Camping Is Always An Option

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Re: Camping Is Always An Option

Post by Quaxo9 »


Riff hugged his friend with abandon, managing somehow to not lift the other man off the ground in the process. He laughed and shook his head.

"Maria and I did say we should get out ahead of the littles' gossip chain with this one." Then, remembering that Hamza obviously wouldn't know the history, he turned to the other man and added, "Maria and I have been dating for years - before we had to leave Hungary - we were just reunited before we all came here. All being her, Sofie and me. Sofie's our little girl. This engagement's been a long time coming, I know. Just...being separated and on the run from the head hunters...well, it didn't make getting this family together easy, that's for sure."

He appeared to be thinking for a minute, then addressed both men again.

"You know, how about I bring Maria and Sofie by when Sofie gets out of school and Maria's off work? I'm sure Maria will want to visit and then you can meet my family, Hamza!"
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Camping Is Always An Option

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Hamza Karim

If Hamza was startled by the talk of marriage, he was now completely dumbfounded. If female Lycans were rare in his experience, Lycans having children was unheard of. He had never met a werewolf who was interested in spending a couple of decades raising and caring for another being... especially when 'reproduction' was otherwise as simple as inflicting a bite - willing or unwilling - on a human.

It took him a moment to process the information, and he still failed to arrive at a firm conclusion.

"I would like to meet your family," he said hesitantly but sincerely.

Suddenly, belatedly, he noticed Asif was wearing a wedding ring.

What is this place? he wondered.

His mind went blank about what he should say next. How to ask the million questions that we tumbling around in his head.

"How do you live like this?" he finally asked in a hushed whisper. "With this curse? How do you bear it and have some... some semblance, even, of a life?"
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Re: Camping Is Always An Option

Post by Quaxo9 »


Riff grew thoughtful, though the smile still sat on his face.

"It wasn't always like this, that's for sure. We all started out with Packs like you described and the hopelessness you feel. But, I guess the thing is, at least for me - I've lived a long time. And while I've lived, I've never stopped searching for others like me. Not just lycans - but others who had an eye to create a community. A home. To do some real good with this eternity we've been handed."

He clapped Asif on the shoulder, smiling at his friend, before turning back to Hamza.

"And, with some luck, you do. You find your people. And then, you're not alone. Together, the curse is not so heavy. Oh, and of course, we're not the only long-lived ones! There are vampires - you'll meet Father Marek later - Fae - Maria and Sofie are Fae, I guess I should have mentioned? It feels weird somehow to point out the differences when they're my life. But yeah, loads of people in the same kind of boat, each with their own 'curses' and problems to deal with."

"Ultimately we have this life because we worked together to make it. Hamza, being the wolf a night a month doesn't have to end you. There's real hope, my dude."
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Camping Is Always An Option

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Hamza Karim

"You have given me a lot to think about," Hamza said truthfully.

Vampires too? He had never thought of them as anything other than threats to be avoided. And Fae? He hadn't even thought they were real.

It seemed everything he had believed he knew about the immortal world had been upended in an afternoon. That would take time to process. He didn't even know where to begin. Was this all an elaborate charade? Or could it, somehow, be the truth?

Sensing his mood - his uncertainty - Asif agreed, "Much to think about indeed. And more conversations for another time, I am sure. But for now, why don't we get you a room to stay in? You can meet some of the others once you've settled in."

Hamza nodded gratefully, with clean clothes and a shower once again beckoning.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Camping Is Always An Option

Post by Monkey Kitty »

Isaac Fishblatt

Isaac was wrapping up for the day when Sue McDermott knocked on his office door.

"Come in, Sue."

She did, and closed the door behind her. Isaac was concerned by the troubled look on her face... and, for that matter, her presence at all. It was her day off.

Sue didn't keep him waiting. "My husband and I were out in the boat," she said without preamble. "An odd call came over the radio. A distress call, by the sound of it, from a passenger vessel. Said they ran aground on those big icy rocks by Lark's Cove."

Isaac nodded. He knew that area well. He often took his own boat - Lorelei - out among those rocks. It was treacherous area, for those unfamiliar with it. Which meant it was a safe place for a Siren to sing her songs undisturbed.

"That sounds very worrisome, Sue," Isaac agreed. "But I'm not exactly a marine rescue expert. I assume there's a reason you're talking to me about this instead of, say, the Coast Guard?"

Sue nodded. "It was what they were saying over the radio. I think... Isaac, I think they were Vampires. I'm out of my depth with this. Odds are the Coast Guard would be too. But I thought if anyone can handle it, you and your folk can."

"We'll do our best," Isaac said.

His first call was to Riff, to fill him in on the situation. Who but their very own lighthouse keeper was best poised to find out what was happening out on the waters?
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Re: Camping Is Always An Option

Post by Quaxo9 »


He had left Hamza in Asif's capable hands and had returned to get the groceries and sundry supplies as he'd promised Maria. As he put jars of applesauce into the cupboard, Riff's eyes drifted out the window to a little glen down on the leeward side of the hill the lighthouse was perched on. He thought of the vast orchard in front of Nick and Helen's house and wondered if they had any seedlings he could trade them for. He had seen the prices on trees outside the grocery store and knew there was no way he could afford one on his meagre salary, but perhaps he could do some odd jobs for them. Cut them some firewood and ferry it across or something. If he borrowed a boat...

Riff smiled. Not having the means to do all the things he wanted to do should have been discouraging, he knew. But for some reason, it wasn't. Maybe it was because for the first time in a long, long while, his dreams seemed more possible. Obviously, his biggest dream had just come true - Maria had agreed to marry him - so everything else just had to fall into place. In time. And Riff was confident that they had the time.

When the call came in from Isaac, Riff thought for a moment that it might be about Hamza...then noticed the time. The library was still open. Concern briefly dipped his brow, but he resolved that calls from the Alpha during work hours didn't always mean something bad had happened. As it turned out, he had a right to be concerned...but how concerned was still a question. He set the phone down next to him as he sat down at the marine radio station, pulling out a record book as he did so. He looked at it for a moment, then put it back and pulled out a piece of scrap paper instead. He put his phone on speaker, then picked up the handheld radio.

"Lark's Cove, Lark's Cove, Lark's Cove - this is Fog Island Lighthouse, Fog Island Lighthouse, Fog Island Lighthouse responding to your shore call for sundowners. Request you switch your frequency to channel seven-four. Repeat - switching channel seven-four. Fog Island Lighthouse over and out."

Hopefully the vessel in Lark's Cove would know he was wanting to talk to them - and hopefully they'd have some more privacy once they got off the Coast Guard's working channel so he could get some more information.
Monkey Kitty
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Re: Camping Is Always An Option

Post by Monkey Kitty »

The Vessel

There was a crackle of static, then a faint, "I think he's talking to us!" in the background.

Then a man's slightly accented voice came in more clearly; apparently he had picked up the handset.

"Uh. Hello, Lighthouse. Switching to. Uh. Seven-four."

There was some silence - which probably represented some scrambling on the other end.

Then, on the requested frequency, "Uh. Hello again. This is the Persephoneia. We have uh..."

Silence. What sounded like a suggestion in the background.

"Lost a propeller blade. Sorry for any inconvenience. We hope to be underway--"

There was a crash, and what sounded like a distant rush of water and a muffled scream.

"--Hope to be underway shortly. Sorry for any inconvenience. And sunlight is not actually a problem for us. Not at all! Okay. Uh. Roger. Copy. Ten-four. Uh. Bye."
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