Islands on Another World (GW2)

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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »


The argonian's mouth opened and closed several times without sound as she stared at Anakita. She still hadn't come up with an appropriate response by the time Angus addressed her concern about how paladins worked. Her attention refocused on him, and consequently Drina by association. It struck her how odd it was that a dremora should encourage a priest to continue serving the Divines. How ... supportive she was. Well. She'd certainly misread this particular daedra.

The 'priest' part of the puzzle taken care of, Fira cleared her throat, wanting to make sure she could set the record straight with everyone - the strange ranger in particular.

"I um, am in fact pledged in service to Azura. Not...getting married." She felt that she had to add the last bit to make things clear. Of course, there was also something else she needed to make clear, but perhaps a little less publicly. But how was she going to do that now, without making a big show of it?

Nodding at everyone as though that was enough to answer all possible questions, she rose and went to the barkeep for a mug of ale. Sipping it, she casually wandered over to the end of the table where Angus and Drina sat. Catching the dremora's eye, she spoke in a low tone.

"Uh, can I talk to you for a second? I just thought I should...we should talk about...yesterday."
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Tempest nodded encouragingly as Nairn tried out the techniques she had suggested. Before long, the Norn seemed calmer. Good. Her intention was accomplished, then.

When Nairn said they needed to go help Elabeth, Tempest agreed. "Yes, we need to keep her safe. Thank you for finding that scroll. I know that what happened in the church was difficult for you. I'm sure Elabeth will be grateful that you helped her anyway. If you ever need to talk more - about any of this - I'm happy to listen."


None of those from Tamriel seemed to take the news about Fira's service to Azura amiss. Although a daedra in the daedra versus aedra sense, Azura was generally seen as benevolent and non-threatening. Those not from Tamriel had no idea who Azura was, and merely followed their lead. Anakita alone looked very, very slightly disappointed that a wedding invitation was not imminent after all.

When Fira asked to talk to her alone, Drina drew a deep breath but nodded.

Angus, however, looked deeply worried, and Cullen bluntly asked, "Is that a good idea...?"

But Fira seemed content with just stepping into a quiet corner, and Drina was willing to agree to that. It was unlikely that Fira intended an outright surprise murder in front of the entire rest of the party who - to Drina's own surprise - seemed to be content with her being alive and present among them.

When they were relatively alone, if not quite out of sight, Drina said bluntly, "Look, I understand. I don't belong here. I'm an outsider and there's no place for me in your world. That's fine. Angus is willing to help this child, though. Can we merely coexist until then? After that, Angus and I will leave and you'll never have to be bothered with either of us again."
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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »


She held up her hand, still clutching the mug in the other hand, but flaring her fingers regardless.

"Uh, actually, that's not what I was going to say. It''s that I misjudged you yesterday. I just...didn't expect...or believe what I saw. But, I see that I was wrong. So, I just wanted to say that all that stuff I said about...sending you back...I don't actually intend to do that. Your allegiance to Angus is clear. I'm not going to get in your way. And actually, to be honest, I hope you never have to go back to that place."

The last big was spoken in a voice barely above a whisper, heavily suggesting that Fira knew at least in part what Coldharbour was like.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »


Fira would notice a slight change in Drina's posture - a subtle relaxation, the tension she had been holding since the day before easing.

"Thank you," Drina said. "I'm grateful for your understanding. I very much don't want to return to Coldharbour. It's a difficult place, and as you can imagine, there would be retaliation for my decision to help Angus escape. Severe retaliation. I'm sure it's easy to see why I would rather stay here, than..."

She gestured vaguely toward the room. Toward Angus, who so cared for her. To their new friends, who talked and laughed together, and seemed so warm and alive. It was a stark contrast to the domain of Molag Bal.

Drina added, "But although I'm glad we've reached an understanding, you are right to be cautious about daedra. I'm sure you've seen plenty of evidence why. Not all are like me, and I don't want any of you to be lulled into a false sense of security about dremora in general. I'm certainly not asking you to let your guard down. It's just as I said. I'd like for us to coexist."

She offered her hand to shake Fira's.

"And for what it's worth, I will help the child too if I can."

Seeing that Drina and Fira had apparently settled their differences, Ulga announced, "We should get moving as soon as we can. Elabeth has no time to waste. As soon as you're all ready, we'll leave for Artaeum."
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Tempest Rutherford

As the group was getting ready to depart, Tempest pulled Angus aside for a moment.

"I wanted to see how you're feeling," she said. "When I've had to heal significant injuries, I like to check in again once the person's adrenaline wears off and make sure I got everything. Any aches and pains still remaining?"

Angus shook his head. "No. Thank you. I feel good as new. You did an excellent job."

Tempest smiled. "Good. I'm glad to hear that." With gentle concern, she added, "And... how about emotionally? Are you still holding up?"

Angus nodded. "Yes. I'm alright. It's... difficult. Of course. But I've had a lot of support. It helps."

"It does," Tempest replied. "I'm so glad everyone is being kind. And Drina certainly seems to have your best interests at heart."

"She does," Angus agreed. He was so focused on keeping his voice neutral that he lost control of his facial expression. Maybe Tempest wouldn't notice...?

But she had.

"Angus, this is a good thing," the healer assured him. "There's no need to be embarrassed about your feelings for her - and hers for you, unless I'm wildly mistaken on both counts."

Angus nodded. "I think it is. But not everyone is going to understand. A dremora and a mortal..."

Tempest shrugged. "It's true that not everyone will. But not everyone needs to. As long as you're happy. Differences are not a bad thing. Love is love."

Angus smiled a little at that. "Thank you. I'm pleased that you're supportive. I was afraid that you, of all people, might not be."

Tempest looked surprised for a moment. "Me? Why?" A pause, and then. "Oh. Because of what I healed you from."

He nodded, and looked away, embarrassed.

"Oh, no, Angus, please don't worry about that. You'll find absolutely no judgment from me. Quite the contrary. I'm delighted for you and Drina. I know what happened to you... how it can make a person feel. That they were trying to make you feel as degraded and worthless as possible. But Angus, those things aren't true. You deserve to be happy. You deserve love. Every kind of love. I wish all the best for you and Drina."

Angus smiled more broadly this time. "Thank you for... well, all of this. You really have helped me heal in so many ways."

Tempest smiled back. "I'm happy to keep helping. Whatever you need, just say the word."
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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »


The argonian smiled with relief and a bit of embarrassment. She wasn't sure how she could tell Drina she wasn't going to be letting her guard down anytime soon without worrying the dremora again, so she just nodded and shook the proffered hand.

"Well, great. I'm glad. I mean, it's good of you to come." An involuntary shudder made her roll her shoulders in discomfort. "I dunno about you, but I will be glad to leave this particular town behind. It's no Coldhabour, of course, but those priests gave me the creeps."

Realizing that she'd just compared a bunch of priests of Stendarr to the denizens of Molag Bal to a dremora, she coughed indiscreetly and took a long draught of her ale.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »


Drina's eyes blazed with sudden fire - but it would immediately become clear that Fira was not the target of the flare of rage.

"Those priests!" she said angrily. "They're monsters!"

Belatedly acknowledging how Fira had qualified the statement, she added, "A different sort of monsters than in Coldharbour, of course. But for the most part, the denizens of Coldharbour behave as you would expect the subjects of the God of Domination to do. These priests... were a surprise. An unwelcome one. I assumed that once I got Angus back here, he would be safe and cared for. That his troubles would be over. Angus is one of their own - I thought they would show him compassion. That they must! But they didn't. They hurt Angus too."

She didn't quite say 'my Angus,' but the implication of propriety feeling was clear.

"Forgive my outburst. But it makes me so angry. I know you don't really know Angus yet, but he's a good man. A very good man. Very kind. He didn't deserve any of this. Not what happened in Coldharbour. And not what was inflicted by vicious, vindictive little priests when he got back."

Drina glanced over to the table where Angus was sitting with Cullen and Tempest. She couldn't quite hear what the conversation was about, but Angus had just said something that made the other two chuckle. The easy camaraderie was a stark contrast to the cruelty he had faced back at the church of Stendarr.

"At least not everyone treats him that way," Drina finished softly. "At least there are people who do care."


While Drina and Fira talked, Ulga began gradually ferrying the party to Artaeum. As the sanctum of the Psijic Order, it was a secret and protected place. That was what made it safe for Elabeth until a cure could be found - but also made it harder to access for their own purposes. A reasonable trade-off. Ulga was welcome there after services performed for the Order, but she could only take a few people with her at a time. As she traveled back and forth, the group would be spread between the two places. Inevitable... but also a vulnerability that could be exploited, if a foe were so inclined.
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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »


The argonian couldn't hold back a smile. At least they could agree on something. Those priests certainly hadn't acted like brothers to Angus, despite being so in name. She downed her ale and wiped her mouth with her sleeve, surveying the remaining party along with Drina. Notably absent was that tall weirdo. Would it be too much to ask if she didn't come back? Something about her just rubbed her the wrong way - maybe it was the way she disregarded obvious suddenly struck her that she might know exactly who that barbarian in the church library was. Ho, then, good riddance. No doubt she was run off.

Nairn Tuckamore

She'd taken the first opportunity to get out of town - when Ulga said she was going to start getting people to Artraeum, she'd practically leapt into place. While she'd wanted to get the contents of the scroll she'd read written down, she also found herself unable to settle down to actually write. Hopefully this secret place would be quieter. While she had some new strategies in her arsenal, Nairn was looking forward to being in a place where she could be alone.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Tempest and Cullen Rutherford

Tempest knew that they would be vulnerable on the way to the wayshrine - and she was sure without need for discussion that Cullen, with all his strategic expertise, would be thinking the same thing. The mage scanned the empty street, looking for signs of danger. Even so, when the confrontation came, she was struck by the scale of it.

As they passed a blind alley, a group of people stepped into their path; Tempest counted about a dozen, mostly men but with a handful of women in the mix too. They wore holy symbols of Stendarr, but these were no mere praying monks and cloistered clergy. They all wore heavy armor along with their vestments, and they were all armed to the teeth.

Father Lucius, in the lead, held a mace aloft. "Stop right there!" he said.

Tempest met his eyes and addressed him. "Allow us to pass. There is no need for violence. We do not wish to fight with you... but will do so if necessary."

Lucius shook his head. "No. We the holy chosen of merciful Stendarr will not allow you to unleash a dremora on the world." His eyes fell on Drina - although she had her hood up, the distinctive shape of her horns was easy to pick out when someone knew what he was looking for. "I knew we would find you here, daedra. When the brothers said they saw our own prodigal, Angus, at the inn, we knew you would be close by."

Angus said nothing. But he refused to look away from his former teacher. He refused to give away any more of his power to them.

Lucius looked incongruously angry at Angus. It was, after all, Lucius who had sent Angus from the church in shame - Lucius himself was not the wronged party by any reasonable reckoning. But it angered Lucius that Angus wasn't broken. That he wasn't drowning in misery... alone. Angus didn't deserve friends, Lucius thought. And Lucius fully intended to make sure Angus lost them.

"Angus does so love daedra, after all. Don't you Angus?" Lucius said with sarcastic sweetness. "You certainly had fun with them in Coldharbour. You see, Angus enjoys letting daedra do as they wish to his body--"

"Shut up!" It wasn't Angus who had spoken, but Cullen. The warrior had stepped in front of the priest, and his hand was on his sword hilt. "Shut up and leave him alone. No one is interested in your slander. Let us pass."

"No," Lucius replied, his voice suddenly icy cold. "You are outnumbered. If you choose to fight, you will die. But if you give up the dremora, we will allow the rest of you to leave Leyawiin undisturbed."
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Re: Islands on Another World (GW2)

Post by Quaxo9 »


It was sort of funny, being friendly with a dremora. She seemed a decent sort, really, which was a strange thing to think. After all those daedra she'd sent back to Coldharbour, here she was walking down the streets of Leyawiin with one who wasn't trying to kill her - or anyone else. This whole 'quest to save the worlds' thing was turning out to be very odd indeed.

And not strangely, they seemed to have no shortage of opposition.

Drina had been every inch right about these priests. Vindictive. Argumentative. Violent. Not very priestly at all. At least not how she imagined priests to be. All the robes and muttering in prayer. She felt a bit taken in. Well, Father Lucius was about to get a surprise too.

The sound of metal rubbing against a scabbard echoed over the cobblestones. Fira made sure it took as long as possible to draw that greatsword, putting a bit of showmanship into extending it before her.

"Oh Father, I think you'll find that numbers have nothing to do with it. Angus and Drina will be doing whatever they please as, quite frankly, it's none of your business."