Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Rosemary Bain

The pieces were clicking together. The man's interest in Liam. His knowledge of Eve's past. This was now more than just a weird situation - it was now dangerous. He seemed about the right age, but she had to be sure.

"So, your hair, hooked nose, about this tall?" She gestured an approximate height in the air beside her. "If so, I am pretty sure there's a reason that rose looked familiar - the man I met tonight produced it and left it behind when he apparated."

Rosemary didn't know whether she should apologize or suggest that they all get back to the relative safety of Hogwart's as soon as possible. Was he watching them even now?
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty
Eve Travers

"Yes, that... sounds like him," Eve agreed.

She didn't want it to be true. She wanted to close that chapter, to leave it in the past. But that was a naive wish, she knew. Darren had never been apprehended by the Aurors. Unless he had died somehow in the meantime, he was still at large. If it had just been Eve, he probably wouldn't have come back. She was no longer of use to him, so he wouldn't have bothered with her, she was sure; that had been a relief. But Liam... of course he would want Liam. And that might make Eve an obstacle in the way.

"I'm sorry you all got dragged into this," Eve said sincerely. "Hopefully he was just curious, and now that he's seen Liam he'll just... be on his way."

Eve knew that wasn't likely. It was a nice thought, though.
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Rosemary Bain

As far as she knew, Eve's husband was a dark wizard who hadn't come to his senses to turn against his evil master unlike Eve herself. Which meant that they had a bona fide Death Eater stalking them. Well, more specifically Liam and Eve, but still. He hadn't done anything tonight in the presence of so many witnesses, but Rosemary wasn't about to sit back and hope for the best. Now was the time for action.

"I think we should be more proactive. He displayed an interest in Liam - frankly, I think you are both in real danger. Liam, how are the wards where you're staying? Eve, you should be safe at Hogwart's, but I can think of a few additional measures you might consider. I...just have a bad feeling about this - that we need to be more than just wary."

She was aware that she probably sounded overly anxious, but Rosemary couldn't help but think of the strange feeling she'd had since the previous morning and how the man's presence tonight had brought about the same symptom. It couldn't be a coincidence that Liam arrived in Eve's life just as his father appeared to take an interest in his.
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty
Eve Travers

"I'll be alright," Liam said. Noticing his mother's concerned expression, he added, "Really, I will. We've got a lot of protection set up already. I'll stay in touch, Mum. Don't worry."

This was probably true, Eve realized. Plotting a goblin rebellion wasn't a safe activity; they were surely already prepared for unwanted infiltrators.

They said their goodbyes, and Eve returned to her room to feed Shelby and her kitten. Basil, she decided. The kitten would be Basil. The named suited him. She tried to fall asleep... but her eyes just wouldn't close. Down in the dungeon, she felt the weight of the whole castle pressing down on her. Sleep wasn't going to come. Before long she was knocking on Cambria's door again, with a pillow tucked under her arm and a pet in each hand. Sleeping in the tower was much better. Her worries hadn't quite fled, but it was easier to set them aside than when she was alone in the dungeon.

Everything seemed fine until she was headed to breakfast with Cambria... and suddenly their way was blocked by a team of Aurors. Eve's first half-formed thought was that everyone had been wrong and she was guilty of stealing a kitten after all. Her second, more reasonable one, was that the goblin plot had been discovered, and her heart sank. But apparently neither was the case.

"Eve Travers! We're here to take you back to Azkaban. You've violated the terms of your parole by associating with a wanted Death Eater."

Eve was baffled. "But I didn't...?"

"Last night? At the Three Broomsticks?" Eve blanched. She hadn't even considered this complication of her ex-husband's presence the night before.

"That's insane!" Cambria insisted. "She didn't speak to him. She couldn't even see him; he was wearing a cloak. We didn't even find out until after he'd left that it was him!"

Auror Barclay shook his head. "You knew the rules, Eve. And you've flouted them already."
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Rosemary Bain

She'd seen the Aurors arrive and suspected the worst. Leaving propriety behind, she gathered up her robes and ran to the hall, arriving to stand somewhat breathless on the other side of Eve. She pulled herself up to full height and stepped slightly in front of their target. The motion was in no way threatening, but it was protective: the Aurors could easily equate the latter with the former.

"These rules, sir, may I see them?"

The question was asked in an even tone and innocently enough, but her eyes were hard. There was no mistaking that this was a challenge. Auror Barclay delayed in responding, so she reiterated, "I am sure that if there were rules Miss Travers were to follow that they'd be explicitly laid out in a document signed by herself to indicate she had understood and agreed to the terms. May I see the document?"
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty
Eve Travers

Auror Barclay stammered a bit.

Eve seemed to be a step behind - or else very sarcastic and hiding it behind a display of perfect innocence. It wasn't quite clear. "A document? I was supposed to sign a document? When do I get it?"

"Er... there wasn't exactly..."

"I didn't sign anything," Eve said, bypassing the Auror and speaking directly to Rosemary.

"Well I... I'm sure I told her..."

"Maybe," Eve said with a shrug. "But it was loud on the train, and you spent most of the trip telling me what to do and not to do, so it's kind of hard to remember."

"It should be obvious!" Barclay insisted with obvious irritation. "You're showing your true colors, Travers! Once a Death Eater, always a Death Eater!"

The last sentence made Eve's heart sink, but she tried not to let it show.
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Rosemary Bain

Though she seemed to have won the round, the battle wasn't over and Rosemary wasn't about to leave an Auror angry with her if she could help it. Of course, that last bit went out the window with his careless comment. Her eyes narrowed.

"Auror Barclay, I suggest that the situation demands leniency on the ground that no contact was made with the person in question by Miss Travers, nor was there any written confirmation of this set of rules you insist that she follow. Please reconsider." She paused, then continued in a slightly lower tone, "Besides, people often mix up jaguars and leopards."
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty
Eve Travers

"You...!" Barclay fumed, appearing to take Rosemary's comment as some sort of insult against him, even though he clearly didn't understand it. His anger re-focused on Eve. "I will return with a contract, Travers! You can be sure of that. And if anything like this ever happens again, you'll be right back in a cell."

He made a gesture at Eve that she interpreted as the prelude to striking her, and she flinched, but he stopped just shy of her nose with his finger pointing at her. "I'm watching you, Travers."

He spun on his heel, motioning to the other Aurors. "Let's go. I'm sure we'll be back soon enough."

"Thanks," Eve whispered when they had gone - but she still seemed shaken, not quite herself.
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Rosemary Bain

She stood resolute, unblinking in the face of the Auror's blustering. Though his attentions were largely focused on Eve, Rosemary had no doubt that she'd made an impression. She was a bit disappointed that she couldn't completely derail him, but hopefully she'd bought them all some time. The problem with asking for a document meant that the one crafted would likely be even more restrictive than the verbal one.

The continued threats managed to rankle her, and it was with no small amount of effort that she avoided moving Auror Barclay's hand out of her friend's face. Just as quickly as they'd swept in, the Aurors flowed out of the school, leaving their stink behind. There was nothing she could do about the onlookers. The professors and children who had been privy to the entire discourse were starting to disperse, but she could only imagine what they were thinking.

This was the last thing Eve needed. Turning to her friend, she could see that she was suffering. "Hey, why don't we meet back at my chambers for some coffee. I'll grab some rolls and be right there. There's time to rescue the day."

She gave Eve's arm a light squeeze and nodded to Cambria before turning to do as she'd said. It only took a moment to gather a few things and she was back in the hallway. To her surprise, she caught them up - perhaps she was walking a bit more briskly than normal. Saying nothing while they were walking, Rosemary thought over the morning's event while en route.

"Someone was watching us last night - other than your ex. Someone who knew you both and had at least an inkling of what Auror Barclay had told you on that train. How else would they have known?"

Her voice was low, not out of concern for being overheard, but that she might allow her emotions to get the better of her. Perhaps it would be best if she skipped her second cup of coffee today...
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Re: Start of Term (Hogwarts) (beginning)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty
Eve Travers and Cambria Morehouse

Cambria picked up a copy of The Daily Prophet from beside the coffee tray and began flipping through it. For a moment, it might have appeared she wasn't paying attention, but it became clear that wasn't the case when she reached the final page of the newspaper and exclaimed, "Exactly as I thought!"

She met the quizzical gazes of her friends and said, "I have a different theory. I think your former husband reported you himself, Eve. I was checking the Prophet to see if he had been apprehended last night, but there was no report of such a thing happening. Presumably he's still at large. Why would anyone who knew you both try to focus the attention of the Aurors on you, instead of the notorious Death Eater who was never caught, unless...?"

"Unless he did it himself," Eve finished.

"Exactly!" Cambria agreed. "And while he may not know the exact terms of your release, he could easily guess that contact with anybody associated with the Death Eaters wouldn't be allowed; it's to be expected that the Aurors would set that condition. I just wonder why he'd do it..."

"To get me out of the way," Eve said quietly. "So he can have Liam all to himself. That's exactly like something he'd do."