A Pleasant Day at the Beach

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Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty

Siralai Mahr

Siralai raised an eyebrow when Neva mentioned her 'gym.' She didn't have any particular moral concerns - as long as all the participants were consenting adults who understood what they were getting themselves into, there was nothing she saw to object to. She did worry about Neva, though. It wasn't concern about any lack of capability; Neva had more than proven herself in that area. Neva was a valued friend, and Siralai didn't want to see anything happen to her. She didn't want to seem like a nag, though.

"I really hope we can find an alternative that doesn't involve fighting," Siralai told Neva honestly. "Attacking the girls' brother isn't part of their rehabilitation plan. If we can find some way to keep everyone safe - including those two Twi'leks - I plan to take it."

That wasn't necessarily the attitude a Jedi was supposed to have toward a Sith. Siralai had been faulted for that before. Even as an apprentice, it had been noticed that she was reluctant to fight, and hesitant to kill. Well... good thing she wasn't a Jedi anymore.

They made haste to the beach, not wanting Pyrran to move on before they arrived. Siralai thought it best to leave the bulk of the adults to guard the children - particularly the two new ones, who probably had unknown people after them. It was just going to be Siralai and Neva... but then Siralai had another thought, and asked Trystan to come too. Trystan had grown up in the heart of the Empire, after all - as had the brother. Perhaps Trystan's interpretation could avoid misunderstandings.

The Sith was easy to spot on the beach. Bright red skin, brown and black robes, in the company of two Twi'leks - he was hard to miss.

Nor did he fail to notice their arrival. Siralai had worn normal civilian clothes for years. She had been raised in the Temple, though; everything about her bearing screamed 'Jedi.' That alone was enough to bring the Sith instantly to his guard.

"Jedi," he growled between clenched teeth, with a red-bladed lightsaber in each hand. "I have no desire to fight you. But I have work to do here, and I can't let you stop me."

Siralai reached out with her mind, feeling the Force surrounding the young man - and what she found startled her. She hadn't expected an apprentice to be completely tainted to the core by the Dark side... but this young man practically radiated Light. Siralai was shocked by the purity she found, gazing into him. No wonder he was having trouble with his master...

Focused on the young man, Siralai hadn't noticed what the Twi'leks were doing. But Trystan saw. The younger Twi'lek hung back, looking confused, hiding behind the Sith only because of a few minutes' familiarity. But the other had taken a defensive posture along with the Sith, and had a blaster in her hand. Of course, some people armed their slaves, forced them to fight. This didn't mean what was happening was willing, not by itself. But...

"Why did you take their shock collars off?" Trystan asked mildly instead of responding directly... but his eyes caught the Sith's gaze unflinchingly. Nor could Pyrran miss the unmistakable Imperial accent. "They had them. I see the scars on their necks. But they aren't wearing them. Why?"

"I... erm... they were sufficiently obedient already," the Sith said hesitantly.

Trystan raised an eyebrow. "Really? You bought the girl what - half an hour ago? And she's already that obedient?"

"I... I have a way of... she knows the power of the Sith... and..."

"Stop," Trystan said. "Just stop. If you really believed that, you would have fried me where I stood for my insolence, not tried to argue with me and justify yourself. It's okay. We don't want to fight you. We want to help. Do you want to see your sisters?"

Pyrran instantly seemed to deflate. "You... you know where they are?" he asked quietly. "I assume this means they're prisoners of the Jedi now?"
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Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »


Neva Xolte

She had never seen a conflict escalate and deescalate as quickly as this one. One second, there were two drawn lightsabers and a blaster in their faces, the next, a sheepish looking Sith with two Twi'lek for companions. Neva had noticed that the older Twi'lek had stood shoulder to shoulder with her master - and now she knew why - he wasn't her master. Which begged the question - why did he purchase another slave if he wasn't into that sort of thing? She shrugged and decided to answer Pyrran's question instead.

"If being rescued by her daughter and then saving their lives makes them her prisoners, I guess so." she said dryly. The resulting near-panic of the man opposite her quickly made her realize that she'd been too candid. "That was sarcasm, I'm sorry - they aren't prisoners. They've had a rough go, but they're on their way back to health thanks to this Jedi, oh, and the other Jedi...don't worry, they're cool. Just come see for yourself."

Neva let out a breath more similar to a groan than anything else and gave Siralai a glance she hoped communicated that she was sorry for making things worse.

The little entourage seemed to be willing to follow them, so she fell into step between the two groups. The young Twi'lek girl didn't seem to know what to make of anything and she was so scared...Neva felt for her. If she wasn't to be a slave to this Sith, she'd probably be on the streets. And dressed like that - she could very well imagine what kind of occupation she might find herself in. She decided she couldn't make things too much more awkward, so Neva took a chance and hung back a few steps to be closer to the girl.

"Hey kid. You look cold. Want my shirt?"

It was little comfort, she knew, especially as one could hardly be cold in the balmy evenings on Rishii. Still, she removed the light long-sleeved shirt she had on over her tank and held it out to the Twi'lek anyway. Neva had temporarily forgotten that one of the reasons she was wearing the shirt was to cover the fresh vibrosword burns on her arms, but remembering didn't keep her from offering.
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Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty

Siralai Mahr

Just for a moment, when Neva said in jest that his sisters were indeed prisoners, Pyrran's desperation and despair were plain. Siralai felt for him. It appeared that Pyrran alone from his family had taken responsibility for finding the twins and keeping them safe. Whether he was the only family member left, or simply the only one who cared... it was a heavy weight on very young shoulders.

She gave Neva a little nod of understanding, then told Pyrran, "I must prepare you for what you are about to see. This will be difficult to hear - but you need to be ready. Your sisters were not merely kept in servitude. They were used for their Force sensitivity to augment the power of someone else. We're still trying to figure out who that 'someone' else is. The girls were put through an ordeal that essentially turned them into batteries to grant Dark energy to another. As a result, their minds and bodies are badly damaged."

Pyrran had gone pale, and his lips were a thin line as he nodded tensely. "Will they survive?"

"I think so," Siralai replied. "They're already showing signs of improvement. When my daughter rescued them, they were completely unconscious. They've had periods of wakefulness since. Visper - the other Jedi - used a shielding technique to help them. She, Lana Beniko, and I have been healing them."

"Then I thank you for your help," Pyrran replied, ducking his head in a little bow that Siralai recognized as a common mannerism among Imperials - though not usually ones of Pyrran's social status. "I admit it surprises me. That you would help them. And that it seems Sith and Jedi are working together in this endeavor."

"We're all just trying to do what's right," Siralai replied. "You're welcome."

She gave Neva an approving smile when the Zabrak offered Evanni her overshirt... though it turned to a small frown of worry, seeing the injuries on her friend's shoulders.

"Thank you," Evanni murmured.

Pyrran nodded his thanks as well, and offered another little bow to Neva as he had to Siralai. When they entered the house, Pyrran silently approached his sisters' bedside. They were sleeping, and he was careful not to wake them - but a gasp passed his lips when he saw the condition they were in. Even being told could not have fully prepared him. He drew a deep, shuddering breath. It was only through years of brutal practice that he contained the urge to cry. Sith must not shed tears - or so his father and teachers had said. But his breath continued to be ragged, and he couldn't manage to find any words.

Instinctively, Siralai put a motherly, comforting hand on his shoulder. He flinched at the touch of a Jedi - but then he realized it was a gesture of compassion, and he relaxed. Vette stood on the other side of him; she took his hand and squeezed it. Pyrran closed his eyes for a moment, allowing the unexpected comfort from both sides to strengthen him. When his eyes opened again, he scanned the room. Now that he had seen his sisters, he started noticing the others in the room. A human Sith - that must be Lana Beniko. There were two other Sith too, Purebloods like him, but young. The girl was in her teens, and the boy looked about ten.

"Hi!" the boy said cheerfully. "I'm Shalmus Mahr. This is my sister, Rossi. We're their kids." He pointed to Siralai and Trystan.

Pyrran couldn't quite parse this. "I don't understand. Are you apprentices, or slaves, or...?"

Shalmus shook his head. "Nope. They're our parents. They adopted us." Pyrran felt like the floor had dropped out from under him. The whole world had upended, and certain truths he had always held as absolute began coming into question...
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Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »


Neva Xolte

Seeing Pyrran's reaction to his sisters' condition made Neva feel even worse for her earlier off-the-cuff comment. There was nothing to be done about either the comment or the kids, though, so she excused herself and made her way back outside. She was just contemplating a run when a service droid approached to inform her that she was to return to the ring to get ready for the match. Casting an eye back to the Mahr's temporary home, she nonetheless complied with the request. The city lights soon drowned out her conscience, leaving her with nothing but the fighting spirit she had come to hone.

Teizi Lin

The holo's chirp echoed through the metal halls and tittered against her mind like a swamp gnat on flesh, evoking a similar reaction from the meditating Jedi. Teizi opened one eye and found herself looking at one of the meditation statues in her room. Sighing, she nodded a silent reply to an equally silent answer and stood in one fluid motion. Even though she knew it was likely someone calling about something important, she still wished her room was far enough away from the holostation that she wouldn't be able to hear its painful warbling call. Her fingers lingered for a moment on the answering key before she pressed it.

"Master Jedi! Thank goodness you are still in range!"

The General's voice communicated some urgency, but then again, it always did. Something was always on fire - and she was the one they called to put it out. Not waiting for her forthcoming courteous reply, he carried on with his missive. "The Empire transport caravan we've been watching just sent one of its small ships out of formation. We don't know what they might be after, but we suspect it might have something to do with rumours we've heard of forces gathering in secret amongst the outer planets. Fortunately one of our teams had a tracer on this ship and it looks like it is heading to Rishi. We need you to go find out what the Empire is doing on that backwater planet."

"Of course. I'll look into it." She managed to get those few words in before the General ended the call. Obviously he didn't have time for any questions. No matter. She turned and paced up to the cockpit, "I've never been to Rishi." she mumbled.

Her Padawan chuckled as he snuck past her and took the pilot's seat "You always say that."

"Do I?" Teizi wasn't paying much attention to the navigation charts, but was instead browsing the holonet for information on Rishii.

"You do. For a Jedi, you certainly haven't been around much." The Padawan shut his mouth with a click even as he blushed crimson for the audacity of his statement.

"It's fine, Dallyn. It was an accurate observation," she paused before adding "though your tone would not be appreciated back on Tython. You would do well to practice speaking as though you were continually within earshot of the Jedi Council chambers."

"Yes, master. Thank-you." The young man mumbled his reply even as he punched in the final coordinates.
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Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty

Pyrran Onyk

Trystan brought Pyrran a chair so he could sit with his sisters while they slept. Holding one of each of their hands, he stared into their faces as if trying to memorize them. The twins had grown up so much in almost three years. He wished he could have been there for them. He wished he could have given them a happy, painless life, instead of... this.

"What are their names?" Siralai asked. "We haven't known what to call them."

Pointing to them in turn, Pyrran said, "That's Apathy. And that one is Vanity." Anticipating the question - apparently it was a frequent one - he explained without being asked. "Please know that I had no involvement in naming them. It was my father's choice. Our mother died giving birth to them. It was no fault of theirs, but my father always blamed them. From the moment they were born, he wasted no opportunity to make them feel unwanted."

"Thank goodness they had you, then," Siralai said gently. "Thank goodness they had your love."

Pyrran was taken by surprise at such frank talk of love. He did love his sisters. Of course he did. But he was not used to such things being recognized or acknowledged. He nodded awkwardly in thanks. He noticed other things, too, sitting with his sisters while the Mahrs' family life went on around him. He noticed the kind of parents Siralai and Trystan were. How affectionate they were with their children - both human and Sith Pureblood. How they taught and guided and loved. It was the kind of upbringing Pyrran would have craved, if he knew it was possible. The kind of environment his sisters would have thrived in. He'd had no idea families could be like this.

When he noticed the Mahrs getting ready for bed, Pyrran realized it was time to go. Siralai invited them back for breakfast, and Pyrran and Vette didn't hesitate to accept. He wanted to spend as much time with his sisters as he could - and he felt surprisingly comfortable and welcome here. Sleeping arrangements could be a little complicated, Pyrran realized. Focused as he was on his sisters, he had neglected to consider that he was responsible for Evanni. There would have been plenty of room for her on the ship. She could have bunked with Vette. But Pyrran was afraid that she might get the wrong idea, being ordered back to the ship of a Sith lord who had purchased her as a slave. But he didn't want the other men to get any idea about Evanni's availability, or bother her during the night. What to do...?

He had a flash of inspiration. "Rossi," he said. The girl was a fellow Sith, and seemed trustworthy - and strong, and protective. "I have a rather large favor to ask. I wondered if Evanni could share your room tonight. I think she would be more comfortable here than with me."

"Of course," Rossi said. "Not a problem."

"Could you... look out for her? Make sure no one hurts her?"

"Yeah, of course I'll look out for her - but no one here would hurt her. Never. I promise."

"Thank you," he said. He wished he could share Rossi's optimism, but he had seen too much cruelty in the world - especially toward aliens, and slaves, and anyone deemed 'lesser.' It was good to have the ship. Hard as it was to say a temporary goodbye to his sisters, returning to the ship would call less attention to their sleeping arrangements. Specifically, the fact that Vette didn't share Pyrran's bed. It wasn't a fact he wanted to make known. If she was 'his' - if she 'belonged' to a Sith - other men were inclined to leave her alone, not wanting to cross someone like Pyrran. The alternative, the unwanted advances if she was seen as vulnerable... did not bear thinking of.

Pyrran had difficulty falling asleep. The usual. Once he finally drifted off, nightmares plagued him. He woke to the sound of his own screams. Hastily he jammed a pillow over his mouth, hoping Vette wouldn't hear... but the door was already sliding open.

"Are you okay?" she asked, worried face illuminated by the faint red glow of the backup lighting.

"Fine," he said, trying to force his heart rate back to normal. "No need to be alarmed. Just a dream."

"About your master?" Pyrran shook his head. "No. About my father." He hated himself for this. She must think him so weak...

Vette sat down on the bed beside him and put her arm around him. She didn't say anything. What was there to say? But somehow, having her there helped chase the demons of the past away.
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Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty

Pyrran Onyk

Eventually, the physical and emotional exhaustion overcame Pyrran, and he drifted off. His sleep was mercifully dreamless. Apparently at some point Vette dozed off too, because when he woke up, it was with his head on her shoulder. For a moment, he worried she would be angry with him - had he gotten too familiar? He hadn't meant to fall asleep... But she was her usual, cheerful self, so if it was a faux pas it seemed to be a forgivable one.

They headed for the Mahrs' cottage as soon as they were up and changed out of their nightclothes. Siralai met them at the door.

"I have some great news!" she said with a smile. "Come on inside."

When he stepped inside, he realized there was no need for Siralai to tell him - both of his sisters were awake. Pyrran's breath caught in his throat as he ran to them. He hugged each of them gently in turn. "I missed you!" he said. "I'm so glad you're alive. You're going to be safe. Everything is going to be okay now." He would make that true. He would. He was determined.

Pyrran glanced around the room to make sure no one was listening closely. "This is my friend, Vette," he told the girls quietly, careful not to be overheard calling her 'friend' rather than 'slave.' "She's really nice. You're going to like her. The people who saved you seem very kind too. You have lots of good people with you now." It was a positive change from their father's household, to be sure.

The twins still looked confused and shell-shocked. But Apathy smiled at him, and Vanity said, "We missed you too."
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Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »


Neva Xolte

This was going to be a good day. She just had that feeling. Maybe she was still coming off the high of the epic win last night, or maybe it was the way the light breeze brought the smell of the sea into every corner of the market, but today felt great. Neva picked up some random fruits as she walked, thinking that she should bring something with her to the Mahrs'. After all, nothing quite said 'sorry I've been flakey' quite like a fresh...whatever this was.

She was still in high spirits as she walked in the door juggling several melon-like objects and balancing an oddly shaped fruit on her head which was clearly only staying in place because of her horns. "Hey, hey good people! I thought I'd bring some...fruit...things."

She shrugged as she unloaded the food items and grinned, "If it doesn't have a ration label on it, it's a pretty safe bet that I don't know what it is. They looked good, though, so thought I'd bring them along."

Having no idea what to do with them now that she'd set them down, Neva decided to leave the rest to more expert hands. Despite a fresh bruise alongside her jaw, she looked refreshed - a far different soul than the sullen one that had been walking among them the past few days. Setting herself down on a stool and leaning back against the wall, she grinned upon hearing voices in the next room.

"So, they're up? Perfect. I knew this was going to be a good day."
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Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty

Siralai was relieved to see Neva looking cheerful again. For the past few days, a dark cloud seemed to have been hanging over the Zabrak's head. Siralai might have been skeptical about this 'gym' at first, but whatever Neva was getting out of it seemed to be working. It was good to see her friend smiling again.

"Thanks for the fruit! This looks great. I knew there were going to be perks to vacationing on a tropical world."

She nodded when Neva inquired about the girls. "They both woke this morning. Vanity first, then Apathy a few hours later. They aren't quite on their feet yet. Apathy still hasn't said a word, and Vanity is barely speaking either. Compared to where they were yesterday, though - there's a world of difference. We're doing our best to show them that there's hope. And of course, they're delighted to see their brother."

"Pyrran's thrilled too," Vette said as she approached the two of them, apparently lured in by the prospect of fruit - she was eyeing the melons appraisingly. "He's been looking for them for a long time. He never gave up, but I think he was starting to worry it was hopeless. I'm glad you found them, so the three of them could be together again."
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Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »

Monkey Kitty

Visper Averrod

Visper got her first good night's sleep in years. She had never slept well while Felix was missing. Now he was back at her side. Even as she slept, some part of her unwaking mind could sense him there. With allies nearby, she could finally let down her guard, and not feel the need to keep one eye open to protect him. So she rested. And she slept well, and woke refreshed.

She went for a swim at dawn. It was almost like a meditation. But her thoughts weren't only on the Force. As she sat on the balcony toweling her hair, she asked Felix, "What do you think Pyrran has planned for Evanni?" The young Twi'lek girl seemed to have greatly enjoyed her slumber party with Rossi. It must be a pleasant change to be able to relax with a peer her own age.

"I don't know," Felix replied. "It doesn't sounds like he intends to keep her as a slave - and of course, we wouldn't have allowed that. But I'm not sure if he has a plan."

Visper looked out toward the horizon. "I was thinking... maybe we could adopt her," she said slowly. "She's still just a kid. She could use a family. And we'd talked about becoming parents. Does that sound crazy?"

"It doesn't sound crazy," Felix replied. "I think it's a great idea. We have the room, and we'd take good care of her. I'd really like to. I just... wonder what the others will think. They know I just went through those five years of... well, you know. They might think I'm too messed up from it. That we're not ready."

"You're not messed up," Visper assured him. "You've been through an ordeal, but you're recovering from it. It was a terrible trauma - but I imagine Evanni has been through some terrible trauma, too. Maybe having someone who's healing too would be a good thing for her. I think we should try. If you want to."

"I do want to," Felix said, sounding both nervous and hopeful.
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Re: A Pleasant Day at the Beach

Post by Quaxo9 »


Neva Xolte

Neva eyed Vette as the Twi'lek approached, seeming to newly appraise the woman in the fresh light of a new day and more importantly, a fresh mood on her part. She moved to welcome her into the conversation by turning her shoulder outward and rolling a melon in Vette's direction followed closely by a knife the Zabrak assumed she'd need. She had to admit her curiosity was piqued. Evidence suggested that Pyrran had two slaves, but clearly Vette was very familiar with her master - and cared for him to some extent. Still, at the end of the day, she was a slave. And to be owned, or even viewed as owned wasn't the kind of life that Neva much cared to see anyone in. Perhaps now might be a good opportunity...while the master was busy with his sisters.

Neva made eye contact with Vette and kept her tone even and conversational. "Listen, I don't mean to pry...no, actually I do. I have a ship, I know someone who can make fake IDs, and I can set you up for some decent work. Both you and the kid. You don't have to stay in this life. You don't have to live under the law of someone else." she glanced past their little group at the table in the direction of Pyrran, "Even if they are the family type."