Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

The description of the key was fascinating. The pieces apart couldn't do anything - but together...three different places. Three. These travel methods were so intriguing. She wondered if it was like travelling by either of their methods. Would it be like their leyline travel or more like the asura gates? She hoped she got to find out, but wasn't quite sure how to invite herself into someone else's world.

"Are we are going to go meet this friend? Can we travel by your method or is it...tuned to only people from your world? I suppose it would be easier for your friend to come here...is there a limit on your travel? How many people can be transported at a time? Does it only work for so long or are these stones going to work forever?"

Once she started, Nairn had difficulty slowing the string of questions that sprang to mind. Suddenly self-conscious, she looked out the window in what she hoped was a casual manner. Her attention was immediately grabbed by the sight of a Norn struggling with one of the Ranger's traps, Nairn's polearm clearly visible above his head. A well-mannered person would have excused themselves. Nairn simply hopped off the counter and walked out of the house.

The man saw her coming and some of the frustration on his face was replaced with a mixture of relief and awe. "Greetings Knowledge-Bearer! The Servants of Raven sent me to reunite you with your belongings. You left them at the moot." A sizable knapsack hit the ground and the man held out the polearm separately for Nairn to take. The sack looked much too big to hold the paltry belongings she'd left behind; she raised an eyebrow, but nothing more. The other Norn pulled his leg free from a cleverly hidden snare in the cobbles and stood panting. Expectantly.

"Thank-you." The other Norn looked pleased for a moment, but when nothing else was forthcoming, he sighed. Apparently, he would not be getting a tip for his trouble. "Watch your step." She added and the man laughed as he turned to retrace his steps back up into the bustling core of Divinity's Reach. Nairn opted for the comforts of her friends' home.

Once inside, she could not contain her curiosity and moved to the empty sitting room to begin rooting through the knapsack to see just what they thought was hers. Her pistols, sword, and daggers, fine. A small purse, which was likely what the young norn had expected her to pull out in the street. The two books she'd saved from the fire. Her fire-damaged clothing. And at the bottom, wrapped in silk, the Havroun's feathered cloak. She lifted it up now, holding it high to allow it to unfurl completely. The feathers didn't look so black in the light of day - sheens of blue, purple, red and gold catching the sun as she shook it out. What was she supposed to do with this?

A small card fluttered to the floor - something of infinitely more interest to her than the cloak itself, which she laid aside in pursuit of the note. It bore yesterday's date and her name printed in the old tongue. Her new name. She smiled to herself, tucking it into her bracer and picking up the books as she returned to the kitchen. Once again, she obtained her seat on the counter and flipped open one of the books. Catching a few eyes before she settled in to read, she felt the need to explain her departure, but it didn't occur to her to apologize for her absence.

"They sent the items I left at the moot. These books were the ones I saved."
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Anakita Snakecharm

By this point, Anakita was used to such digressions in conversations with Nairn. While they waited for her to return, Anakita peered out the window too.

"Oh, good! My traps are still working."

Not that she was surprised, but you really had to take traps on faith - the only way to test them was to set them off, and then once you had reset them, you could only hope that they were still functioning as intended.

She nodded when Nairn returned. "That's good. I'm glad things worked out so well for you at the moot. It's something to be proud of, without a doubt."

As if there had been no interruption, Mikael responded to Nairn's questions - or at least as many of them as he could recall. "I think it would be easier for a few of us to just go through to our world than to try to bring someone back here. We'd have to go through anyway to tell them what we needed, and less back-and-forth will draw less attention if anyone happens to be monitoring the magical energies in the area. There is no time limit on the function of the key. I don't think there's a hard limit on how many, but everyone would need to be touching it, so you couldn't have more people than you can cluster around a single object - no armies. We'll be able to return to this world once we've finished; it's not a one-way trip."

As Mikael finished speaking, the front door swung open with a bang. Mikael raised an eyebrow - apparently the arrival of the Norn would not be the only digression this morning. Anakita shrugged as if to say, It's like that around here. The Snakecharm-Baruch household was filled with a wide variety of people, and all the comings and goings that entailed. She opened the kitchen door to see who had just arrived at the house.

The newcomer removed his outer cloak and hood to reveal a heavily scarred Canthan face set in a reflexive, sinister scowl. Red robes trailed with a faint dramatic billow as he stalked through the house. A long blade on each hip. The strangers might be a bit unsettled by this sudden entrance, but not being from Tyria, they wouldn't recognize Shiro Tagachi, the scourge of Cantha, as he approached the Ranger.

He stared his ancient nemesis straight in the eye.

"Are there any Strawberry Ghosts?"

Anakita nodded. "In the cabinet. Ffionne just made some. I think she had you in mind - most people only eat those at Halloween, you know."

Shiro disappeared around the corner and started rummaging in the cabinet. "Good of Ffionne to do. I've always liked that girl..."

Realizing she had failed to make introductions, Anakita said, "Everyone, this is Shiro Tagachi. He destroyed Cantha..."

Returning from around the corner with a cookie tin, Shiro grimaced. "Must we always introduce me that way...?"


"Okay, but tell them I was corrupted and possessed by an ancient mad god, that part is fairly important too..."

"And now he destroys our baked goods. Shiro, if you eat all the cookies while we're gone, by the gods I am sending you back to The Mists..."

Shiro threw a cookie at Anakita with easy, practiced aim. It would have caught her right between the eyes, but her Ranger reflexes kicked in and she plucked it out of the air and lobbed it back at him, hard. He caught it in his mouth and grinned wolfishly at her with the cookie still clutched triumphantly between his teeth.

Anakita's tone lost a bit of its lightness. "Shiro, we're going to be gone for a little while. World-saving stuff. Keep my dad safe while I'm gone, alright?"

Suddenly serious too, he nodded. "You know I will," he replied.

She turned back to Mikael. "Sooo... are we going to another world now?"

Anakita did her best to sound professional, but she was clearly excited.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Mikael Stormcrow and Cara Rutherford

As Mikael said goodbye to his children in preparation to leave - assuring them that it was only for a little while, their mother was staying, and he would be back soon - he noticed Cara Rutherford watching him. As the children ran off to play again, Cara approached him not-quite-casually.

"You adopted them, didn't you?" she asked.

Mikael nodded.

"But not your wife. She birthed them?" Cara confirmed.

"That's right," Mikael told her. "Iliana was pregnant with them when I met her. I was there for their birth, but we have no blood ties."

"But you treat them as your own." It wasn't a question.

"They are my own. I'm the only father they've ever known, and I could not care any more for them if they came from me."

"And they'll love you for it. Once they're old enough to understand, it'll be everything to them." Cara grinned suddenly. "I like you, Mikael. You're a good man."

Then she was gone, and Mikael wasn't quite sure what he had done to earn her approval, but thought he was glad he had.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Iliana and Estella Requa

"Are you mad at me?" Estella asked in a soft voice.

Iliana turned back from the window, where she'd been staring out at the street. "No, of course not. Why would I be angry with you?"

"About Julius. I feel so stupid. But he was so... persuasive. You know how he can be, Iliana. He seemed so lonely. So bereft. I could make him happy. Mother and Father were so pleased..."

Of course they were, Iliana thought. Even if it meant encouraging their eighteen-year-old daughter to take up with a man practically old enough to be her father, and who had driven away her older sister, at least they wouldn't lose the money or prestige Julius brought to the family.

"He can be charming," Iliana acknowledged, then realized it should be past tense. "He could be charming."

"He made me feel special. I've never felt that way before. Like I meant the world to him. But it was all a lie."

"You'll feel that again, Estella," Iliana promised. "But it'll be real next time. Someone who truly loves you."

"I hope so," Estella said. "Thanks for not being mad at me. I'm so glad you're my sister."

"I'm glad you're my sister, too," Iliana said with a smile. Silently, she added, And so very, very glad you're alive.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Tempest Rutherford and Shiro Tagachi

"Excuse me," Tempest said. "I don't mean to pry, but what Anakita said... you destroyed something. A place? And that you were in The Mists. Isn't that where your people go in their afterlife?"

Shiro glowered at her silently.

"I don't mean to be intrusive, or cause you pain," Tempest told him. "I have a reason for asking. A friend of mine seems... headed down a dangerous path. I'm looking for any small ray of hope."

Shiro continued to regard her. She seemed sincere, and she was absolutely courteous. But there was something else. She wasn't afraid of him. She was being polite out of simple human decency, not fear. Interesting. He would reward such courage with a reply.

"I died," Shiro said. "They killed me. Anakita and some others."

Tempest couldn't quite hide some surprise at that. Not the death, but at who had been responsible. "And yet you don't seem to hold any ill will toward her...?"

Shiro shook his head. "Of course not. She did what was necessary. What I would have done, in her position. They eliminated the threat, and I was sent to The Mists, where I was judged guilty by... I don't know, whatever power judges such things. I was sentenced to eternal torment for what I had done."

He was trying to show no emotion about any of it, but Tempest still looked troubled.

"That seems unfair," she said carefully. "You were not fully in control of your actions. How could such punishment be deserved?"

Shiro shrugged. "Few would agree with you about that. Some said it was some flaw in me that allowed my corruption in the first place. Some simply didn't care - what I had done was enough to merit whatever came to me, regardless of the reasons. I knew my fate was to be neverending, and that no one would pity me. I was angry, at first. My rage sustained me for a long time. But even anger can't last forever. Eventually I just became... empty. A shell of my former self, unable to bear my suffering but unable to die from it - since I was already dead. Then Anakita showed up. My former enemy. I thought it a cruel mockery, at first. But she saved me. For no reason, for no benefit to herself. Only because she thought she should, and realized she could."

"That was compassionate of her," Tempest said thoughtfully.

Shiro nodded. "Yes. As is her way. People think her strange, but that woman is a beacon of hope. She was for me. She saved me - not just from my fate, but she saved my sanity. My essence. I owe everything to her, and she has my loyalty as a result. I would do anything she commanded me. Anything. But I know I can trust her. I can trust that she will never order me to do something that will compromise me again."

"Good," Tempest said. "For what it's worth, I'm glad for you."

Shiro stared at her again, judging sincerity, and saw it. "Thank you. I hope you are able to save your friend."
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

The more details she learned of, the more excited she was to see the whole thing for herself. She had so many more questions. How long would it take to get to where they were going? Would they see anything while they went? What would happen if one let go of the stone while being transported? She sat stewing on these questions - possibly fortunately for Mikael as he would get to finish his breakfast in relative peace.

Peaceful was a word she'd attribute to the Snakecharm-Baruch household, but perhaps not in the conventional sense. It was certainly busy - and yes, noisy - but it was still a place of deep stability. Not serene, but solid. She didn't worry about someone suddenly turning on her here, or that anyone walking through the door would be treated as suspect of anything - even with cause. It was...a relief, honestly. Anakita's was the only house where Nairn was welcome and felt welcome too.

Feeling safe certainly helped when confronted by surly men with egos the size of the house they sat in. Nairn wasn't sure when she stopped fingering her daggers whenever Stefan drew near, but she still felt that urge when meeting with less-known members of the clan. Such as Shiro. Having no daggers to seek comfort from, she sufficed by burying herself in her book and effectively ignoring the room. It wasn't that she expressly disliked Shiro. Really, what he did or didn't do was none of her personal business, though she had certainly copied out her fair share of stories about the man. His past and his apparent immortality was of interest - but she didn't know him. She was content to observe him until she felt that she did.

When Anakita suggested they leave sooner rather than later, Nairn eagerly jumped off the counter and took to the living room to get her things together. Many of the items she'd borrowed from the household, she kept, but she added her boots and various belts to hold her weapons. Her cloak was too damaged to be of use, which made her cringe once again upon inspecting it. She'd been rather fond of this one - and now she had no way of hiding her head. As much as she was Norn, she still liked the privacy a hood provided.

Still, the cloak itself could be of some use. With a few cuts and some fast needlework, she fashioned a sort of satchel out of the least-damaged sections of leather. Into this, she placed some writing supplies, and the few small items she carried with her. The satchel was snugged against the small of her back with an equally quickly-made strap. She picked up her staff, but paused. Not only would her current carrying device make the staff rest awkwardly across her back, did she really want to go to this new world completely loaded with every piece of weaponry she owned? Nairn reasoned that it could make the wrong impression.

In the end, she elected to carry only her long daggers, one at each hip, brass handles gleaming bright almost in spite of the lustreless pearls embedded in them. The rest of her personal effects she deposited on top of a tall cabinet in the living room, not so much to hide them as to have them 'put away'. The havroun's cloak was wrapped once more in silk and placed with the rest of the items. She still had no idea what to do with them.

The one thing Nairn had left out was one of the books from the fire. This she stood and read in the hallway while she waited for everyone who was going to travel to gather.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Anakita Snakecharm

Anakita was so excited she was practically dancing. Another world! Not just The Mists - a real, true other world. A place like Tyria where people lived lives that were probably much like their own. Somehow that seemed more intriguing than some kind of mystical realm between the mortal planes.

Her excitement didn't mean she took no precautions, though. As always, she had a quiver and bow slung across her back, and a hunting knife tucked in her boot. Those were tools of the Ranger trade, and she would no sooner consider going to another world without them than she would consider going without pants. And being pantsless would definitely give strangers the wrong impression.

Stefan was, of course, coming along. That went entirely without saying. They traveled together now, always. The last time Stefan had gone somewhere without Anakita, it had been to make a last stand in Ascalon; Anakita had been pregnant and near term, so going along had not been an option. He'd been caught in the Foefire, and they had been parted for more than two centuries. They would not be separated like that again. Ever. Any fate would be shared.

The Rutherfords seemed to have the same idea. All four of them were going; if something went wrong, they didn't plan to be stranded in different worlds.

Iliana, however, would be staying with her sister and the children, while Mikael guided the group. Anakita couldn't blame her - Estella surely wasn't ready to be left behind with strangers, especially after the horrific breach of trust caused by her lover trying to murder her and killing her unborn child.

"Everyone, touch one of the keystones," Mikael instructed. "Don't let go. When I bring them together, we will travel together. It will only take a moment."

Once everyone was situated, Mikael united the pieces of the key. There was a blinding flash of blue light and a sensation of movement, but it lasted a second or two at most. When their vision cleared, they were...

Someplace else.

Anakita glanced around, as her eyes adjusted. The air was warm and humid. They were in swampland, just outside a village. The village seemed... well, it seemed like a village. It seemed ordinary. The Ranger caught a glimpse of a town center across a rope bridge - a market, the usual amenities of a small town. The area where they stood looked entirely residential, however. The houses were made of hardened mud, shaped rather ingeniously; Anakita suspected they were quite cozy inside.

Mikael led them to one of the houses with the ease of someone who had been here a hundred times. This particular house was mud like the rest, with a few reed-constructed outbuilding structures and a wagon in the yard. The grounds were fenced with a stone and wood palisade, but it seemed to be more about keeping their livestock in than about keeping strangers out.

The livestock caught Anakita's attention immediately. The short-armed, smooth-skinned, huge-eyed, broad-tailed beasts were like nothing she had seen in Tyria. "They're so cute!" the Ranger enthused with a grin. And another, the sole representative of another species that looked a little like a cow, was spotted and covered with a smooth coat of hair. "And look! That one has hooves!"

"They're called guar," Mikael explained. "Most are quite docile. I'm sure you'll be allowed to pet them. The other one is called a horse. That particular horse is slightly temperamental, but you're good with animals - maybe you can make friends."

Anakita beamed at the thought of making friends with these strange, exotic animals.

The gate was secured with just a thick leather thong, but Mikael knocked and called out, to be polite. "Hello there! Anyone home?"

A woman with green-grey skin, shiny dark brown hair, and pointy ears opened the gate. "Mikael! This is a surprise! Come in, and bring your friends. My name is Ulga gra-Shatul. Welcome to our home."

"What are you?" Anakita asked, enraptured.

Ulga smiled, seeming to take this question in the spirit of wonderment with which it was offered. "I'm an Orc," she explained.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

Leaning over Anakita's shoulder to grasp a corner of their keystone, she realized that as much as she was excited, the lump in her throat suggested that she would have felt better having asked her questions before committing to the current action. There was no danger of her letting go, though. Nairn's fingers supported the bottom of the stone even as her thumb pressed down on top of it, threatening to crush anyone's fingers that happened to land between her and the stone. If there were fingers there, the norn didn't seem to notice them. She stared at the looming junction point, holding her breath as the edges made contact...

And that was it. It was over. They had arrived. Nairn released the stone to Mikael's care and slowly unbent herself to look around with unabashed curiosity. Her brain moved into data collection mode. She inhaled deeply, noting the humidity, the scents clinging to the droplets of moisture there. The quality of the light seemed slightly different from Tyria, but perhaps it was only a trick of that same humidity. She hadn't spent enough time in places like Sparkfly Fen to do a proper comparison. As a rule, she avoided swamps as they tended to be hard on paper. She was willing to forgo that rule under these circumstances.

She had begun an inspection of the ground and nearby foliage when she realized that the group was moving on into the warren of homes without her. Normally, that would be fine, but Nairn was all-too aware that her only way home rested with Mikael. It wouldn't do to lose track of him. Besides, she was also curious about the denizens of this world, having read about a few of them in Julius' books, and they would likely take better to being observed after an introduction.

The guar she recognized from the small carving she'd bought from Iliana, but the 'horse'...it looked like someone had tried to make a centaur and only made it half way. She found the creature's top part a bit disconcerting and turned her focus to anything but the horse. Fortunately, something of greater interest presented itself - or rather, someone and herself. Their host, apparently. While Anakita's interest was more vocalized, Nairn's was no less intent. She made no effort to hide that she was scrutinizing Ulga from the top of the orc's head down to her toes - pressing everything to memory from the ears to her clothing.

As their party started filing into the house, Nairn found herself bringing up the rear once more. She hesitated for a moment, ducking her head a little to look through the door to ascertain how much room there was inside the dwelling. As much as she liked small spaces, she didn't much care to share them. Most houses counted as small spaces. Again, she found that circumstance demanded she make concessions. If she wanted to know about this new world - she would have to be willing to be uncomfortable. Though she had to bend her head slightly to get in, the ceiling was plenty high enough for her to stand comfortably. Clearly the people of this world came in many sizes as well. Keeping to the wall, with the door readily available, she continued her silent collection of details.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Anakita Snakecharm and Ulga gra-Shatul

"An Orc," Anakita said, nodding sagely. "Of course. Um. What's an Orc?"

Ulga smiled again, but looked a little confused. "Mikael, where exactly are your friends from?"

Mikael made a gesture of helplessness. "Far away, Ulga. They don't have Orcs there."

Ulga's eyebrow remained slightly raised, but she explained to Anakita, "We're Elves, of a sort. Our proper name is Orsimer. The -mer suffix means Elf. Orsi. Mer. It means Pariah Elves. Of course, that's very old-fashioned. Orcs aren't pariahs anymore. There are prejudices, certainly, but that's greatly improving. We're part of Tamrielic society now."

"That's good," Anakita said. "No one should have to be pariahs."

Ulga's smile shifted back from bemused to genuine. On that, at least, they could agree.

Anakita glanced around the house. She saw a stuffed toy sitting on a bench. "Do you have children?" she asked curiously.

Ulga nodded. "Yes. Three. A son and two daughters."

She appeared about to say more, when a shadow peered around the corner, observed the sudden influx of people, and disappeared out of sight again.

Anakita couldn't quite see him, but Mikael could.

"A vampire?" Mikael asked questioningly - and with concern in his voice. "In your house, Ulga?"

"He's a friend," Ulga assured him. "I trust him completely. He's earned that."

"I thought you hated vampires?" Mikael queried with a frown.

"I did," Ulga admitted. "But I shouldn't have. It was only because I loathe the Daedra they're bound to. The one who deserves my hate is their maker. But it's not necessarily the fault of those he chose for servitude. What say did most of them have in it? How were they to defend themselves against him - against the one they call the God of Schemes, the Prince of Pain, the King of Rape..." Ulga noticed Tempest's wince, and stopped giving the Daedra's epithets with an apologetic bob of the head. "Anyway, you don't need to worry. My friend... won't be an issue. He won't harm anyone. He's been through a terrible ordeal, and he needs a place to recover."

"Very well," Mikael agreed. "I trust your judgment. Always have."

"Mikael, it's good to see you," Ulga told the Nord sincerely. "It's been too long. The children must be getting so big now! And Mikael... I have some bad news for Iliana. Iachesis was killed."

"Iachesis? Oh no..." Realizing no one else present would know who that was, Mikael explained, "Iliana's brother-in-law. Her sister Galina's husband. Iliana will be very sad to hear that. What happened?"

"Those damned Daedra!" Ulga said, her face darkening. "We have Nocturnal to thank for that particular crime, with Mephala and Clavicus not far behind in sharing the blame."

Mikael was stunned by this news, but wasn't sure what to do with it. He would need time to process the loss. "It's actually about Daedra that we came here. We need information about a Mephala cult. I thought Lias... I know it's difficult for him. But people are getting hurt. If he can help...?"

Ulga nodded. "I'm sure he will. He's not home yet, but we expect him any minute."

"Is Lias a warrior?" Anakita asked curiously.

Ulga shook her head. "No. At least not anymore. He teaches at the village schoolhouse... oh, I think they're coming now."

The gate creaked open, and the sound of children's voices could be heard in the courtyard. Anakita craned her neck to see what new interesting new people would be approaching, and saw an Elf with grey skin and red eyes, followed by three children - two teens and a younger girl - who appeared to be person-shaped sentient lizards.

"Excellent!" Anakita enthused under her breath.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

Having the benefit of height on her side, Nairn had an excellent view of everyone in the house - including the pale man Mikael referred to as a 'vampire'. She'd never heard of such a thing and was secretly hoping that Anakita would ask about it, but it seemed that Mikael and their host had their own conversation to have on the topic. From there she gathered that vampires were generally considered bad...but they didn't necessarily want to be what they were. What that was exactly was still in question, but at least she had some additional information.

Nairn left the majority of her attention focused on Ulga - watching the woman's facial expressions as much as she absorbed the words. Daedra were...bad news all around, it seemed. It made her wonder why the people of this world tolerated their presence. Perhaps for the same reason most people in Tyria didn't go up against the Elder Dragons or the human gods - they were powerful beings and people both feared and respected them. Hopefully these people wouldn't miss the particular cult they were after...

Being next to the door afforded certain benefits, but viewing those entering before they did so was not one of them. As each person came into view, Nairn gave them the same sort of up-and-down treatment Ulga had received, turning her head slightly to catch facial features before they passed her by completely. Grey skin and red eyes reminded her of some sylvari she'd met, but the children...the children looked a bit like krait with legs. Their scales and head structures all differed from one another, which was interesting. She wondered if their looks pertained to their skills or if their people were just...diverse. Nairn's fingers twitched lightly from their position resting against their opposing arm. She wanted very much to be writing down some of these details as she observed them - and once again wished that she had Cara's skill to use the pen to draw.