Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

She had some vague notion that she'd replied to Anakita's information with a grunt of recognition, but her thoughts were largely focused inward. It wasn't the best trip to Hoelbrak that she'd had. Not only was she about to lose some hard-earned books, but the indignities that had been heaped upon her...being caught, trapped like an animal, treated like one... Nairn felt the blood rush to her head. All these years and still she was nothing but a wild thing to these people.

But the real kicker had been when the Havroun said she wasn't Norn. He fingers fumbled her belt for the familiar curve of her dagger's handle until she remembered that she'd relinquished them. She was going to have to go back there and face him again to get her weapons back...and presumably to return the scrolls else he might assume that someone stole them from her and returned them. That wouldn't do. Then again, why did it matter? She could certainly get new weapons and never give the books or the scrolls to Raven's Havroun. It would be easier. Perhaps it was because part of her wanted what he said to be a lie. Deep down, she did want to be accepted by her people. She wanted to be trusted. Who would listen to the stories of someone who was a renowned liar?

Her face resuming its usual paleness, Nairn slowed down slightly as she became aware that Anakita and Stefan were walking with her. They had nearly reached her cache, at any rate. As she ducked her head under a rock outcrop to enter a small cave, a raven landed next to the entrance. Nairn nearly ignored it, but something made her stop and scrutinize the bird.

"It was you at the lodge?" The raven bobbed its head and turned to catch Nairn in the void of its stare. "I should have heeded your warning."

This brought a cackle from the creature as it ruffled its neck feathers and shook its shoulders. Nairn couldn't help but smile at the reaction. She made to enter the cave once more, but was halted by the sudden recall of Anakita's words. Looking closely at the bird, she took a chance. "You wouldn't happen to be Shaviya, would you?"

The raven stood very still, clearly watching the three humanoids, as if to say 'and what if I am?'.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Anakita Snakecharm

"Oh, good!" Anakita said, relieved. "My name is Anakita Snakecharm. I'm a Ranger." In case this wasn't clear from the bow slung casually on her back, or her green and brown forest traveler clothes. Or as if the bird would understand - but in this instance, the bird seemingly could.

"This is my nestmate Stefan and my friend Nairn. We're here because we need your help. There's a cult that's doing very bad things. I don't think they're very nice to ravens, either. A shaman said you might have seen them. Can you help?"

What followed was approximately two minutes of Anakita and the bird staring at each other. The bird turned in a circle. Anakita blinked twice. The bird blinked twice. The bird preened. Anakita nodded. The bird tilted her wings; left up, right down.

"I think she means by the river," Anakita said. "She's going to show us. Right?"

The bird cawed heartily, then flew away in the direction of the river. When the group of humans eventually arrived at the river's bank, Shaviya was perched on a rock. She cawed again, then flapped her wings in the direction of a pile of corpses near the mouth of a cave.

"Thank you!" Anakita said. The bird inclined her head toward the Ranger, then flew away.

"This is... probably not good." Anakita mused, prodding one of the bodies with the toe of her boot. They were Sons of Svanir. Anakita would have fought them, under ordinary circumstances. And - her own redeemed son-in-law notwithstanding - she would have killed them if necessary. Even so, the thought that some other force was powerful enough to leave dead Svanir piled like so much cordwood meant they were facing something formidable… an that 'something' was in the cave at whose mouth they now stood.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

Part of her was relieved to spare her books from having to be shared with the Havroun right away - maybe she'd have a chance to read more of them first. It was with a slightly lighter step that she followed the raven and her friends to the mouth of the cave.

Dead Sons were always a welcome sight. Despite the trust she'd begun to develop for the opposite gender, the Sons never failed to set her teeth on edge and her blood to racing. They had much to answer for and she wasn't about to let them forget it.

She leaned in to inspect the bodies a little more closely. "This...is unexpected. The bodies were cut down efficiently. They almost appear to be displayed. I would have expected something that could do this would have been hungry...not haughty. This cult gets more interesting by the minute."

She chose a long blade and a dagger from among the fallen and hefted them, testing their weight and balance. After a few practice strokes, she deemed them both acceptable replacements for her lost weapons and nodded to Anakita and Stefan before moving to stand to the side of the cave mouth.

Peering in, she could see nothing at all moving in the blackness. That meant nothing, of course. It only meant that the creature wasn't making its presence known. She didn't have to make her presence known either. The thief disappeared from view as she shrouded herself. She could stealth the other two as well, but she wouldn't presume to do so without their express permission. They'd worked together long enough for her to know if and when they'd want do take advantage of invisibility.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Anakita Snakecharm

Anakita's gut instinct - as was often the case - was to go charging into the cave and start firing arrows. She was able to recognize, though, that this was not the ideal approach. They needed to find out what they were up against... not just at this moment in the cave, but to try to get a sense of the larger plan that Iliana and Mikael had unwillingly gotten caught up in.

Stefan accepted Nairn's offer of stealth with a nod of gratitude. As a warrior in armor - albeit armor designed for lightness and mobility - he needed all the help he could get in that department. Anakita, as usual, declined. As a Ranger, she had her own manner of remaining unseen, and it fit comfortably like a glove, unlike borrowed magic. Anakita melted into the shadows too, in her own way, and slipped forward, peering ahead with sharp eyes as she scouted ahead.

In the center of the cave, the smoke outline of a spectral wolf crouched. But this wolf was no Spirit of the Wild. No totem of nature or freedom. This beast had ravenous hunger written all over its outsized jaws, and its flame eyes burned with malice.

There were also people in the cave - two distinct groups. One wore slightly gaudy purple velvet robes with hoods; their apparent leader had an insignia on his robe that looked like a spider web. Anakita tried to place the insignia mentally, but it didn't correspond to any Tyrian faction she was aware of. The other group was less fancifully dressed. They wore robes of basic grey. Some wore hoods, and some did not. Anakita noticed that those whose countenances she could see tended toward pale and had pointy ears. The ears, she thought she recognized. She had seen that before... on visitors from another plane. This was getting more and more complicated.

Despite their more low-key appearance, the group in grey appeared to be the more dominant group. "...Had a complication," one of the purple-robed figures was saying. "Our ceremony in Lion's Arch was interrupted."

The people in grey seemed unconcerned about the ritual. The apparent leader dismissed it with a wave of the hand. "And what of the greater mission? We offered you support as a transaction, not charity. So far, it doesn't appear we have benefited from the exchange at all."

"Patience!" the purple-robed one replied with irritation. "We're working on it!"
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

The spectral wolf was of passing interest - the cause of the slaughter identified, she didn't give it much more thought. The people in grey, however, had her complete attention. She'd never seen any people quite like them. The way they carried themselves bespoke of power beyond that which was implied by their conversation with the purple robed faction alone. But the ears. The graceful, long ears. They looked like they were made of porcelain.

In a rather unusual move, Nairn crossed the cavern to get a little closer to the grey robed people. It didn't occur to her at the time that with that power she had noted in them, they might also be able to sense her presence regardless of her stealthy situation. As such, it came as a bit of a surprise when the man she was inspecting turned and looked in her direction.

"We are not alone." The sentence was punctuated by a sigh. "At least it doesn't seem to be more of those boorish grunts."

Nairn hadn't the time to feel foolish at the moment, but it occurred to her that she hoped Anakita and Stefan would forgive her misstep. Despite having been effectively called out, she didn't raise her weapons beyond the ready stance she had been moving with them. She didn't move at all. After all, just because someone could sense her presence didn't mean that they knew exactly where she was. Then again, a spectral wolf might. The Norn nearly dropped her head in self-chastisement - that wolf she had ignored was about to become a problem.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Anakita Snakecharm

Anakita recognized that her friend was in trouble. Nairn might have been spotted already - and if not, it was a matter of mere seconds before the inevitable. The Ranger made a decision. She didn't have time to consider whether it was a good one...

Anakita stepped into the light of the ring of torches and dropped her hood. "Hello!" she said cheerfully. "Is this the Wolf Convention?"

The robed figures looked back and forth, baffled. "The... Wolf Convention?" the leader in grey repeated uncertainly.

"Yeah! The Wolf Convention!" Anakita asserted with enthusiasm, then pointed at the spectral wolf. "This must be it! I just love wolves too! I can't wait for the discussion group! What are we going to talk about first...?"

The robed cohorts just stared at her. Finally, the grey leader broke the silence. "Why are you standing there like fools? Get her!"

"Oops!" Anakita said. "Wrong place, I guess!" She threw her hood back up and took off running down the darkened passage. She could hear her pursuers stumbling in the dark as their eyes struggled to adjust, suddenly out of the light of the ring of torches. Anakita just hoped her little stunt had given the others time to escape too.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

She had to hand it to Anakita - the ranger never suffered for a lack of brilliant ideas. In the ensuing chaos, Nairn decided to make another misstep, this time she hoped for the benefit of all. Deciding that they couldn't actually see her, she stepped closer to the grey cloaked being and darted her hand into as many pockets as she could before rolling backward and taking off down the nearest tunnel. She hoped it led to an exit. She also hoped that the spectral wolf wasn't on her heels. It would be a shame to carve up such a creature.

There was an exit - though not an easy one. Nairn had to push through with her arms stretched out in front of her to fit through the hole that likely had only been created for the cross breeze. She hit the ground, rolled to her feet and took off running toward where they'd started their journey to this particular cave. Hopefully things would go smooth for both Anakita and Stefan.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Anakita Snakecharm and Stefan Baruch

When Stefan realized Anakita was creating a diversion, he acted without hesitation: he ran. After years with Anakita, he trusted her plans. As audacious as they always seemed - harebrained, even, at times - they generally seemed to work out. Anakita's confident action showed she believed she could extricate herself from the predicament she seemed to be putting herself in... and he believed her. The best way he could help was to get himself out of harm's way, so she could just focus on getting herself out of the cave and didn't have to worry about him.

Anakita ran straight down the path to the entrance of the cave, relying on the shadows to hide her. When it came to the people in the robes, this seemed to work fairly well - her eyes had adjusted better to the darkness, and that gave her an advantage, as did her habituation to walking and running on uneven terrain. What she didn't count on was the spectral wolf. As the most visible prey, it had chosen her as its target. Well, Anakita thought, it was an animal. Taming it was worth a try. She paused for a moment and addressed it.

"Hello..." The wolf leapt at her without hesitation, and she tucked her body and rolled out of the way. Even so, her torn-off hood and a few strands of her hair were caught in its jaws. Too close for comfort. Too close to attempt that again. The creature was faster than she was. It didn't seem to see very well, but it was sniffing the air and was tracking her just fine regardless. This... could be a problem. But she was almost at the mouth of the cave... She saw Stefan and Nairn, and careened toward them, the beast hot on her heels. Anakita dove for daylight, and the creature tensed for a final leap...

Suddenly, a barrier of blue and purple energy sprang up between the spectral beast and the three people. The wolf hit the barrier at top speed, and was flung backward into the cave as if by an electric shock. "That was timely!" Anakita said with a sign of relief.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Nairn Tuckamore

The norn had skidded sideways through the snow, blades crossed, prepared to leap into the wolf's maw if she had to...and was rewarded with the hilarious spectacle of a nigh-invisible wolf hitting an invisible wall. She would have laughed if she hadn't been so surprised. Timely indeed.

Of course, the fact remained that none of them could create such a barrier, nor was it likely that the robed people had recalled their creature so intent on murdering them. So...that left, who, exactly? Her eyes briefly scanned the tundra around them before they returned to Anakita.

"Let's go. The books." Nairn was curious about the barrier, but she also wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Just because the wolf bounced off the barrier didn't mean that the robed people would. Perhaps it was silly to retrace their steps, but now more than ever she wanted her familiar weapons in her hands. Besides, if they didn't return soon, the Havroun would likely send a hand-hunting party out after her. Maybe she should leave this cave as her forwarding address...

Address. The permanence of the word struck her. Perhaps they should see about making this area their pursuers' residence. There was a cliff they'd passed under on their way there. Stepping in close to Anakita and Stefan, she spoke only as loudly as was necessary to hear over the sound of their boots and breathing.

"Follow our old trail exactly. I'll wait for you to get clear - and make sure no one follows." The Norn's gait fairly exploded into strides twice their usual length and she appeared to dance up a series of ice-covered rocks. It was a longer route - and uphill - but with her new pace, she'd make it. And with any luck, only two others would.
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Re: Whispers from the Peaks (GW2) Part One

Post by Quaxo9 »

Anakita Snakecharm

Following the trail exactly was an easy thing for Anakita. Her steps were always careful and measured out in the wilds, even when they were quick. Stefan had a little more difficulty, but she showed him where to step, and he too was able to make it to safe ground without making a visible trail.

The barrier faded, and a number of robed figures crowded the doorway. A few ambitious souls tried to follow Nairn - none succeeded. The more arcane-minded among them began to conjure fire and heat to melt the ice. It would work... eventually. But the delay would buy the three of them more than enough time.

As Anakita and Stefan waited for Nairn at the designated meeting point, her sharp eyes caught a glimpse of dark blue, then the glint of sun on metal. Not plant or animal, either one. They were not alone. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Someone had conjured that barrier; this might be them. But it wasn't automatically a good thing, either. As Anakita had learned long ago, the enemy of your enemy was not always your friend.

"We should check that out," Anakita said softly, hitching her chin in the direction of the colors she had just seen.