Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Monkey Kitty
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Anakita Snakecharm and Ulga gra-Shatul

"Daedra can't be killed," Ulga replied matter-of-factly.

Anakita was about to voice an objection and state her usual plan - 'just kick its ass' - but Ulga anticipated her idea and shook her head.

"I'm not saying they are difficult to kill," the Orc offered as further explanation. "I'm not saying killing them is a suicide mission. I'm saying you truly cannot do so. They can indeed be fought. The battle would be difficult and likely come at great cost, but it can be done. The daedra can be defeated... for a time. But they merely cycle back when they are vanquished. You can 'kill' them, but it's not permanent."

"Have you done that?" Anakita asked, more out of curiosity than because it seemed like a viable option in the current circumstances.

"Yes," Ulga said. "Certainly not alone. As part of an alliance of many. But yes. It's only something to attempt in situations of dire need, though. Heavy losses should be expected, and victory is not at all guaranteed."

Anakita nodded. It sounded like they weren't going to get to kill any daedra. Oh well. Fighting a cult sounded like the next best thing.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

"Hmmm, very much like the Mad King." She'd spoken under her breath, uncharacteristically thinking out loud. This particular sentence was unproductive as far as gathering information on the cult in question went, but it was certainly important to her theory of parallels which was growing by the minute. Focusing more precisely on the matter at hand, she considered the options.

The cult on its own had caused problems for them in their pursuit of murdering children for their daedra. However, that wasn't the real reason they had travelled here. The real reason was that they'd joined up with another cult that was after something world-shattering. Using this smaller cult that they knew something about to get at the bigger cult was therefore more important.

"Do cults serving different daedra often join forces? Do all daedra have similiar goals?"
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Anakita Snakecharm and Lias Grath

"I would not use the word 'often'," Lias replied. "It is a thing that happens from time to time. Each of the daedra have their own domains, their own concepts of what is important and best. The daedra are capable of working together when their goals align. It is typically short-lived, though. Most of the evil daedra - the ones whose cults you need to worry about - do not imagine themselves sharing power. They imagine only their own primacy. Think of it as potential monarchs warring over a throne; it might benefit some of them to work together for a time to advance their own interests, but any alliance is doomed to fall apart eventually because ultimately none of them will be willing to share power. There is, of course, a significant difference versus a conventional royal political squabble - there is no finite endpoint, no moment where an obvious winner will be declared. They will scheme and plot endlessly, as long as the world exists."

Anakita rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "So they probably don't like each other much, right? They probably have a lot of reasons to be mad at each other?"

"Correct," Lias agreed.

"Well, maybe that's why one of them - or some of them? - sought out Tyria," Anakita suggested. "Maybe they've run out of potential allies at home and need to find someone else to work with who doesn't hate them yet."
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

"If that is the case, that they are seeking allies, they do not have many choices. There are the dragons, of course, but the gods have left. The Bloodstone has its power and its cult...perhaps that could be a gathering point? So far it doesn't sound like these daedra would be opposed to blood magic...requiring the blood of children and all..."

It was then that the thought occurred to her. Rituals meant something. They were performed in expectation of something happening as a result.

"Actually...what sort of ritual would require the sacrifice of a child? A baby. What would a daedra want with a dead baby?"

The question was parsed without emotion. No accusation. No inflection toward excitement or upset. It was clear that Nairn was not blaming in anyway - she just wanted to know the facts.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Tempest Rutherford and Lias Grath

Jamira made an anguished little noise. "They killed a baby?" she repeated, wide-eyed.

Lias had been making a careful effort to keep his reactions in check. Pain, regret, trepidation - all carefully masked behind a veneer of perfect politeness. For the first time, though, bare emotion was visible on his face; it was irritation.

"I agreed to help you," Lias said in a clipped tone. "But it is not necessary to make our children shoulder the weight of the evils of the world. I would ask that you show more courtesy."

"I am so very sorry!" Tempest told him - accepting a portion of the blame that was perhaps not warranted for the sake of diplomacy. "As you know, we are very anxious to protect the people who may be in harm's way. But we will endeavor to be more careful of your family in the future. Please accept our apology."

Lias did so, with a brief nod. "Children, please go help your dad with the guar," he instructed.

"But Papa, Dad said he didn't need help with the guar today..." Izeel ventured, not wanting to be cut of the the adult conversation.

"Just go help your father. Please," Lias said firmly. Seeing the pained look on Lias's face, the children did as instructed without further protest.

When he was sure they were out of earshot, Lias explained, "I do not know of any daedric prince who regularly requires such a specific sacrifice. But I wonder if a daedra could simply be... toying with their worshippers. Several daedric domains involve violence and intrigue. Without knowing more, it would be hard to venture a guess, but it could be a perverse test of loyalty."
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

Lias' response to her question and Tempest's subsequent apology made no sense to her whatsoever. She didn't really see what was so offensive about facts, particularly when it had been made clear that the daedra of this world did terrible things. Regardless of her thoughts on the subject, Tempest's apology had seemed to fix whatever had gone wrong and Lias once again agreed to share information. The moment of conflict forgotten, Nairn forged ahead.

"A test of loyalty...could be the case? It sounded like the daedra only wanted one of the twins. I thought it was as payment, though I still don't understand why a live child would not have fulfilled that payment - unless it was a test."

As the word 'dead' seemed to have sparked the earlier controversy, Nairn avoided it here more by shear luck. She looked at the ground somewhere past Lias, turning over her thoughts. Maybe the children had nothing to do with this. It was merely the story that brought the other part to their attention. If that was the case...

"I suppose it would be best to simply find the cult here and ask. We know so little ourselves - just that they are working with another power. We are not even sure what their part is in the plot."
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Anakita Snakecharm and Lias Grath

"I see," Lias replied. "That does seem like the best course of action. Which cult, and where are they located?"

"Um," Anakita said. "We kind of... have no idea. That's why we came to you. We hoped you could help."

"I don't see how I can," Lias said with an apologetic shrug. "Please don't mistake my meaning: I am not unwilling. I simply don't see what I can do for you without more information. There are multiple daedra and myriad different methods of serving them. I wouldn't even know how to begin to advise you."

"Maybe this will help." Anakita reached into her pack - careful not to disturb the sleeping pocket raptor nestled within - and removed the swatch of purple cloth she had saved, the fabric emblazoned with a spider web. "It was one of their insignias."

Lias turned pale, like he had seen a ghost. He examined the cloth, then handed it back to Anakita like it might sting.

"Yes," Lias replied, after inhaling a deep breath. "I know the cult you seek. They are a group of Mephala worshippers who call themselves Webspinner Disciples. Indeed, I... know them quite well. They were the ones who forced me to do their bidding for many mortal generations."
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

Convenient that Anakita had thought to bring a shard of evidence along with her. Obviously without a frame of reference to know what was important information and what wasn't, their efforts had been impeded. This cloth, though, seemed to provide ample information for the ash-skinned man. Whom became even more ashen as he regarded the insignia. A breath's more and the reason why was clear. The very people who had tortured him...they were the ones running amok in Tyria.The very same. Nairn wanted to ask about the device...if the one he'd worn had been destroyed. If there were more. But at the same time, she could see that such a question...might not receive a satisfactory answer. Besides, it was one they might be able to answer themselves.

"So, you know where they may be found. You have been very helpful." She meant it as a compliment - he had just said he didn't see how he could be helpful, and yet, here they were. However, she found herself at an impasse. Should she...thank him? He didn't look too thrilled about being able to be of assistance. Should she offer to pay them vengeance on his behalf? As she seemed to be failing to grasp the motivations of these people, she thought it perhaps unwise to speak up further.

With any luck, they could be underway shortly. Kill some cultists. Get some information. Learn more about this world. Go home. This train of thought ended abruptly with a sigh. Nothing ever went as straightforward as she'd just imagined.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Tempest Rutherford and Lias Grath

Lias gave Nairn a small bow when she said he had been helpful. He was glad of that, at least.

"When I last had... dealings... with the Webspinners, they were much diminished," Lias said - giving a nod to Ulga to suggest a decidedly Orcish explanation for the cult's reversal of fortune. "I'm sure they have been trying to rebuild their powerbase in the meantime."

"They were on Summerset," Mikael chimed in. "That's where I was taken prisoner, and where Iliana was staying with her former husband when we escaped."

Lias nodded - that all seemed to track. "They may be there still," he said. "Or at least have left a trail to follow."

Tempest said carefully, "I know I'm likely bringing up a painful subject, and I apologize in advance. But are there others like you, Lias? Others who are under their control, serving them against their will? I would not ask such a thing, except that I would want to make sure we don't do any harm to those who are being held unwillingly, and that we try to rescue them if possible."

Lias faltered for a moment, but was touched by her concern. That these people would try to save such victims spoke well of them.

"At the time, I knew of no others," Lias told her. "My situation appeared to be unique. But in the meantime? I couldn't say. It may be that they have tried to replace me with others in the same servitude. You... will truly try to protect them from harm, if it is indeed so?"

"I promise," Tempest told him sincerely.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

"This Summerset, is it nearby?"

Nairn spoke to the lengthening shadows on the floor, brow neatly folded. It was best to focus on the facts - the knowns - and not the unknowns like whether or not there were more mind-usurping devices lying around for cults to pick up and employ. The sooner they found the head of this cult and got their answers, the better.

Though, she found herself wishing not a little that she could stay and observe this place and these people a little longer. It wasn't like visiting Rata Sum for the first time - though it had been interesting and like visiting a completely different world - the Asura were familiar to her and she somewhat knew what to expect from them as a people. This place...was completely foreign. A fresh cloth. A page made of unknown material.

The fingers on her left hand were drumming on her side in twitching, sweeping motions. She noticed belatedly, but recognized the movements as a desire to be writing. To record. She didn't want to risk forgetting any details, as unlikely as that was. Nairn turned her head slightly to observe Ulga, then inspect the corner around which the figure spotted earlier had disappeared. The word 'vampire' had been used, but she didn't know the term. It would be a shame to leave without having found out...