it would have been difficult. Even in a short time, she had become so attached to Reyth - a soul so lost, but Siralai still sensed a potential for good deep inside her, buried under layers of darkness and pain. She was glad Reyth was willing to continue their journey together.

"Then I'll see you both on Odessen," she told Reyth and Rossi with a smile.

Slipping off Rishi unseen undoubtedly resulted in some bitten nails and white knuckles, but nothing alarming occurred. Volent wasn't looking for vacationing families, or Mandalorians... or even Sith. They had their eyes on two very particular prizes, and had no idea their quarries were slipping away with people they had taken no notice of.

The trip was similarly uneventful.

As they entered Odessen's atmosphere, Siralai could sense the change immediately. Balance. The Light and Dark sides of the Force in permanent harmony. A refuge for both Jedi and Sith. With that realization, no place she had ever been - not even Tython, where she had grown up - had ever felt so much like home.

There was already a small population of like-minded settlers on the planet's surface, but there was plenty of space yet unclaimed. As they began their descent, Gina - the one they had rescued from SIS - turned to Teizi and said, "I'm sorry about all this. I know you've gone out of your way for me. All of you have. I know there's a cost. Please know I'm grateful, though. And if there's ever any way I can repay you..."


As they began their preparations to go down to the surface, Theron quietly pulled the Agent aside. "Hey," he said. "I just got some news I thought you'd want to hear. You were at the Evocii market earlier, right? There was an attack there after we left Rishi for good. They have wounded. So far I haven't heard of any fatalities, but it's... not good. The Evocii are holed up somewhere, and the market is burning."
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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Quaxo9 »

The Agent

I wasn't sure what kind of relationship Theron Shan thought we had, but this tenuous peace was going further than I thought appropriate. Pulling me aside like we were colleagues? And yet, we did seem to have mutual interests, if not mutual goals. I supposed this working relationship could continue for the time being, though I still balked at the ease with which he expected me to give him my time.

Though, with his news, I found myself considering him with significantly more charity - and some suspicion. Why would he have reason to think I would be interested in the goings on at the Evocii market? And on that note...

"Why would you be interested in the Evocii of Rishi? Surely a market up in flames isn't news on that planet."

Of course, I'd be sending Frenka a holo, but it couldn't hurt to find out why the SIS had their eye on her little community first.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Theron Shan

Theron regarded her coolly.

Typical Imperial Intelligence bullshit, he thought. She can't risk me getting the mistaken impression that she isn't a flaming racist by even pretending to be interested in the intel I'm trying to share about an attack on the area where we all met up just a short time ago, on a planet where we all had vested interests, and where we know our current adversary has been actively engaging the locals. More important to make sure I understand how indifferent she is to harm coming to aliens. Right. I don't have time for this game right now.

"Oh, you know me," Theron replied with the detached breeziness of one who has completely checked out of the conversation. "Always a gossip. Good day, Agent."

He inclined his head briefly and walked away, putting the Agent out of his mind. She wasn't useful to him, and didn't care enough to be an obstacle to his plans, so she didn't merit further consideration at the moment.

Theron met up with Felix Iresso at the makeshift hanger at the landing zone. "How are we coming?" he asked.

"Almost ready," Felix said, hefting the last of the medical supply crates into the cargo hold of Visper's ship. "I want to be in the air in ten. We may need more thermal blankets and fire suppression units, though. Got any idea what pile those ended up in?"

Theron started digging through crates. He hadn't expected they'd be on their way back to Rishi so soon, but it seemed fate always had the last laugh.
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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Quaxo9 »

Teizi Lin

Odessen. Yet another planet she hadn't been to, as her padawan would have pointed out if he were here and not piloting her vessel filled with people and belongings fleeing Volent's attack on Rishi. She sensed that all was well - or perhaps, it was more that she didn't sense anything amiss. Teizi should probably know the difference by now, especially if Master Pell was relying on her to exercise good judgment.

"There is no need for apology, Gina, but thank-you for your care. It is not often we are placed on so clear a path as this. I believe we were uniquely positioned to be of service to you and your people."

As for Gina's offer, Teizi was uncertain. She never asked for compensation when she did anything that benefited another, though some people insisted on doing so. And yet, in this case, they were in need.

"I would not ask anything of you that might endanger you or go against your principles, so please if what I ask is too much, tell me." Teizi took a quick breath before continuing. "It is likely that we will meet with some resistance from Volent in pursuing the rescue of the others. Would you be willing to share information about Volent with us that may help us free them and purge the information Volent has on your 'project' from their databanks. I realize that this could lead to us obtaining information that you would find sensitive, and so, I must ask your permission to pursue the files. They should be yours to do with as you see fit."
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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Quaxo9 »

The Agent

I watched the SIS agent stalk away, as I pulled out my holopad. He was a moody one. No matter. I'd soon find out the true state of things from someone I trusted. At least, I would have if she had picked up the call. I tried again. Frenka did not pick up. So, it was as he said - the Evocii were in hiding. I had no doubt that Frenka and Huttsbane could handle whatever Volent had decided to throw at them.

"We...are concerned that she has not answered your call. We believe she would if she were able."

While I was certain our friends were more than capable, and may even be annoyed with our interference, my dear Vector was beside himself with worry. For Vector, and the collective Killik peace of mind, I would risk drawing Frenka's ire for sticking my nose in. Besides, I had said I'd look into the Volent issue. If Volent had made the Evocii their issue, it was hardly my fault for circling back.

"Theron has someone on the inside. The solder - Susanna. It must be. Frenka introduced her as a friend - hopefully we can trust a friend of a friend to give us the information we need."

"So, we will help?" the relief in his voice was palpable. I felt it brush against me, imparting a warmth that I didn't feel on my skin.

"Of course."

It had been perhaps a bit brash on my part to have brushed Theron aside as I had. Of course, I had no idea he would be so sensitive, but I still I could have given him more of a ready indication that I was willing to listen. Hopefully I could convince him to continue to share his information. If things were so dire that the Evocii community had gone completely to ground, well, it certainly warranted my intervention. Part of me considered the delay in pursuing the Gina problem, but ultimately I decided that the rest of the crew were unlikely to depart without me and put it out of my mind. The Evocii first.

Vector and I arrived at the hangar in time to overhear Theron and another former Republic soldier, Felix, speaking. Just the two of them? A small rescue party, but small was frequently prudent when one needed to move quickly and quietly.

"The fire suppression units are in this pile here." My scanner had picked up on the label and Vector was already moving to pick up the crate. I approached Theron directly, intending to make my intentions clear.

"I realize that you must have heard about my friendship with Frenka Ivarj through Lana. The Service does not condone personal connections - I'm sure you can understand a certain requirement to cultivate perceived indifference. It should go without saying that this trip to Rishi will not be in my report."
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