Corporate Affairs

Monkey Kitty
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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Siralai Mahr

"My son," Siralai confirmed. "By adoption, of course. And yes, family solidarity was the reason for my trip to Dromund Kaas. Solidarity with Pyrran, and with... others who are important to me."

It was best, Siralai decided, not to volunteer unnecessary information about those others. Helping Pyrran escape from his Master - and his father - had certainly been one of their objectives. The Agent might not care about the death of Baras, but there was no reason to introduce the subject of Neva and Anewe, or the elder Lord Onyk, or the rescue of Cheketta. It all fell under family solidarity now, anyhow, didn't it? Hadn't they all become a family?

"Your people have nothing to fear from me," Siralai said bluntly. "I am not an enemy to the citizens of the Empire. I married an Imperial, after all, and several of my children are Sith. I only wish that we could all live in peace and safety. I imagine I will never see Dromund Kaas again - which is a shame. It's a beautiful city. I liked the rain."
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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Quaxo9 »

The Agent

Adoption. It wasn't common on Copero. If one's family was a failure, it generally suggested poor genetics in the line. The Chiss Ascendancy would not support the continuation of such weakness. Some Chiss were fortunate enough to hide such weakness. Others...less so.

Still, though Siralai wasn't Chiss, I still thought it highly unusual that a Jedi would adopt an adult Sith. Young Sith who could be moulded into following the Jedi way, which I supposed would be more...widely acceptable. If the Jedi felt the same way about the Sith as the latter felt about the Jedi, well...I could well imagine the sort of talk on Tython once word got around of Siralai's Imperial lover and Dark Side children.

"Quite. How fortunate you had opportunity. Myself, I find it a touch dreary."

That wasn't entirely true, but I wasn't about to admit my aversion to dampness aloud. I made a habit of ensuring my preferences were kept as well guarded secrets that no one might use them to either tempt or thwart me. No matter if the Jedi thought she was a threat or not.

"Perhaps in the name of cooperation I should focus on current events." I once again brought up my datapad. "Volent, it seems, is still active on Rishi. They have not sounded an alarm regarding the loss of Miss Valli, but they requested and received a shipment. I am keen to know what the true purpose of Volent is on that planet, if the loss of one of their agents means nothing."
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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Quaxo9 »

Teizi Lin

She was feeling a bit useless. Certainly, there were more than enough people on the ship to handle the situation they had arrived in. But still, Master Pell had sent her, so she had felt obligated to attend. The rescue completed, Teizi was at a bit of a loss as to what else was needed.

It was then that it hit her - of course she couldn't know what was needed. There was one person at the centre of this story and it was she Teizi should talk to gain some insight. Hopefully Gina was feeling well enough to speak with her.

It settled her heart to see Visper attending Gina. The woman seemed to be out of the woods, medically and was resting quietly. She hated to disturb them, but now that she was walking toward the med bay she felt as though she were being carried there by the Force.

Teizi stood quietly in the open doorway, her hands folded before her. She made certain the two saw her before gesturing as a form of self-invitation into the space.

"How are you feeling, Gina? I was wondering if...there is anything else we could be doing for you?"
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Siralai Mahr

Siralai accepted the turn of conversation away from her family without surprise; she didn't expect her domestic arrangements would be of interest to this stranger, other than perhaps as a momentary curiosity. It was generally Jedi who had more questions.

"I don't know a great deal about Volent," Siralai said honestly. "But I did receive some odd information from my brother-in-law. While we were on the way to our destination, he commed me and said he had spotted Gina Valli at the spaceport. At the time, I wondered if she'd given us the slip somehow... but obviously we found the one we were following where we expected. Some of my people are currently investigating, so I don't know any more than that, but it does seem like we may be dealing with more than one Ms. Valli. Somehow."
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Visper Averrod-Iresso and Gina Valli

"I... I don't think there's anything... thank you," Gina stammered. "Everyone has been so kind already."

No one had ever expressed interest or concern about whether she needed anything. In how she felt. In a short time, her wounds had been tended, she'd been given food and water, she had a blanket to wrap up in, and Visper had spoken words of comfort - what else could she possibly need? Gina couldn't think of any kindness that existed that she hadn't been offered already.

Who were these people?

She wasn't used to people who cared. Not about her, at any rate.

"Gina, I think we need to level with Teizi," Visper said gently. "Don't worry. I trust her completely. She won't let you come to any harm."

"Alright," Gina said nervously. "Can you tell her?"

Visper nodded, and briefly relayed everything Gina had told her - minus the part about not being a person, which for Visper wasn't in doubt.

"Master Pell left you in charge, Teizi," Visper said bluntly. "It's your place to give me orders on this mission, not vice versa, and I'm fine with that. I trust you to do the right thing. You should be aware, though, that I offered Gina shelter and protection with my family, and I don't intend to rescind that. If the Jedi give you grief about it, feel free to tell them I went rogue on it and didn't consult you. You aren't responsible for the consequences of my choices."

Gina looked worried, and Visper gave her shoulders another gentle squeeze.
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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Quaxo9 »

Neva Xolte

She offered Frenka a smile and a wave as they turned to leave the market. The rattataki seemed relieved that they were going - and maybe she was right. Whatever these Ginas were caught up didn't seem to be good for business. One kidnapped, the other controlled and fearing death. Yeah, they needed an out.

Of course, recent events proved that Rishi wasn't the safest bet.

Between the guy using Pyrran's sisters as Force batteries, she-who-would-not-be-named, and rando murderous Jedi, they'd had their fair share of incursions. She supposed that it had never been the plan to stay on Rishi to begin with - it was supposed to be a "holiday" - contrived to escape the pressures of Coruscant. So now what were the Mahrs going to do? Coruscant was absolutely still hot, even more so now with more Sith in tow.

It was strange how settled she'd become in this little group. Family. As much as other members might find it upsetting to have to up and move again, for Neva, it felt like it was about time. Once a nomad...

"So Gina, about the whole...other Gina thing. Our friends went to rescue her. She'll be coming back with them. Are you...okay with seeing her?"
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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Quaxo9 »

The Agent

Now that was very interesting. I contemplated what it could mean - and realized I needed to do more research. I also needed to contact my crew, for various reasons.

"I see. I will see what I can find out about Volent's true intentions. I don't like mysteries."

Another lie. I did like mysteries. But only mysteries that I could solve.

"I suppose we will know more once we return to Rishi and have a chance to observe both Ms. Vallis. Until then..."

I brought up my datapad once more and unceremoniously began my communications with my ship. I tasked Lorkin with looking into the science Volent was interested in. It was amazing what you could learn from what people ordered and threw away. I also asked SCORPIO to look in on the SIS agents who would be recent arrivals to Belsavis. She agreed to give them a warm welcome. I was a little surprised by that, but did not pursue the answer to that particular question.

Myself, I delved into the personnel of Volent. A corporation was only as good as the people running it.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Gina Valli?

Gina's eyes widened. "They're... they're rescuing her?"

A whole series of emotions passed over this Other Gina's face in rapid succession. Doubt. Confusion. Hope. Doubt again.

"She's alive? I assumed she was dead. Or would be soon."

That had been a foregone conclusion when she was taken. The first Gina was a compromised asset now. Useless. Either SIS would kill her, or Volent themselves would finish the job and incinerate the body. That was why she had been so casually replaced; the first Gina would never be alive on Rishi again.

Could this be true?

"Yes. I want to see her!" There was a strange enthusiasm in her voice. An urgency. She heard herself, and explained, "I've never met her. She probably doesn't even know I exist. But she's the closest thing I have to a sister. The closest thing I have to family."

Of course, this did all beg the question of why she had been saved. Surely not just out of the goodness of their hearts. Might as well wait and see, though. Better whoever these strangers were than Volent.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Around the Holonet

There was no shortage of information about Volent around the holonet. If anything, there was too much - such a volume of words that it was difficult to determine what was important. That was, perhaps, by design.

Volent insisted they were purely focused on peacetime technology. (The recently inked 80 million credit deal with the Republic notwithstanding. Rumors of covert arms dealing also notwithstanding.) Navigation systems, surveying equipment, educational technology, mechanical engineering, genetic research, reproductive technology, and medical science seemed to be their particular areas of expertise, although there were veiled references here and there to "special projects" which were undertaken by specific agreement with a buyer only.

Two things would stand out as potentially of note:

As much as Volent waxed poetic about themselves as a corporation - all the work they were doing to advance science and technology - they were exceptionally cagey about who actually worked for them and what their roles were. Most customer-facing work was done by marketing personnel, not scientists. There was, however, one exception: a few older articles credited a Dr. Lars Valli with developments in genetic engineering and lab-grown transplant organs, as well as his name appearing on a handful of droid-related and implant patents.

The other item of note - though perhaps not surprising, despite their name originating in the word "benevolent," which they pointed out at every possible opportunity - was that Volent seemed to do absolutely nothing that could not be monetized in some way. No research was undertaken simply for the advancement of knowledge, or for the general betterment of the galaxy. If it didn't carry a potential price tag, Volent appeared to be entirely uninterested. Their science was purely corporate. Almost nothing was published in medical or scientific journals; everything was labeled a trade secret and patented, then packaged up and sold to the highest bidder.

For this reason, specifics of their activities could be hard to come by - at least not without reaching out with an offer for their consideration.
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Re: Corporate Affairs

Post by Quaxo9 »

Teizi Lin

The Jedi stood with her hands folded in front of her, unblinking, for a very long time. There was a lot of information to process. Information that was completely unexpected. There was no way she could have anticipated a story like this. A light blush had touched her cheeks when Visper mentioned Master Pell's instructions to her. She hadn't realized they'd been overheard.

And she still didn't know exactly what Master Pell had meant.

But apparently, at this exact moment, it meant that she needed to speak. And from the look on Gina's face, she should do that soon.

"I agree with you, Master Visper, that Gina deserves our protection. And she also deserves the respect we should offer to all beings. I am deeply troubled that you were made with the intention of permanent servitude. You have your own thoughts, should have your own life."

Teizi was finding it a bit hard to breathe. Gina was essentially a droid with flesh - and yet, hadn't she observed droids with personalities, abilities beyond their maker's intentions? Of course. She treated her own droid unit more like a companion - so much so that Teizi couldn't consider him to be 'hers' any more than she was 'his'.

"I don't think we can in good conscience allow Volent to continue exploiting your people. That is, you said that they were intending to make...more? Have they?"

She hoped that her intentions were clear - that she wanted freedom for Gina - not a piece of the Volent pie.
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